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why do u want to know how many guys a ...


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When you ask a girl " How many guys have u been with ?"

Are you trying to figure out if she's a scank ? And if the number is high - are you gonna judge her ?

Me - I don't ask guys that nor do I care how many girls they fucked becuz what they did before they met me don't matter.

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Strange - this one guy I've been hangin out with keeps stressin me about that .. I dunno what his probelm is.

How are you gonna get mad at someone for their past sex partners that you don't even know ? silly I tell ya

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by lollie60

Strange - this one guy I've been hangin out with keeps stressin me about that .. I dunno what his probelm is.

How are you gonna get mad at someone for their past sex partners that you don't even know ? silly I tell ya

I dont think he has a right to be mad but the more you wont tell him the more he is gonna thinkthe worst and think a high number like 40 or somehting.

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Originally posted by lollie60

40 is high ?

What is the appropritate number a girl should have anyways ?

I think men wanna hear that girls have been with less than 10 .

I think it all depends. If the guy doesnt wanna have sex right away, and he hears a girl has been with 10 or more, he might get turned off or intimidated.

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it depends on how old you are

if you're in your late 20's or 30's and you count everyone including your teenage sex sex partners - it adds up over the years.

let's say you fuck 4 diiferent girls or guys a year - and you started doing that since 15 and now you're 25. 4 times 10 = 40 !

40 seems high but not if you divide that by 10 ...lol

Oh and why would a guy get intimidated by high number of more than 10 ? Most guys have been with more than 10 women

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Originally posted by lollie60

it depends on how old you are

if you're in your late 20's or 30's and you count everyone including your teenage sex sex partners - it adds up over the years.

let's say you fuck 4 diiferent girls or guys a year - and you started doing that since 15 and now you're 25. 4 times 10 = 40 !

40 seems high but not if you divide that by 10 ...lol

Oh and why would a guy get intimidated by high number of more than 10 ? Most guys have been with more than 10 women

Like usual, it all depends on who you're talking to and what each person is looking for.

If a guy or girl only sleeps with girls or guys s/he gets involved with, then s/he's hoping for a low number.

If a guy or girl sleeps around a good amount, it shouldn't bother them.

At least that's how i see it

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Originally posted by lollie60

40 is high ?

What is the appropritate number a girl should have anyways ?

I think men wanna hear that girls have been with less than 10 .

If you have to question if 40 is high, and you still want him to call, please don't tell him your number.:D

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Originally posted by xlr8ed

If you have to question if 40 is high, and you still want him to call, please don't tell him your number.:D

WEll he told he's been with 80 girls ! - is that high or just average for a good looking player in NYC ?

I used be close to a well known dj and 80 girls I bet is just his monthly average - is that high ? or just normal for big name dj ?

C'mon now ! I know many guys who go well over 40 ! SO if that' an average for a guy - why should it be high for a girl ??

Not that I care - I didn't fuck them but it seems 80, 40 or even 100 is no big deal to men - and they expect girls to say somethin like 5 -8.


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Originally posted by lollie60

When you ask a girl " How many guys have u been with ?"

Are you trying to figure out if she's a scank ? And if the number is high - are you gonna judge her ?

Me - I don't ask guys that nor do I care how many girls they fucked becuz what they did before they met me don't matter.

Now thats what im sayin. I don't ask cause I don't really care to know. If it comes down to having it un-protected i'll ask how many ppl they have done it with like that and go get tested together but as far as how many ppl he has slept with I really don 't care to know. Your past is ur past, reguardless if u slept with 1 or 100 I honestly don't care, as long as ur clean.

I hate that fucking question...you guys need to stop asking that shit its really annoying

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Originally posted by lollie60

WEll he told he's been with 80 girls ! - is that high or just average for a good looking player in NYC ?

I used be close to a well known dj and 80 girls I bet is just his monthly average - is that high ? or just normal for big name dj ?

C'mon now ! I know many guys who go well over 40 ! SO if that' an average for a guy - why should it be high for a girl ??

Not that I care - I didn't fuck them but it seems 80, 40 or even 100 is no big deal to men - and they expect girls to say somethin like 5 -8.


AGREED!! there was a discussion on another board about who slept with how many ppl....and there were two guys onne of them had 98 another 63 and everyone (even girls) were like wow! ur the man blah blah.....but then most ppl said that if a girl is over 6 then she is skanky...............i mean seriously how is that fair?? :mad:

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Originally posted by lollie60

When you ask a girl " How many guys have u been with ?"

Are you trying to figure out if she's a scank ? And if the number is high - are you gonna judge her ?

Me - I don't ask guys that nor do I care how many girls they fucked becuz what they did before they met me don't matter.

I guess its good to know how many people have been to the center of a tootsie pop....before you. :eek:

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what he has done in his past is his business and his right to choose whether or not to share it with me as the same is true for me UNLESS.....it has an affect on my health. i do agree that it is a double standard but unfortuntely nobody or anything will change that. that is the way it HAS i been like that for 1000's of yrs

and ultimately all of this comes down to this:

mutual respect and trust,

nobody is perfect THEREFORE nobody has a right to look down upon or makefun of anyone else. look at yourself first before casting stones:D



THAN THEY ARE!:D:tongue:

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Originally posted by lollie60

When you ask a girl " How many guys have u been with ?"

Are you trying to figure out if she's a scank ? And if the number is high - are you gonna judge her ?

Me - I don't ask guys that nor do I care how many girls they fucked becuz what they did before they met me don't matter.

when i was 18 I asked my girl this same question and she said, "how high can you count?"

after that I never felt compelled to ask again. Strangely enough I've had several expereinces where the my girlfriend would offer the information without asking. I guess they are either telling me to make me think they are well versed in the ways of love making or just checking which number I am in line.


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Originally posted by covetoys

I would hope so after a 100 practice runs.

i really shouldnt be with her cuz shes such a slut. but i live with her and i cant stop fucking her. or masturbating for that matter. i should probably stop posting till i sober up. guys trust your instinct, sluts are sluts, fuckem but dont make them wifey cuz they will break your poor heart just like mine:(

i dont want to know your name...i just want to bang bang bang

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