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Another Personality Test...

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You have a strong personality that likes to take risks if the rewards are worth it. You don't like being told what to do and prefer to take matters into your own hands.

Preferring a more casual appearance, you are more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt than in a suit. You don't like over dressing for any occasion, although you never look scruffy.

You are aggressive in business, but tend to take the backseat when it comes to your personal life. You are more comfortable talking about work than relationships.

You value highly what is important to you. Some people may find your possessions a little out of fashion, but you don't mind as they appeal to your taste.

You are very sociable! You are the center of attention and have great stories to tell. But this often prevents from establishing deep relationships.

You are a no-nonsense, practical person. You make sure that you are there when your friends need you, and like to solve their problems for them.

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You are a person who approaches their finances aggressively and with purpose. You make sure you have covered every angle by consulting the best professionals, then move in for the attack.

You are bubbly and approachable. Unrestricted by the latest fashion trends, you buy clothes only when they look good on you.

You are aggressive in business, but tend to take the backseat when it comes to your personal life. You are more comfortable talking about work than relationships.

You value highly what is important to you. Some people may find your possessions a little out of fashion, but you don't mind as they appeal to your taste.

You are very sociable! You are the center of attention and have great stories to tell. But this often prevents from establishing deep relationships.

You are a no-nonsense, practical person. You make sure that you are there when your friends need you, and like to solve their problems for them.

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You have little interest in your financial investments. You are not driven by material wealth and prefer to see where destiny takes you. Sad but true...

Preferring a more casual appearance, you are more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt than in a suit. You don't like over dressing for any occasion, although you never look scruffy. On point :D

Variety is the spice of life! You are comfortable in any crowd or situation, and always come away with new friends. :rock:

You are a very practical person. It's more important to you that the things you own are useful, rather than nice to look at. Niiiiceeeee so I'm NOT a materialistic biznatch :cool:

Business often takes priority to social occasions. You are aggressive in business, but tend to take the backseat when it comes to your personal life. :(

You are very considerate. Friendship is the world to you, and you are friends with everyone. Be careful, as sometimes this works against you if you are too trusting. O man that's so true :blank:

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You have a strong personality that likes to take risks if the rewards are worth it. You don't like being told what to do and prefer to take matters into your own hands.

Having a lively and outgoing personality, you don't like to blend into the crowd and pity people that do. You take fashion trends to the EXTREME!

You have a lot to say and love talking to your friends, always staying in close contact wherever you go. You are outgoing, fun and have people are drawn to you.

You are a very practical person. It's more important to you that the things you own are useful, rather than nice to look at.

Loves to talk to friends - keeps in close contact with friends. You are very outgoing and have no problem saying what you think.

You are very considerate. Friendship is the world to you, and you are friends with everyone. Be careful, as sometimes this works against you if you are too trusting.:D

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You are a person who approaches their finances aggressively and with purpose. You make sure you have covered every angle by consulting the best professionals, then move in for the attack.

Preferring a more casual appearance, you are more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt than in a suit. You don't like over dressing for any occasion, although you never look scruffy.

Variety is the spice of life! You are comfortable in any crowd or situation, and always come away with new friends.

You make sure that your possessions will boost your image, no matter whether it's a necessity or not. If one of your friends has it, you must have it as well.

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You are a person who approaches their finances aggressively and with purpose. You make sure you have covered every angle by consulting the best professionals, then move in for the attack. Not true, I have no handle on my finances, I'm out of control with them

Preferring a more casual appearance, you are more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt than in a suit. You don't like over dressing for any occasion, although you never look scruffy. true for the most part

You are a calm person, and a good listener. You are comfortable with allowing others to take the spotlight and prefer to share in their adventures. You are protective towards your friendships and give your time freely.not always true.. depends on the person

You are a very practical person. It's more important to you that the things you own are useful, rather than nice to look at.yup

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You have a strong personality that likes to take risks if the rewards are worth it. You don't like being told what to do and prefer to take matters into your own hands.

Preferring a more casual appearance, you are more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt than in a suit. You don't like over dressing for any occasion, although you never look scruffy.

You are a calm person, and a good listener. You are comfortable with allowing others to take the spotlight and prefer to share in their adventures. You are protective towards your friendships and give your time freely.

In your mind, the image your friends have of you is very important. You like to have the latest brands and are prepared to invest a lot of your money in quality and expensive possessions.

You are very sociable! You are the center of attention and have great stories to tell. But this often prevents from establishing deep relationships.

You are a good listener, a generous and sympathetic person. You are an important part of your circle of friends, and offer a bright outlook to any situation. However, you can be easily persuaded by others.

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You have a strong personality that likes to take risks if the rewards are worth it. You don't like being told what to do and prefer to take matters into your own hands.

Elegance is essential. It doesn't matter if you are going to the opera or the to the corner shop, you make sure that you look fantastic.

You have a lot to say and love talking to your friends, always staying in close contact wherever you go. You are outgoing, fun and have people are drawn to you.

You value highly what is important to you. Some people may find your possessions a little out of fashion, but you don't mind as they appeal to your taste.

You are very sociable! You are the center of attention and have great stories to tell. But this often prevents from establishing deep relationships.

You are very considerate. Friendship is the world to you, and you are friends with everyone. Be careful, as sometimes this works against you if you are too trusting.

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You have a strong personality that likes to take risks if the rewards are worth it. You don't like being told what to do and prefer to take matters into your own hands.

Preferring a more casual appearance, you are more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt than in a suit. You don't like over dressing for any occasion, although you never look scruffy.

You are aggressive in business, but tend to take the backseat when it comes to your personal life. You are more comfortable talking about work than relationships.

In your mind, the image your friends have of you is very important. You like to have the latest brands and are prepared to invest a lot of your money in quality and expensive possessions.

A good listener. You are comfortable allowing others to take the spotlight and share their adventures. You are protective about your friendship and ensure the best for your friends.

For you, friendship is an extension of business. Your care and attention is given only when it helps your personal situation.

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You have little interest in your financial investments. You are not driven by material wealth and prefer to see where destiny takes you.- correct

Preferring a more casual appearance, you are more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt than in a suit. You don't like over dressing for any occasion, although you never look scruffy.- absolutely!

Variety is the spice of life! You are comfortable in any crowd or situation, and always come away with new friends.- mmm yes and no.

You are a very practical person. It's more important to you that the things you own are useful, rather than nice to look at.- that could not be any more incorrect. :laugh:

You are very sociable! You are the center of attention and have great stories to tell. But this often prevents from establishing deep relationships.- true, true.

ou are very strong-willed, even bordering on stubborn. You like to take care of yourself before helping others, although you will never let people down.- no diggity, no doubt.

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You have a strong personality that likes to take risks if the rewards are worth it. You don't like being told what to do and prefer to take matters into your own hands.(((this is true)))

Having a lively and outgoing personality,***you don't like to blend into the crowd and pity people that do***. You take fashion trends to the EXTREME!

You are aggressive in business, but tend to take the backseat when it comes to your personal life. ~*You are more comfortable talking about work than relationships.*~

You make sure that your possessions will boost your image, no matter whether it's a necessity or not. If one of your friends has it, you must have it as well.

Loves to talk to friends - keeps in close contact with friends. ***You are very outgoing and have no problem saying what you think.((((very very true))))

You are very strong-willed, even bordering on *stubborn*. ***You like to take care of yourself before helping others, although you will never let people down.****

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