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PVD at Space > how was it ???


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personally, I didn't have $40.00 cover plus partying gifts for the night so I wasn't able to make it, plus I've had enough of PvD to last me awhile... who went?

Rene> did you go? how was the night?




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Hi people!

I didn't go to PVD last night but I knew the cover was $40 but also knew that you could have paid $20 if you were there before 12am. Also, I don't know about you guys but I always try to get advantage of the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlists</A> and so far I've never paid cover at Space and when go for the afterhours I usually spot the chicks on Washington who are giving out free passes for it.

Like tonight, I am going to Crobar with some friends and we are not paying , the catch is to be there before 12, that's it. LOL

Let's take advantage of the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlists</A> and the open bars. smile.gif


Laliux cwm24.gif

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Before I get into a longer missive on the "PVD" experience, I DO have to say that a certain Edgar V. opened up the night well... very well, in fact... so well, in fact, that -- truthfully -- I was bummed when he had to turn over the tables.

THAT should be statement enough. My god, I fucking love hearing Edgar simply enjoy himself up there!

I AM the Drums,



ICQ: 72151193 // AIM: Reennneeee // ReneM@the-beach.net

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well, all i got to say is that PVD was out of hand as usual..the energy inside that blue room this morning was incredible, awsome vibe, and he was playing to his usual style, but at some points througout his set, he was a little darker than usual...

great nite...peace...

oh, and the cover was $20 before 12 a.m so i made sure to be there by 11..no line, no problem getting in....



[This message has been edited by x-t-c (edited 06-09-2001).]

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Rene, my sentiments exactly!!!

Just like last time PVD was their, Edgar was on fire, Then PVD came on and after a while I found myself in the patio.

However PVD was a bit deeper and darker than the few other times I've heard him, and he never did reach a redicusly high bpm. Who knew?

$40.00 wow thats insane, but hey, when Danny was their for WMC it was $50.00, and he had 4000 people pay and 2000 comp. And mind you that in that event Danny T and Todd from Y&T records keep the door and Space makes the bar .

Anyhow I've never paid to get into Space, but don't know if I would pay over $40.00 to here anybody (maybe Danny).


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two thumbs up for PVD at space. i was disappointed to find out when twilo was shut down and i would not get to see PVD all summer. then i heard about his appearance at Space. i got myself a plane ticket and it was the best $171.00 i have EVER spent. PVD rocked the decks!!! yes, he did touch a little on the dark side, but it was amazing!!! a little diappointed he didnt play longer. his twilo appearances usually last until 9:30am. maybe he had to jet-set somewhere else??? cant wait to see if he finds a venue in august for a nyc appearance.

i must give an additional two thumbs up for edgar v. i have only seen him a few times, being i live in nyc, and each time has been great!!!

all in all i thought the night as great. especially getting there at 11:15 to find that cover was only $20. i was prepared to get there early knowing the lines at twilo for PVD. i think getting to a club an hour or so before things get going to save $20 and a long wait in line is worth it. it's not rocket science people, quit complaining!!!!!


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came to Miami from NYC for the bachelor party me and my friends went to Space to see Paul Van Dyk he was off the hook the music was great the croud was great i loved it. i hope they reopen Twilo in NY so he can come to NY again.

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