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DT's Manifesto

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Just thought some of you would be interested to read DT's reasoning behind his Arc regulations, from his fansite. Pretty interesting. :D

Say Cheese? "not @ Arc" :)

I've never even read the thread regarding text messaging? Was there some fools wondering why "we" feel it's obnoxious to be standing on dance floors making cell phone calls? Text messaging? Showing friends in the center of a dancing spot the actual messages? Also, as the lovely colors of the "oh so fancy" cell phones today brighten up their faces in the various new colors available? And, as they are sharing and conversing about the actual cell phone itself, the color, the model, all of it's features, and the worst of all now...... THEY ARE FREAKING CAMERA'S NOW TOO.....!

Ummmmm...... Sorry KIDS! NOT at our party. This is a weekly Dance Music party. NOT a summer weekend off at some MTV wanna be Holiday Beach House somewhere with a bunch of shirtless, buffed, waxed & plucked bimbo's both M/F acting like teenagers on Spring Break listening to Eminem, Beastie Boys & Beyoncee!!! There is a time & space for that, which is fine for those that want that.

But, NOT @ ARC! -------> Not even on Saturday's.

ARC is a mature venue that is purely for the love of underground music.

The more I think of it, the more I realize "BE YOURSELF" was meant to be an attitude of Being Yourself with the Music and literally finding your spot on the dance floor, and letting the vibes from the speakers and the other people who share the same enthusiasm take you on a journey and make you feel great and wake up happy the next day with gratitude, as we all then look forward to the next week to do it all over again.

As we are now past our 4th anniversary there, this meaning has been altered and I'm wondering if we might even need to change the name of the party/concept?

It is unfortunate that there are so many disrespecting meatheads out there ruining it for the good people which slowly but surely has brought us to administer more & more regulations.

At the bottom of our monthly fliers it now reads: (And I'll explain why).....

1. No Glowstix. Why? Because they are just dumb, immature, and extremely 80's, and they clearly define an outdated RAVE culture which is 100% what we are NOT about. I'll even elaborate..... How stupid is it when they are on strings and someone with them is whipping them around into oblivion thinking they are putting on some spectacular performance when all they are doing is creating an unwanted circle around them, because obviously no one wants to get hit in the eye or in the head with a stupid glowstick!

2. No Gimmicks. Meaning, anything else that is like a glowstick that lights up and flashes and is a disruption. i.e.: Laser pointers, flashing pagers that read out a text (even if it says my name) It's not for this venue/party. And anything else that is gimmicky. Use your imagination. Save them for festivals....

3. No Nonsense! This first and foremost means anyone caught doing something illegal on our premises will be immediately escorted out and not allowed to return. Photo's are taken of those who are jeopardizing the party to make sure they never return! If I see something with my own eyes, I too will clock them! Security is all over the place, but cannot baby-sit 800 or more people every single minute.

No nonsense also means, no fighting, acting stupid and mistreating customers in a groping or bully-ish type manner.

This is why I love the fact that there is no liquor at ARC. I don't ever recall one single fist-fight there, ever!! How many other places can say that?

4. No Cell Phones. Well, it's all mentioned above.......

*** Cell phones are allowed in the hallways, just NOT on the dance floor.

5. No smoking inside the venue. This is a new NYC law. We did not write the law, but we have to respect it and have created and outdoor area for smokers. Thankfully this has been going much smoother than we expected. Although, we still catch an idiot lighting up a cigarette on occasion and they ruin it for themselves when caught and are immediately escorted out. This is infrequent because it is so obvious from the smell and action of it.

6. No Cameras, Video or Audio devices. All for obvious reasons!

PS: And if you guys want me to stop my silly flashlight disco ball shows, I will. But I will not stop my occasional blurbs on the MIC welcoming everyone, asking everyone to give it up for our guest DJ's, and reminding everyone to BEHAVE as well as once in a while making an announcement if we have a special event coming up.

I've said it before and I'll say it again for those of you who make negative comments about my announcements that add up to about an entire 8 minutes over an 8 hour set!


I'd come out there and hug each and every one of you in appreciation if time permitted. Oh well, I guess we'll save that for our "GATHERINGS."

...... I'm laughing as I think of some of the retarded things I have seen some people do that I guess they may feel are just them simply "Being Themselves" but do not realize how dumb they look? This happens in various venues I've played at.......

For instance, how stupid is it when people get on someone else's shoulders? What dance is that called? What's even worse is when they carry the person over to the DJ booth and they stick their head in and scream WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! DUH!

How stupid is it when people tear down nightclubs decorations? If you see a shiny silver streamer hanging from the ceiling, it does not say on it: "PULL ME"!

How stupid is it when people climb into the DJ booth from the front wall, make the record skip, and think that I can even hear what they are trying to say to me as the monitors are blaring and I am in wonder why they are climbing in the booth in the first place? UMMM, GET OUT! LOL

How stupid is it when people throw their jackets or garments over the wall of the booth and a sleeve lands right on the record that is playing? Thank God this RARELY ever happens at Arc. Again, it's usually the people on LIQUOR that act the most stupid.

Well, I'm a babbler...... LOL that's no secret.

I could go on & on and make you all LOL with plenty of stories.

Maybe one day I'll write a post of the most stupid incidents I've witnessed while spinning!

So, the gist of this reply is: Stay home with your PLAY STATION toys & cell phone camera's, or come have a great time, and just SHUT UP & DANCE with the rest of us.

I've had enough of this site today. I'm gonna go listen to some new records.....

Now Please behave. Or we'll have to raise the age limit to 23 and over! LOL

D O N T - G E T - M A D! - - G E T - G L A D! -


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I like him as a dj but if I'm not doing anything illegal he really shouldn't be able to tell me what to do.

He really should call his party something else. I hate dance circles as much as the next person but if using glowsticks, strings etc is your thing than aren't you just "being yourself?" :confused: As long as there is room on the dancefloor, who really cares?

Also, I can understand him trying to impose these rules on Fridays - its his party (he can cry if he wants to ;):cry: ) but Saturdays? Honestly, I don't have a big problem with following these rules but some of them seem a bit riduculous to me.

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i can see how it would be dissapointing for a dj to look out into the crowd and see people talking on their cell phones - obviously they're no really into, or paying attention to, the music. but that doesn't give him the right to dictate to people how they can behave. he's a complete wanker, and the more crap i hear about him the less i want anything to do with him (i.e. seeing him at a club or buying his records), regardless of his skills as a dj.

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If you are a DJ and people are using thier cell phones, you aren't doing something right. I never go into a club with a cell phone so I have no beef with that. But I have taken it in ONE night at BUZZ, but I was on call for work.

The club itself oversells, it gets too crowded and I am sure that some of the phone calls are to friends telling them NOT to come out cause you can't move.

Glowsticks, condoms, cameras, candy jewely, tampons, cocaine, hair nets, extra socks, hats, sweaters, and women should be mandatory for everyone to bring in a club.

What if it's my religion that I have to pray to glow stick while having my picture taken?

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man...I agree with all of you. How about NOT getting on a pedestal and judging everyone else. DT's as much a human as us, and thus is also easily judged.

As time goes on, unfortunately, my respect for him as a DJ is being fast overshadowed by my disdain for him as a human being!

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Originally posted by therunner

Way to jump on the fucking band wagon!! Why don't you stand up for yourself and have your own thoughts?! Why do you always have to agree with everyone?

Yeah, man! Why do you always have to agree with everyone? You should have your own thoughts!

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