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What's annoying in a club where you're there!?

Guest funkysoul

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I hate:

people who don't dance...just bothers me...if you want to socialize hit a bar..or at least move off the dancefloor

the sweaty people...:blown:

the skank bitches...just turn tricks...it's easier and you get paid :rolleyes:

the dumbasses who think getting a stiffy on the dancefloor is sexy ...tools

rude people....i make a point to say excuse me and if i don't that means I didnt realize...it only takes a second to be polite...you might even make a new friend ;)

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Originally posted by joecrack13

1. The uneducated juicebags that think that Jonathan Peters is a good DJ and that Sound Factory is a great, world-renowned club...look at my signature...now thats a fuckin club

2. The Sound Factory stomp followed by uncontrollable chanting of JON-A-THAN, JON-A-THAN

3. People who ONLY like vocal tracks

4. Bitches with fake tits who think theyre hot and high maintanence

5. Bogus trendy people that wear mesh hats and sunglasses at night (which was mentioned already)...the mesh hat thing will be out of style in 6 months

6. White kids that dress like rappers with throwback jerseys and sean john clothing and verncular to the effect that "Holla" is used every 5 minutes

I can go on and on


although i havent been exposed to the "jonathan chants", so i would change #2 to draper chants, especially when another dj is playing (ie Tall Paul at exit last year :shake: )

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right on. of all the annoying things at a club, that is the worst, especially if the guy has an erection.


Originally posted by ghhhhhost

the nakedness..i dont want ur slimy body rubbin up against my skin/clothes..ugh

1. i hate those stupid loser guys who try to show off by taking off their shirts at the club, like they're the only guys on earth with muscles. they can't even dance. next time shave your chest. my eyesight is already bad.

2. people who will follow any trend even if they look silly. sheep.

3. people who drink on the dancefloor and make a mess

4. people who go to clubs to sell drugs. i'm sick of clubs being shut down for drugs

5. fake people who think that driving an suv makes them look rich and go in first to the club (vip status) but have major credit card debt and are still paying for their cars.

6. girls who are fat and try to fit into size 2 lowriders and do that booty dance or whatever. wtf? lose some damn weight.

7. fake bi girls

8. tony monero guys.



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Originally posted by stompy

the sunglasses can be explained by the desire to hide the person's dialeted pupils from doing pills and bumps

or by their stupidity


if that was simply the case then everyone would be wearing cheap 10 dollar shades and not designer :laugh:

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Exactly..I mean if a person has a valid reason why they need to be worn, alright..But I think a majority of those people think its "cool" to be all drugged up & outta their mind! So either they wear sunglasses because they think they look good in them or they wear them to make the impression of "yooo brooo I'm trippin' so hard right now..I gotta wear my *Chanel's* to hide how messed up my pupils are!!" please. :blank:

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