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How to Party Consecutive Nights


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There is an artform to partying consecutive nights.

Let's hear everyone's tips.

Here are some:

a) Drink water before you go to bed. Prevents hangovers.

B) Get a decent, if not shorter, but decent amount of sleep. Don't sleep all day. Prevents sleep deprivation.

c) Get sunlight the next day. Gets endorfs (sp) up.

d) Do cardio the next day. Gets endors up.

e) Don't eat a big meal after a night of partying. Actually one of the worse things you can do for your body.

f) Stretching the next morning. Help relimbers the body after a night of dancing.

g) Don't drink fruit-filled contrasting drinks like cosmos with apple martinis.

What's everyone else's tips? Hey Weyes --- maybe this needs a sticky?!

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i hope you're not talking about nights in a row without work during the day; peeps who can't handle that had better just call their clubbing careers quits :laugh: !!!

but i also don't eat much before i go out; eating always slows me down and sometimes i get tummyaches.

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This is such a cool and relevent topic. Its a wonder its never came up before. But here are some observations from my limited days of partying:


in addition to the party supplement favorite - E, stock up on other letters of the Alphabet like C, D, B and so forth. I usually just pop a multi vitamin like Centrum to cover all the bases ;)


another way to pump up the endorphines is by keeping the sure fire favorite tunes at hand. You know, the ones that always fires you up and gets you ready for more. My current favs are PVD's Creme @ Ibiza live set, and Tiesto's club space live set.

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Originally posted by tequiza


in addition to the party supplement favorite - E, stock up on other letters of the Alphabet like C, D, B and so forth. I usually just pop a multi vitamin like Centrum to cover all the bases ;)...

ah, yes, that does remind me: citrus fruit is a real refresher either late at night or in the morning :D ; i'm not sure if that's the rush of vitamin c or if it's just the refreshing qualities inherent in citrus fruit :cool: . i take a multivitamin all the time, so the others don't really apply to me.
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water water water.

a fireman gave me that tip once and he has saved me from so many hangovers since then. hangovers are almost all dehydration.

drink plenty of water before going out.

when drinking at the club try to stick to one type of drink (dont mix). and like somebody said stay away from the sugary drinks

between drinks after like 2-3 have a bottle of water to replsnish.

when u get home if your dizzy from being buzzed try not to sleep that way and drink as much water as you can possibly take.

the next day your head isnt hurting.

and as for me before i go out i like to nap and eat a big meal like 1 hour before i start drinking. i cant drink on empty stomach and when im tired.

wow talk about giving u pricelss information

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if you feel hung over, take 2 alka seltzer tablets with water before you sleep, and 2 more when you wake up...you'll feel fine. it purifies your blood,cleans out your system, and hydrates you somewhat...of course also drink mad water too...

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Originally posted by weyes

ah, yes, that does remind me: citrus fruit is a real refresher either late at night or in the morning :D ; i'm not sure if that's the rush of vitamin c or if it's just the refreshing qualities inherent in citrus fruit :cool: . i take a multivitamin all the time, so the others don't really apply to me.

The glucose in the fruit restores your depleted level of it, and the water is just plain refreshing. I find drinking a soda in the am works well too, tho not as healthy. Besides, water reincarnated as a watermelon just tastes amazing after a late night out. I like to use those orange sugar-free multi/mega-C vitamin paks from GNC. I just throw that in my water for some flavor at the clubs...

I'll be sure to try using your advice during Winter music Conference, thx!


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wow this thread needs a Sticky! lol.

Let's hear some more advice folks. Keep it coming. Just great!!!

Agree with everyone so far! And some great new advice we're seeing! Keep it up!


a. --- Yeah -- the water is important. If you see someone who is feeling sick from drinking too much, give them water, and water, and more water, and have them stay seated. Within about an hour to hour 1/2 they will feel better.

b. Beer. It's important to drink water if you're only drinking beer that night. Cuz unlike a mixed drink with ice cubes that melt, beer dehydrates you very badly. Water replenishes your system ... and well ... keeps your lips moist for kissing lol.


a. Don't eat a lot of food after a night. You body doesn't really need it. Maybe just a little bite. But these people who go to diners after partying and eat a 3 course meal --- just not good for your stomach.

Hot liquids.

Forgot this one --- your throat really luvs some warm liquids after a night of gabbing and gabbing -- especially in windy, cool nights.

What other advice do we have? :)

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Curious that there are no mentioning of supplement drinks to boost you through the night. I'm not talking about your plain ol coffee. I mean good ol Red Bull, and other highly caffeinated drink substances (Jolt, Mountain Dew Code Red, etc)

Sure they are high in sugar, caffein, and other artificial ingredients that may lead to impotence in men amongst other things. But if taken at the right time, with right dosage, it'll get you through the night. Ofcourse when you wake up the next night, you'll end up looking like Night of the Living Dead...:goofy: :screwy::knife:

In short, only resort to this on a need be basis.

For example, if PVD, Tiesto, AVB, Ferry, and Oakie are spinning consecutive nights. Ya dig???


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Originally posted by klubveteran

water water water.

a fireman gave me that tip once and he has saved me from so many hangovers since then. hangovers are almost all dehydration.

drink plenty of water before going out.

when drinking at the club try to stick to one type of drink (dont mix). and like somebody said stay away from the sugary drinks

between drinks after like 2-3 have a bottle of water to replsnish.

when u get home if your dizzy from being buzzed try not to sleep that way and drink as much water as you can possibly take.

the next day your head isnt hurting.

and as for me before i go out i like to nap and eat a big meal like 1 hour before i start drinking. i cant drink on empty stomach and when im tired.

wow talk about giving u pricelss information

ooooooooooh i forgot to add.....after drinking lots of water i stick my face in some Putang. :D not sure what it does to hangovers but great place to try

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Originally posted by patopeaking

Are you guys for real ? That is great you get fruit @ Spundae

We only have hot water running in out our toilets to stop refilling the drink bottles.

Ummmm take trips and the chargiest pills and that will keep me up for days .

last time i went was the only time i'd seen it, though, and i've been going to spundae for 2 years. maybe it's been there somewhat often and i've missed it, but it definitely isn't always there.
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who said we were eating while clubbing? LMAO sorry don't want any food getting in the way of my party favors working thier magic...what did you think we were party pansies? :laugh:

not a bad idea actually...fruit platter at a club...clubs here in miami don't care about us, we'll never get that

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