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JMV Review


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I'm surprised no one has posted a review as of yet, so I'll be the first.

Alright I'll try to keep this short and sweet, kinda like Jimmy's set really.

Friday night: Luis Diaz was suppose to be the warm-up but had some flight delay from what my sister was told. Instead of Diaz spinning early we had him end the night. Jimmy graced the dex once again I asked him for a promo of Bedrock 2 and he was happy to give me the first one and then everyone who didn't own a copy went to the booth to get a piece of his latest release.

Around 1ish or so Jimmy played lovely choons (btw, I'm not a trainspotter) although he did play "Rapture" which made the crowd go nuts. Speaking of the crowd it was a bit wierd and then you had those of us appreciating the music and enjoying the night. Anyways, Jimmy basically had a two hour set, which I find to be a complete rip-off on his part, but the man delivered the goods and had everyone grooving and on the dancefloor.

Luis Diaz went on around 3ish and played some obvious tracks (Hide U) and then got pretty sloppy and finished the night 15mins before the club's curfew--not good!Next time Jimmy comes to Miami I'm gonna make sure he knows he owes us a longer set!

All in all it was a fun night out, great to see some old GU Miami massive peeps and hang out w/ the usual suspects.

I love the CP crew! We will have a messy one on FRIDAY...

***6/29 DIGGERS @ SPACE***


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GOOD REVIEW, CHICA!!! You've left nothing to be said! I will, however, second your statement of LOVE for the CP crew!!!! This is starting to get FUN, people! All who have not yet joined in MUST do so at Digweed on Friday! cwm32.gif

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Jimmy, why the short set? Next time ,OK bud?

Dont worry, you made it up to me with the promo, all forgiven.

As for everyone else, muah muah...kisses and hugs.

This FRIDAY!!! We'll be larging it into ouatta space, with the dig man. Tasty treat for us all.

Think of JVM as just the warm up, the best is yet to come. Is it Friday yet? Anyone know where I can buy a time travel machine?


ta ta 4 now,

into overdrive


"Anyone who wants to understand DJ culture has to go to the club."

- Neil Tennant (Pet Shop Boys)

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Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy! that was one of the better short sets Ive heard in awhile??? yeah, I agree the length of the set was very disappointing but he was very cool and personable. He gave me a promo of his CD which like Chris said, more than made up for the short set. I enjoyed the way Juan Mejia opened up. I like him, he has good tracks and splendid mixing. I was told that night that he became a part of Balance, which defenitely helps out his dj'ing career. Luis threw down some funk early but dwindled off towards the end. I really was expecting him to open but it's all good. I got a chance to meet James954 from the board, he's a cool kat! and finally met Austin Leedz which he's a super cool kat also. He just finished cutting a track for Bedrock that Digger's might play this weekend, stay tuned.

Thanks to Marcos and Loraine, you guys saved me at the door! I owe ya one.

Well, I just want to say that I really like the direction that the board is heading. All you guys are super chill to hang out with and I'm here for you guys whenever you need me. The board IS really fun and is only gonna get better as time passes. I think we have a formidable group on hand which could only get bigger and better.

On a heavier note, I almost died saturday morning on my way from Jimmy. My tire blew out and I was going like 85 down the Dolphin Expressway, I had to pull a dirty manouver but atleast I didn't crash cwm31.gif wow, that was scary. There was a piece of metal laying around the contruction area by 27th Ave and I hit it causing my tire to go out on me. I was sweating bullets to say the least ..

but anyways, the night was a sucess! this is my review, take care guy's ....




Respect the Floori.d.a. scene!


Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregancy.


[This message has been edited by digital7 (edited 06-24-2001).]

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Originally posted by bbflux:

Thank GOD you're OK, chico!!!! Nice to still have you with us. smile.gif

BB> I was shitting bricks!, my car ride home from the beach was a religious experience




Respect the Floori.d.a. scene!


Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregancy.


AIM: digit960

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nice reviews! wish i could've made it out w/everyone, but my ankle wasn't cooperating w/me this weekend. <sniff sniff> i'm feelin a bit left out! cwm14.gif Don't think I'll be making it out to diggers this weekend either cuz i'm leavin on vacation early saturday morning. but fear not...i will be representing in full effect on tuesday night. i'll be coming back down for that party. that's a must!



AIM: Phatskils2

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Thank God Danny is alive and well!!!

Frank, don't feel left out, you're always part of the CP crew! We'll party next Tuesday like it's the 4th of July...heheh


I've been hearing Lee Burridge's Iceland mix and man that is WICKED!! Has many tracks that Jimmy played on Friday, mind you this bootleg mix was recorded in Feb., can't wait till NuBreed cinco...

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Originally posted by loraine:

Thank God Danny is alive and well!!!

I've been hearing Lee Burridge's Iceland mix and man that is WICKED..

yes Loraine! alive and kickin! cwm11.gif I hear you about Burridge, I haven't heard him yet, can't wait till he comes down, we'll see ...




Respect the Floori.d.a. scene!


Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregancy.


AIM: digit960

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what can i say...

mejia... really good warm up set

jimmy... really good set BUT way too short... james said he had an ear infection, so i guess we forgive him.

luis diaz... good set, but rather predictable. tunes were a bit obvious (love in traffic, hide u, etc... although i can't complain because i love both of these)

all in all the crowd was great... at least our crowd wink.gif

had a good time but expected a little more... i won't complain given the fact that diggers and renaissance will be here, not to mention steve lawler once again in crobar july 4th and i heard nick warren in crobar july 13th.

by the way my phoneline is fucked (too much rain i'm guessing) so i'll have figure a better way of communicateing with the crew before diggers.



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