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Nerve/Maze review.....

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

I'm not gonna post much on here, i might do a cooljunkie review, just gotta wait to hear from nick, but man maze was packed and great crowd and it sucked sooooooooooooooooooooo bad.... I wish trance was a nice as edgar himself..... I don't get it, and i hated every second of it. I felt like i was at a HS prom...

Though i won't hate on the set he threw down, cause i have zero idea if it was good or not, cause its hard to be objective about something you truely hate. But for the big crowd that came out, they were dancing and packed the place... best open bar i've ever seen!! 2 bucks for anything you want!!!!!!!! loved it!!!!

Big fuck yous to maze

1. warm beer

2. and they need to figure out how to hold a crowd past 3am....



sound system sounded so good, it could be better than funktion. They really did a nice job getting that issue fixed. 100% perfect.

Infusion is a don't miss act. Insanity.... These guys are simply an act you should not miss... Nothing will prepare you for this energy they brought. Sick vibe and sick tunes... Loved every min of it. Place was packed, but not too many pigeons but the ones that were there were quality... If infusion plays within an hour drive of your house, THEN GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jon you were right, they are awesome.

Seaman came on and opend with puff daddys track, we jetted right then and there... Place was rocking with infusion and he gets on the decks and kills the vibe.... I"m sure if you asked the entire crowd, we all would have said fuck DS and let infusion play all night...

Though i didn't stay for DS set, therefore i have zero idea how good it went, but trust me, i doubt he could top infusion...

fuck yous to nerve

1. power going out at 11pm

2. FUCKING HOT IN THERE!!!!!!!!!! You guys are on the verge of closing down (its no secret now, i can post this) fix the AC problem, though in their defense the power was not their fault and could have fucked up the AC

3. bathroom flooded again!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: come on guys fix this!! its ghetto!!!!!!!!!

4. DS dropping puff daddys track.... just gayyyyyyyyyyyyy

big how you doings to






ps marcos, you looked fired up all night.... smoke a joint brother:D

one other thing, nerve gave out few comps, so they packed the joint with people paying, all clubs in fla need to start doing this... only way the scene will improve, 10 bucks on the reduced list for infusion is a steal!!!!!!!!

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What can I say about Nerve? hmm quite possibly one of my most anticipated nights out. Other than the insane power issue and the fact they told me to take off my Zwan hat :( .. it was a great night out.

Jon played a nice little warm up set. Sander K mix of Justin Timberlake sounds wicked in that room. Lex Ave mix of Depeche Mode and some other stuff including that sounded like a bootleg of Slam - Lifetimes without the vocal and some other female vocal on it. I like Lifetimes the way it is thank you very much.

Soon enough the music went down and Manuel said "we are infusion from australia" and for it seems like the next 2 hours we were in musical bliss. These guys tore shit up. Opening with their reinterpretation of Kate Bush - Running up that Hill the bassline was shaking every speaker in there it was absolutely amazing. Their recent smash Legacy sound absolutely amazing it was like a Dub mixed with Vox .. really worked and the boys sounded so much better than WMC. I guess this is what happens when you have a Phazon to play with. People started getting into it after Legacy I guess a track with vocal is what you need to get the crowd with you. After Legacy came Spike which was one of my favorite tracks of the night that sax/horn that kept coming in and out was wicked. Manuel sang a couple of tracks and they sounded great as well. His voice is great for the kind of music they make. Last but not least come the breaks and omg they sounded sick at this point they had everyone going nuts. Then we heard the familar sounds of Shiloh and once again we were floored. They came on after that and did one more track and that was it. 2 hours of musical intensity that I cannot describe. Bring these guys back have them play Ultra next year and show Miami and the rest of the US whats going on. :)

Thanks to everyone involved for bringin them on this tour.

I think Saleen said it best if its within driving distance go. I first heard about them when they played at Vibe in Gainesville and after so many of my friends from up north couldn't stop talking about the show I was like I have to check these guys out. This is my 3rd time seeing and they keep getting better and better. Expect big things from these three in the future with another album in the works and remix offers galore the aquamen definitely know what they are doing.

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Infusion was simply crazy. drum machine, keyboards, vocals, etc. a perfect example that you can pull off live PA in a nightclub. the energy the crowd was ,as high the energy from Infusion. these guys where going crazy up there. throwing down all sorts of crazy betas. yeah Nerve was hot as hell, bathrooms where flooded, but fuck the music was so damn good who cares. :cool:

checked out Edgar V out at Maze. the beginning of his set was kind of slow, but by the time I bounced back to Maze from Nerve Edgar was on fire. keeping the tracks nice and hard. Saleen is right the crowd at Maze just dies as it gets later.:( I think that has less to do with Maze, and more to do with the fact that it’s a Friday night, and peepz are just tired after a long work week.

I just want give major props to Marco, Carla, and anybody else associated with Nerve. this was the second week in a row; I have been exposed to some serious beats from artist I was not familiar with. it’s relativity easy to put a well known dj on the dex, and know you will make money. it takes guts to put an unknown dj on the dex. keep up the good work Nerve you guyz got it going on. Also a big shout out to Eddy over at Maze, a true workaholic whose hard work is paying off. Maze and Nerve definitely have the two hottest Friday parties going on in SOBE.

big props to my CP peepz for keeping it real, and going out to show your support. :)

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Guest saleen351

Saleen at a trance event

and sobeton at a club other than space....

What is this world comming too?


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Saleen, You should open up our own club.... what do you have to lose, you got all the right answers and idea's.. SO what if you invest over 8 million into a club, you will make all back.

Why goto other clubs, when you can do your own parties with your own ideas and your own play list and your own DJ's, and your own bartenders.


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i had lots of fun last night. great seeing everyone as usual, and very nice meeting jenice!

edgar's set was excellent, one of the best I have heard him play.

playlist will be posted later :P:D

next week: PVD PVD PVD :D



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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by nexusgroove

Saleen, You should open up our own club.... what do you have to lose, you got all the right answers and idea's.. SO what if you invest over 8 million into a club, you will make all back.

Why goto other clubs, when you can do your own parties with your own ideas and your own play list and your own DJ's, and your own bartenders.


risk-return ratio . Measure of the relation between the risk inherent in a position compared to its potential gain.

clubs are very bad investments....:idea:

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I think Edgar V is the best investment a club can make.

It doesn't cost much to get Edgar (compaired to GA) and he brings in alot of people.

I kNow GA COST $7500.00


Edgar cost about $2500.00

and brings in just as many people to the venue as GA...

Maze should get Edgar V resident. so his following don't have to be going club to club. twice a month of Edgar wout be nice.

GA 1 a month.

and the 4th spot, international DJ's!

Club here are scared of making changes!

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All I got to say is holy cow batman. Infusion was just insane. They had to be one of the best performances I have every seen in my life.:D

Maze should book these guys fast.:idea:

I wanted to stay for DS but it was hotter than a whore in church at Nerve:mad:

YEah and don't park at the tire store near Maze. We get to the car to go home and a big ass shoping cart was on top of the car. I got big ass dents and scratches all over.:(

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by nexusgroove

Club here are scared of making changes!

ummmmmmmmmm, one club has already made the changes... its going all trance one night a week:idea:

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The cielings are too low to permit a Kryogenifex system to be installed at Nerve. The blast would be too much. They could probably do it if they shot it at an angle or something...but I don't think Nerve is in a spend-money mood right now.

The club is normally not that hot though...they had electrical issues earlier so I think that was half the problem...the A/C was probably whacked.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by nexusgroove

Does Nervehave Kryogen?

If not that would be a good idea to have, not just for the effect but to cool that place down when A/C problem comeup/

They got some Nerve!

they don't, i asked jon to hit the system, and he told me they don't have one. I was pointing up to the fans but i'm not sure if jon knew what i was saying... i don't think they were on...

but to be honest with nerve shitty AC means i won't come back,, but like i said with the power out, it could have fucked it up the AC system, but 30 mins with no juice should not casue that..

so nerve please post what the situation is.. it was way too hot.

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Alejandro can rig it to be safe. he can bounce the stream of air up and let it bounce back down..

Originally posted by pod

The cielings are too low to permit a Kryogenifex system to be installed at Nerve. The blast would be too much. They could probably do it if they shot it at an angle or something...but I don't think Nerve is in a spend-money mood right now.

The club is normally not that hot though...they had electrical issues earlier so I think that was half the problem...the A/C was probably whacked.

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HOLY SHIT:eek: INFUSION!!!!!!!!!!:D OMG they rocked Nerve out! I had so much fun:)! It was great seeing everyone there - Big how ya doin' to Carla and Marco - It was great chattin' with ya guys!:)

Ramon, can you call us when the music comes on:laugh: Classic...

Maze - not much to say about the music since I'm not a huge trance fan - but Edgar V - nice to meet ya! EDDY - YOU'RE THE MAN! Great meeting you and your woman - $2 drinks - GreyGoose style! LOVED IT! THANKS!

Lots of CP heads in the hizzouse - Hello to all you guys that I saw and met last night!!

Thanks to KlubVet and JCBliss - nice to meet you guys and thanks;)

I'm back in retirement until Picotto:tongue:


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best night out in a long time, 3 talented individuals, doing what they really love, giving it all they got, and making it a point to move the crowd all at the same time... and I got the impression that they're probably capable of doing even better in the future... Also they really showed that you can indeed play breaks in Miami and have people dig 'em, just not too many, and only after a solid hour or more of 4 on the floor

Jon's set was OK, played some really great tracks, but it seemed like every other one was really wack.... like that break beat he dropped after the big Depeche Mode remix, that happy bass line sounded like it was programmed by a 6 year old... don't mean to slam him or anything, just constructive criticism here, some nights are better than others, and sometimes it's hard to know what to play next, and sometimes it just flows effortlessly, sometimes it's easy to put together a great eclectic mix with a lot of variety, and sometimes that approach just sounds like a lot of random shit thrown together haphazardly... and when you're mixing in a track, and there are harmonic clashes you got to do a hard cut, a well planned one at just the right point, many times a short 8 bar mix is better than trying to ride it out, although certain key clashes actually do sound interesting, it's all about listening closely and making decisions on the fly, IMHO/my2cents

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Overall a good night. It was good to see some of the Cpers and nice meeting fliptonia and klubveteran. Good lookin' out mjm420....that session hit the spot. Well, for Edgars set I must say I liked it more in the beginning since it was more housey. But later in the night, his set turned vicious, just slammin' beats . I don't know how you trance heads can dance to that, but more power to you. All in all, a good night to start off the weekend. Thanx once again Eddy and I have to say the girl who works the door is a sweetheart. Have to catch her name next time. Peace. :D

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hey guys,

thought I'd offer my review of the evening @ nerve from the insiders perspective.. first off, Infusion was amazing. those boys are so talented and the energy they created is second to none. I'd have too say that its the best live act I've ever seen in dance music.. the infusion boys are top guys as well and I promise they will be bliss regulars from now on..

dave seaman was great last night... one of the most diverse sets i've ever heard from the man. he played a wide range of things from new stuff too old classics.. he even dropped sasha's mix of yamanda "never gonna come back down" and moby's "next is the E" - which was made all the way back in 91. Alot of the other stuff was not familiar too me but was sick.. did anyone else absolutely love that remix of the white stripes that he dropped? too top it all off he finished the night with sasha's mix of the reese project "direct me" - must be one of the best progressive tunes ever made.. its amazing how good it still sounds....

now let me comment on Nerve as a whole and the kinks in the night.. Well the power outage affected the entire block. Apparently the FPL circuit blew half the power on the east side of 23rd street - this not only caused us great stress but also did affect the AC - One of the compressers outside the club blew when the power cut off and unfortunately, we could not get it back up and running. for those of you that have been in Nerve before, you know this is not the case.. I've also read that some of you think Nerve is on its last legs?? don't know where that is coming from... the club is finally finding its momentum, we've got the right players in place and since the pappa night about a month ago, Nerve has gotten stronger on a weekly basis.. trust me, we are here too stay and we've got some major events planned for the future on the phason system......how good did that sound last night.. amazing how it works when its used properly...

last but not least, let me comment on my set as I've read your reviews... Absolutely the worst set I've played in years so accept my apologies... I had no real direction and i was not pleased with my mixing at all.. Not too have an excuse but once the power blew and was out for a half hr or so I just never found my groove again... I was so stressed because of the power situation and making sure that everything was set for Infusion and Dave that I wasn't able too concentrate on what I was doing... I do hope you'll continue too show me support though and accept my apologies...for those of you who have seen me, you know its not typical...

Over all the night was a success all considering - the vibe was great, Infusion and Dave both rocked the house and we enjoyed our best night at Nerve thus far... Not bad considering FPL blew a big curcuit ruining the AC and about 45 minutes of music... Thanks too all that showed us love - we look forward to providing quality productions for you in the near future..

Peace & Love

Jon Cowan

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Guest saleen351

After the power went out, i told raymond to tell jon it was his best set ever:laugh:

had to bust your balls jon...

great night and great vibe and sound system was insane...

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