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Ok, I'm shopping around for a new pair of headphones. Looking for maximum comfort and quality, since I have to use them all day long. Here is what I'm interested in:

Technics- RPDJ1200



Sony MDR-7506

Anyone got any advice?

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I'm tired of using 700's, the 7506 are a good value at under 100, and the sony v6 is almost identical to the 7506 for $20 less ;) while the Pioneers seem very cool, like 700's but better, lighter more solid, though I'm not 100% convinced yet... time will tell, not sure about the Technics, heard good things about 'em, if you want the best audiophile quality go with Sennheiser, but they're expensive too, I bet your DVD's would sound a lot better with a pair of hd-25's

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depending on what you're using them for is the key...

if your DJing and the the music is really loud though your monitors and PA you want headphones with a thick bass response. rane actually manufactures a headphone preamp to address this...

if you're doing field recording as in a film production, you want something that is light yet gives a higher frequency response as to aid in both comfort and picking up little nuances that you don't particularly want in a film (cell phones, unwanted voices, shouts).

if you're working indoors in a controlled studio environment, you might want to go with a headphone specifically made for referencing digital sounds.

if you don't give a damn, go with the cheapest...

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Originally posted by spinstar

if your DJing and the the music is really loud though your monitors

if i'm djing and the monitors are really loud, i turn down the damn monitors. if it's still too loud in the booth, then it'd be nice to have some headphones that greatly attenuate the ambient sound level (like, for example, the sennheiser hd 280). cranking up the headphone volume leads to ear fatigue (and, eventually, permanent hearing damage), which tends to impair one's performance during those marathon sets.

anyway, the cp community does seem to have rather refined tastes when it comes to headphones (sennheiser hd 25s, indeed).

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Thanks, for everyone's help. After doing a little more research I think I might be going with Strykes recommendation, Sony MDR V900. The only thing missing is that they don't appear to swivel, which might be a little annoying. I do sound design during the day but I also spin a little on the side, so if I'd like to have the extra low end for the loud sound systems. Gonna look around a little more, but I found the MDR V900's for a great price.

Anyone have any info on the Technics RPDJ1200's ? Are they crap?

Thanks for the help

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Originally posted by saintjohn

anyway, the cp community does seem to have rather refined tastes when it comes to headphones (sennheiser hd 25s, indeed).

not my taste, but a lot of DJ's around the world use them, locally Gaby Fain and Lee Cakebread both swear by them, played a house party with Lee last week and got to try his, I didn't like them because the can is pretty small, and a lot of times I like to keep the can kind of half on and half off my left ear, but these ones are like either on or off the ear, no half way

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lee should start a boot camp for overweight, out-of-shape djs (ahem). i swear that man must spend all of his waking hours either mixing records or working out.

[obheadphone] yeah, lee's the one who turned me on to the sennheiser hd-25s - they give new meaning to the phrase "loud and clear." pricey, though.

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I have the Technics 1200's... replaced my Sony 700"s.

Much better sound quality IMO than the 700's. I am very happy with them, although some friends say they are a bit unconfortable now that they are small/tight and have a small cup. Although I personally dont have any problem with it.

Now what I love is thet they flip in such a way that makes it very very confortable to listen through one ear just by placing ear on cup, (slanting head just a bit..not all the way to your shoulder), making almost a 90 degree angle with support !!

Check ' em out

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