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realistic views of relationships...


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do you think people have certain views of how a relationship is supposed to be, and try to implement it so much into theirs that they get caught up with that instead of what really exists in one?

this isn't a personal issue, i am just curious.

do people enter a relationship with this idea in their mind of how they want it? do they just ride the wind and see what happens? how do you know if they are the Right One?

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Good question....I think a lot of people have an idealized view of what a relationship should be, but a lot of the time once they're involved in a relationship, it's not living up to the expectations, but people usually get too wrapped up/used to/dependant on the relationship to end it even if they are not 100% happy.....

I have a friend who has consistently had the most fucked up relationships. When she's involved in one, she constantly rationalizes and sometimes doesn't even see how fucked up it is. Love (or what we believe to be love) blinds us.

That whole "the Right one" thing confuses me though....People say when you meet the right person, you'll just know, but how???

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i've had girlfriends who install me in thier life like i'm a handbag or just another accesory that looks good on them...

like there is some relationship handbook...

and i should know the proper rules of etiquette...

if your bad this happens...

if your good this happens...

this is what i want...

this is what i expect...

blah blah blah...

if you got rules or they got rules...

make sure you discuss them with eachother...

don't just expect them to know because they are "the one"

...when you meet the right one you'll know...

now that is some romantic bullshit...

when you meet someone new...the only thing you know about them is what they present to you...

you will find a lot of good actors...especially in nyc...

i'm sure it happens occationally but...

odds are you might have to get to know them before you know that they are "the one"

except of course if morpheous is your friend...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I have one simple theory @ Relationships..

They ALL are like Roller Coasters... You and your mate ride together until someone gets sick, or just jumps off!

I actually have quite a list of expectations when it comes to a relatiionship.... But I still make accomodations / changes to fit each person individually. Not everyone is the same therefore you cannot have the same game plan.

However the older I get the more flexible I am with my minimum age requirement :D

One thing I DO NOT TOLERATE is Lying , Cheating, and in General Materialistic Bitches..... No disprespect.. ladies, but if you're more concerned with the size of my wallet & what I drive.... then you deserve the title!

Expect the Best and Prepare for the worst!

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When I get into a relationship I know exactly what I want from it. I have this ideal commitment in my head. When something doesn't feel right I know that this person is not for me. No one is perfect, and I don't bail out of a relationship when ONE (1) thing goes wrong. It usually takes a certain number of things, as well as how that persons attitude is. When you first meet people and you go out you are on your best behavior. Over time boundries and walls come down and you show your true self.It might take some time but eventually you cut through all the BS and get to that inner person. Most of the time for me once I get to this point I know what Im in for. I usually break up with that person shortly after this point.

I also remember every little thing that person im in the relationship with has done to hurt me. Eventually a person can only take so much and have to call it quits...

I believe that there are certain qualities one must possess: TRUST & HONESTY is key, RESPECT, PATIENCE, Etc.... If the person im with can't or doesn't possess any of the above qualities they get their walking papers....

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Jolly good discussion I must say..

Ok, enough with the freaky brit talk.

As far as my perspective..

Relationships are different for every single person involved.

I mean I tried a few times to analyze my angle on the dating scene, given that I sort of put myself in retirement.

The point..

I think most people have a set mindset for their perfect mate...male/female

ballpark stats from size, hair color, personality traits, ideals...etc.

Those are good to have as long as you do not get tunnel vision with such characteristics.

Ive fallen maybe 6 or so times in my life, semi-hardcore we could say.

All of those women were near completely different from each other, and half of those women crushed moi (when I felt, like everyone does, that I could never be played..ha).

No one ever can tell how things happen...because they just do.

As far as those non-believers..

Just wait... that feeling of "just knowing" does come. Granted its not so often, but hey that's exactly what makes it so special and sought for.

Ive even felt it with someone Ive known for 3 mins...then of course I left that situation and have never seen her again....things happening for a reason..


Your rambling post ranter.



If that gorgeous woman, of whom I spoke to about traveling,writing, and motorcycles at the sushibar last summer down the shore, just happens to read this....

email me....I think I want you to want me......:eek::laugh:

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Originally posted by bodiii

my point exactly...

but i've heard too many people say...

"when you meet the right one you'll know...

as i said... romantic bullshit... :D

I guess we're just interpreting it differently.

I never thought of it as referring to love at first sight, or anything like that. I always thought it meant that after you've been in a relationship with someone... one day you will just know that that person is the *one.*

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It takes a while to figure out if someone is THE one.....But my theory is there are multiple people in this world who can be the one...It's just whichever 1 you find first :D

Ehh....As far as knowing when you meet the right one you'll know...I find that to be bullshit....

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I usually ride the wind and see what happens

how do I know if they are the Right One?

ok mmm let me try to explain my point of view .........

Everybody usually sais "IM IN LOVE" with everysingle person they have been .... BUT is not true when u REALLY find the REAL LOVE YOU WILL KNOW IT .... it is very easy the feeling will be so strong that you will realise you havent feel this NEVER in your intired life then u will realise how wrong you were saying you were in love that many times ........

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by Mystify22

That whole "the Right one" thing confuses me though....People say when you meet the right person, you'll just know, but how???

you'll know when you dont want to do anything but be with that person. when the thought of them still gives you butterflies. when you're masturbating to some porn and it doesnt compare to your partner so you stop it and think of her/him. when you're out at a club dancing and its coming around 1 am and all you want to do is lay in bed and cuddle with your honey.

you'll know when the one comes along.

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Originally posted by jroo

you'll know when you dont want to do anything but be with that person. when the thought of them still gives you butterflies. when you're masturbating to some porn and it doesnt compare to your partner so you stop it and think of her/him. when you're out at a club dancing and its coming around 1 am and all you want to do is lay in bed and cuddle with your honey.

you'll know when the one comes along.


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