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who is your favorite live PA act?

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who is your favorite live PA act? for me its:

1) Lab4 - those crazy motherfuckers have an intensity and energy that is otherworldly. Stick two gorillas in a cage of gear and this is what you get.

2) infusion - if not for the crazy guy in the middle that's just a little too happy to be operating a mixer, you'd think it was coming from vinyl. total mastery of their gear - including live vocoder effects. they've gotten tighter over the past 2 years, grown musically since i first saw them @ centro.

3) Way Out West - hot hot prog with a hot as hell vocalist.... though i'm still kicking myself for missing their live performance of intensify at GKGG last summer.

4) the advent - after his fucking awful set on the tronic boat (i don't think hitting "play" on cubase and standing around for 45 minutes counts as a live performance) i had just resigned to listening to his records and ignoring that he was a phony. but at the brooklyn loft he just fucking tore it up... nobody came out of that one standing, hehe :P

and now i open to the floor... what is your favorite live pa act?

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live pa has come to mean that instead of taking other people's records and playing them, you create the music from scratch on stage. This could be as impressive as starting off some sequencers with a blank slate and improvising the music as you go along (e.g. dubtribe) or come out and perform pre-planned songs on synthesizers and samplers (including softsynths and softsamplers, e.g. its all in your laptop). Some acts (e.g. safri duo, jojo meyer, roni size) will actually perform dance music with acoustic instruments, which is hot as hell.

The main idea is that your music does not depend on anyone else creating a song and burning it onto vinyl or cd so that you can buy or download it and play it in front of a crowd. You can sample other people's stuff, but the compositions you make with those samples are your own.

There are always rumors (e.g. spacegirl) about artists who "mime", or pretend to be playing the music live when they really just hit play on a DAT recorder... some of them are probably true and some of them aren't.

so a lot of psytrance acts are live PA.... just because its a very structureless style of music, it lends itself very nicely to improv based on step sequencers.

A lot of acts can switch well between doing dj sets and PA: chemical brothers, hybrid, way out west, infected mushroom, etc.

but again - being a live act is probably the most musically challanging endeavor in dance. A DJ can always rely on playing a 10 minute record while he has to go to the bathroom. A recording artist has the luxury of time and overdubbing. When you're out there live and you're in control of every kick drum, every synthesized warble the crowd hears... now that takes talent.

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ok lol in all seriousness and im not just saying this cause he is family..but definitely:

Function rips shit the fuck up!!

Years ago like 98-99 he actually played this rave at The Tunnel and tore up that stage like no ones business....too bad he doesn't do live PA as often now.

and if anyone says SPACEGIRL i will slap u silly cause the bitch does is fuckin loop a DAT player and rent equipment to lyp-synch the keystrokes on the drum machines and synths.

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Hands down the best live PA performance I have ever seen and maybe the most fun I have ever had at a club is The Avalanches. They are an Australian duo and if anyone wants to pick up a great album (even though live was better) pick up theirs.

As of right now though in new york the best live pa show anyone is going to see is Prohibited Beatz with JoJo mayer, Lisa Shaw, Tanaka..........they are amazing.

Anyone who says they go to clubs for the music should check them out this thursday @Centro-Fly in the Pinky Room.

For more info go to www.centro-fly.com

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I havent seen many, but here goes

My favorites

Orbital - no explanation neccesary, lolapolloza 97

Awake Soundsystem - Live DnB with Scratching and a MC..sick

Lab 4 - never seen live but heard sets, only heard awesome reviews

Uberzone - Live drums & scratching on CDJ-1000's SICK!

decent -

skylab2000 - productions are nothing special, but has lots of energy and got me moving

Electric Skychurch - good if you like that sort of stuff



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Originally posted by dialectics

3) Way Out West - hot hot prog with a hot as hell vocalist.... though i'm still kicking myself for missing their live performance of intensify at GKGG last summer.

well.....you just had to see oakenfold...:rolleyes:

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Way Out West is also my fav PA

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when SoE brought RITM here for one nation they were out of control. After bunny's third costume i'm like "yo, maybe he's going to set himself on fire." After he keeps on changing i'm starting to get impatient, like "come on, when is he going to set himself on fire!" and finally when i couldn't take it anymore we went up to the skyroom for like 5 minutes and come back and their set was over. i asked my friend if bunny set himself on fire and she was like "well he was wearing a protective suit......"


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