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Maze gets the most hot pieces of ass award for 2003

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

:eek: :eek: :eek:

wow i will write more tommrow , but dammmmmmmmmmmmmm

deep fried ass every where... had a great time, place had a great crowd, and at one point i swore chickenheads out numbered the guys...

ralph was awesome... computer busted so till about 1am no lights on neon lights....

pod couldn't fix it:D

i just love maze and the staff and club... finally got to meet another guerra brother....

i'll do this tomrow an dgive a full review...

but track of the night was some joint that sez

superman, superman superman.... damm what a great tune, male vocal, but he speaks but done't sing.... ralph please post the track id....

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Guest saleen351

So we roll up to maze. get there around 10:20, that focker Ralph is screwing around and isn't there yet.. He finally shows up and we hit the bar.. Open bar was cool, and it lasted all the way till 2am... Damm we drank a lot.... I wasn't exspecting a huge crowd with tony at nerve and cheese at space.. But the place filled up nicely. Put it this way, no way was it packed but it was filled up and damm it was such a great crowd. Dressed up, and the best looking brunettes came out in full force last night..:eek: We had a great time.. The computer for the lights crashed.. So till 1am ish it was just on and off neon.... Pod couldn't fix it... I guess he talks a good game, but can't walk a good game:tongue:

Lots a cpers out, and ralph is just getting better and better... Love his track selection... mixing was good and crowd seemed to love it. They finally fixed the vip section sound, and man that funktion rocks.....

and since i had atleast 10 people ask me about my sig...

heres the link


just put it in your sig like you do for a pic, and change the last letter to what ever you want to spell. do it for every letter you want...

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Heheh :) They lost all their data. They had to start from scratch...Eddy agrees with me though, they should have a backup PC or an old-school controller on standby, like Space 34 does.

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Damn I cant believe you and i liked the same song. Am i becoming a guido? :confused: I remember hearing that song superman and going "damn"

is it me or are your reviews slidding off a bit? the tantra review and this was aaaaah uuh ok. nothing like your Space reviews they gotta let you back in:(

thanks for sticking to our posting agreement;) and im working on getting that CD you want. i know someone that has it. let me get in contact. see if i can muster it up

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Guest saleen351

its hard to type a review about a club where its just so pleasant to club in after dealing with space and the sobe bullshit for so long.. Maze is just simply doing it right, from booth, to guest djs, and DAMM those guest djs are gonna shock some of yous.. I gave eddy my Tsettos sales pitch, we are gotta see what he can do... I'd love for ralph and denny to play together..

Anyways, the hall way with lime bar and maze needs to be fixed, cause any bouncer that grabs me again to check to see if i have a stamp is gonna get smoked!!!!!!! Also move the ropes for vip down to the bottom of the stairs...:idea: Since you guys are doing some construction over there, i'd expand that vip a little. That back walkway that goes down the ramp from vip, blow that little wall out and make that whole thing vip, considering maze always has vip packed...

bartenders were good, real good, but classic move of the night eddie couldn't get in vip and its his party:laugh: eddie told the guy who he was, and in my smart ass saleen way i offered to give eddie a vip band to get into his own vip:laugh:

I've decided not to post the space story. After a bartender at space told me, i aske nelson then some others and the story is different, yet funny.. But with no truth i won't post it, but damm Hilter is an asshole... And i thought he only hated me:laugh:

oh and AT got fired on his day off!!!!:laugh:

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Originally posted by saleen351

bartenders were good, real good, but classic move of the night eddie couldn't get in vip and its his party:laugh: eddie told the guy who he was, and in my smart ass saleen way i offered to give eddie a vip band to get into his own vip:laugh:

thats was pretty funny, new security, atleast he did his job. oh well it made me laugh for a while though:laugh:

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maze was great last night, busy, lots of girls as usual, all looking very good!

ralph was really point, played a little faster tempo than the last time he was spinning, liked it a lot

i figured tiesto and edgar v would have sucked more people out of maze but they didn't... looks like fridays are here to stay at maze:D

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Originally posted by saleen351

its hard to type a review about a club where its just so pleasant to club in after dealing with space and the sobe bullshit for so long.. Maze is just simply doing it right, from booth, to guest djs, and DAMM those guest djs are gonna shock some of yous.. I gave eddy my Tsettos sales pitch, we are gotta see what he can do... I'd love for ralph and denny to play together..

Anyways, the hall way with lime bar and maze needs to be fixed, cause any bouncer that grabs me again to check to see if i have a stamp is gonna get smoked!!!!!!! Also move the ropes for vip down to the bottom of the stairs...:idea: Since you guys are doing some construction over there, i'd expand that vip a little. That back walkway that goes down the ramp from vip, blow that little wall out and make that whole thing vip, considering maze always has vip packed...

bartenders were good, real good, but classic move of the night eddie couldn't get in vip and its his party:laugh: eddie told the guy who he was, and in my smart ass saleen way i offered to give eddie a vip band to get into his own vip:laugh:

I've decided not to post the space story. After a bartender at space told me, i aske nelson then some others and the story is different, yet funny.. But with no truth i won't post it, but damm Hilter is an asshole... And i thought he only hated me:laugh:

oh and AT got fired on his day off!!!!:laugh:

better.thats more like it:rolleyes:

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Thank you Eddie and Nelson! We had fantASStic time looking at all the ASS! Great party! It was a tough night with all the choices out there and you guys still packed it in!!!

The Maze owners need to really start kissing your ass!!!!!!! (If they are not already)

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Lovely night out as always. A big thanx to Eddie and Klubveteran ( Nelson ) for the hook up. Nice seeing everyone. I needed a night out like last night, thanx to everyone who made it such a great night ( you know who you are... :D ) for me.... Til' the next time kids...... :D;)


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Originally posted by lolahotass

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Great review Hog;)

thank you thank you

I do what I can:laugh:

and some one rip out those god awful red neon lights in there. It looks like the red light district or something.

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Originally posted by lolahotass

Owwweeeeeeeee fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

I missed a killer night..............................again:rolleyes:

I feel like kicking my own ass like in Fight Club:laugh: :mad:

You should have gone Lola.... Thats what you get. I better see you for the next event..... :D

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Good night overalll. Music as always is on point by RF. Good crowd and alot of hotties. Whats up with those girls gettin' it on in the VIP. :eek: Thanx once again Eddy for hookin' it up. That Patron shoot was a bitch...damn. Got you next week. Never a dull night at Maze. :D

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