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A NYC Review of SPACE


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Working down here for the summer, I have been eager to visit this Miami Mecca, and I honestly feel like my expectations were higher than they should have been.

The layout is OK, and the system in the mainroom is pretty good, not loud enough maybe, But OK. The lights should be a lot better, and the drinks were 9$???? But

I guess I should have expected that.

I was there from 3-630, and the crowd gets a big thumbs up. Yet the music gets a BIG (respectful yet BIG) thumbs down. The guy in the main room was playing very old tunes, and it seemed to me like he was fighting to get through each mix. In addition, the set went in no particular direction, it was just song after song. I can see how that room would pump though if someone serious was in there. (like diggers this fri)

The DJ in the middle room was playing a whole variety of shit, but it was also SO OLD. He played Afrika by Plasmic Honey at 430 on a Sat night?? Maybe that song didn't get blown up down here like it did in NYC 3 years ago.

I don't know enough to comment on the Hip-hop, and the outside was really nice. I wanted to stay and hear that Gianni Bellini ( I am sure that is wrong-sorry) but I wasn't feeling the energy.

Overall, and I know this kills you guys, but SPACE was something of a disappointment; yet I blame myself for having set exaggerated expectations. I was expecting a Miami version of Twilo or something. The main did remind me a little bit of Tunnel though. I have been to most of the bigger places down here now, and they simply cannot hold a candle to NYC-sorry. I say that w/ respect.

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i agree, that club has mad potential to become one of the best the US has to offer. looks like they're making some moves in the right direction. it just needs to happen on a week to week basis.

i just love the fact i can get my booze groove without having to worry about last call.

this friday digweed is going to tear the effin house down. u cats are going to be crawling all over the cieling. that's what it's all about.

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My logic is that Space doesn't have to aim to be NYC-esque. That's what NYC is for. Let Space develop it's own style...

And yeah, the red room is usally pretty bad.

And yeah, you should have stuck around for Ivano Bellini.

As far as not being loud enough, that's subjective. Lighting is subjective too. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. LD Ronnie is hit-or-miss lately. For good LD work, check Todd out at Level.

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I agree with your assessment of space somewhat. I have noticed that the djing on saturday; is hit or miss. I went to space on friday, and I have to say the vibe and music was incredible. mario piu tore it up, and edgar v, left my legs weary from dancing so long. of the two weekend nites; I would definitely choose friday. I have been to twilo quite a number of times, and there is no Comparison . space and twilo are two different “animals”. ivano bellini,is an incredible talent; definitely try to catch him next time around.

by the way, a lot of us from the board will be chilling at space for diggers. come and join us. smile.gif

Peace, sobeton

p.s. check your pm’s bro..



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I am a local and frequent space every week and have been to NYC many times. You need to understand Miami is different we don't want to be like Nyorkers. I agree the music played at space is hit or miss. This past saturday was one of the best saturdays I enjoyed there in a while. I loved the set in the patio after 8am and red room throughout the night. Miami is so diverse but it is good to see a club where everyone can unite and enjoy the music.

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twilo this--space that... blah blah blah.

FACT: if twilo didnt close (which by no means am i happy about) we wouldnt be getting such great talent lately.

hate to break it to everyone but miami is light years away from ever becoming another nyc. look, there is only one ibiza, one spain, one london and so on... so why not except that there is only one ny? why would you want to make miami another nyc. create something new and fresh-something different. thats what draws people to those places-not duplication.

looking foward to seeing the "usual" people on friday night and hopefully some new faces smile.gif

unitl then...


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Originally posted by staceyg5:

twilo this--space that... blah blah blah.

why would you want to make miami another nyc. create something new and fresh-something different. thats what draws people to those places-not duplication.

my sentiments exact




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funny but I had the same sentiments a couple of months ago in NYC when I visited your "SOUND FACTORY", only it was a bit worst than Mediocre..

Johnathan Peters was absolutely HORRID. Yet he seems to have an amazing following up their, specially from the young Guidos. Go figure..

I had to cab it over to Hubert and Hudson (Shelter)to alleviate my eardrums, Timmy Regisford was off the hook.

Another thing that sucked was 4am no more boose, what happened to the city that doesn't sleep???

Like it or not, with the untimely death of Twilo, NYC is really starting to lack when it comes to the club scene..

My goodness, could you imagine if Vinyl would close and Danny would move down here again? (this is a rumour)what would you guys do then?

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From reading your review I got the feeling you were there the Staurday that David Morales played.I am a Space regular and can tell you that night was not a good reflection of what the music at Space is usually like. He did play alot of older tunes that night and seemed to be a little off.(to my surprise frown.gif)

BTW:I've been to Twilo on many a Saturday when the music hasn't been all that and Sound Factory is GROSS!!! Vinyl=cool music-but horrible venue, no liquor, no AC and weird crowd (at times)

Give Space another chance, and don't leave so early next time.....

PEACE smile.gif

[This message has been edited by kingstreet (edited 06-26-2001).]

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fyi, just becuase twilo closed for good doesn't mean we're lacking in the talent department. there's plenty of other shit going on here.

last thursday we had deep dish

tenaglia on friday

doc martin on saturday

july 3rd, the hottest dj of the moment, MR DANNY HOWELLS is going to declare a sick marathon set at vinyl.

july 7th gatecrasher comes to town with matt hardwick, nick riley, and nyc's own BILL PATRICK.

these are just the ones on top of my head. trust me, we're doing just fine. thanks for your concerns.

as for sound factory, put it this way, i've been to that club twice in the 2 years that i've lived here. that place is horrid!

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i for one can't stand this f'in comparing. new york is new york and miami is miami. two SEPERATE cities. why must any city live up to another? just take what it gives u and leave it at that. when you try to compare, you're just going to leave unsatisfied. yeah miami doesn't have an "underground". shit...it's too trendy to have one. miami's underground left in the early 90's when "raves" became the "in" thing to do. but i don't complain about it. my friends create my vibe. the music creates my vibe. I CREATE MY VIBE. i don't need rolling, trendy fools to create my vibe. music doesn't make this world go round. it just makes it a hell of a more enjoyable time. there are many things in miami that ny CAN'T compare to. ie women, beaches, weather, etc. But I don't come back from ny saying man, the women suck, the beaches suck, it's dirty, etc. I take what NY offers, eat it up, and have a good time.

ny has been a music mecca for years. imo, i just think that the promoters, club owners, whathaveyou, think first about the music there. there not worried about dishing out money to these artist's cuz they know there will be a following. miami has had very few of these individuals. slowly it's beginning to pick up. miami is beginning to learn that it's not always about the glitz and the glamour. it's about muzik. that's what moves your feet, moves your body and touches your soul.

just take it for what it's worth. sorry for the rambling...just my .02 cwm40.gif

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bassboy>> if you were there from 330-630 i totally agree with you, the place is mediocre. Sorry but you left too early. Next time get there no earlier than 5 and stay until 11 or noon, you'll see a totally different club, specially if you go one of those nights with tenaglia (please come back soon!!! labor day w/e??) deep dish, etc)

about soundfactory, the sound is very very powerfull, definitely one of the best i've seen but the crowd... maybe i'm not that hardcore but i'll definitely go back! jonathan peters is great.



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Originally posted by aztec-mystic:


funny but I had the same sentiments a couple of months ago in NYC when I visited your "SOUND FACTORY", only it was a bit worst than Mediocre..

Johnathan Peters was absolutely HORRID. Yet he seems to have an amazing following up their, specially from the young Guidos. Go figure..

I had to cab it over to Hubert and Hudson (Shelter)to alleviate my eardrums, Timmy Regisford was off the hook.

Another thing that sucked was 4am no more boose, what happened to the city that doesn't sleep???

Like it or not, with the untimely death of Twilo, NYC is really starting to lack when it comes to the club scene..

My goodness, could you imagine if Vinyl would close and Danny would move down here again? (this is a rumour)what would you guys do then?

If Vinyl closed I agree that we would be in serious trouble. I hear you that SF can be a tremendous disappointment, JP is also very hit or miss, but his best hours are between 7 and Noon.

In response to everybody else, I realize that maybe it is now fair to compare places down here to NYC for many reasons, and it is def a bias on my part... and I am happy that PvD and Diggers are here now w/ Twilo's closing, I just do not get any sense whatsoever of "UNDERGROUND" in Miami, and I suppose that was meant to be my broader view.

I look forward to meeting everybody this Friday, and bullshitting about this issue while diggers renews my faith in music once again!



[This message has been edited by bassboy (edited 06-26-2001).]

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I live in Miami most of the time and I have been to Space a few times. I would go more but there are a few things that keep me away.

The door people are the rudest, nastiest people I have ever encountered.

The place has no vibe. I have many friends who are more than signifigant Djs and they feel the same way. I know a dj who was their headliner last Saturday and he told me he would never play there again. A vibe is a magical thing and it cannot be replaced.

The sound is VERY good in the main room but not good at all in the rest of the club.

Drinks are super expensive.

Bouncers are on edge all the time and hassle the crowd to no end.

But worst of all is the bullshit. I went to the anniversary party because one of their promoters promised me that Paul Oakenfold and DJ Tiesto were playing there. I got Edgar V. I like Edgars stuff alot but I felt cheated.

I go to other clubs more now. I like Crobar best but lately the music has not been too good. I used to go to Shadow but now I only go for big Djs. The place still has the best vibe but there is something about the whole George Acosta thing that I just dont get. My favorite place to go now is Purdy Lounge. Just plain old neighborhood bar fun.

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Cheers Bassboy!! NY misses you!!

With Much Luv,

Jewelz cwm38.gif


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"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

"Happiness is like a butterfly, which when pursued is just out of your grasp, but if you will sit down quietly, it will alight upon you." Walt Whitman

AIM: Jewel44317

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mudbone > I agree the door people tend to be on the rude side. vibe is really dependent upon, who you go with, and your own frame of mind.. I have met some really chill people at space.. I will say the after – hours vibe is a lot better; then the earlier part of the evening. the after-hours crowd seems to be more into the music. the early evening crowd; tends to put me on edge. people are just standing around; "jacking" for position. the drinks are out of hand expensive. frown.gif the bouncers have gotten a lot better; understand their job is not an easy one. the dj creates the music; it’s up to us to create the vibe. smile.gif




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I think Space is one of the most overrated clubs in Miami.

If it wasn't for the 24/7 liquor license and the mgmt being smart enough to book the big names, it would be long gone.

Besides the patio, the layout sucks. The doormen are assholes and the crowd is hit or miss, much like the music.

The only good thing is its off the beaten path so gets fewer tourists.

botttom line is, you can have the night of your life or a shitty time, they have a way to go to make it a consistant winner.


Hate your job? Not happy with your life? We have a support group for that. Its called EVERYONE. We meet at the bar everynight.

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OK, I guess that the system is fine and that I just have hearing damage(which is quite possible!)

Can't wait to hear what Diggers does to that room, that is the TRUE test...

And if he plays his set like those w/ Sasha at Twilo, he'll play low BPM's until like 6, and THEN he just takes off.

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