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So I have been friends with this kid now for about 3 years. He was always pretty much the guy I would run to with all my problems about guys and he's seen me go through 2 rotten relationships. We have always been attracted to each other but I always had a boyfriend so we just kept it on the friendship level.

So now since I have been single for a while we ended up hanging out one day at coney island and like hooking up. Ever since then we pretty much talk more than we used to and see a lot more of each other. It feels really comfortable because I know him so well and he knows me and it already feels like a really nice relationship we have going on.

But here is the thing, I have this thought in the back of my head like "what if it does not work out and I loose this kid as a best friend" I REALLY like him so much, and I know he likes me and we are pretty close to making things serious but I am hesitant for the fact that if it ends up not going well im gonna loose him.

Should I like make it clear to him that if things don't go well we should just be honest with each other and dead it before it goes really sour and we loose the friendship, or just say fuck it whatever happens happens or back off completely and just keep it as friends??

HELP!! :confused:

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Should I like make it clear to him that if things don't go well we should just be honest with each other and dead it before it goes really sour and we loose the friendship, or just say fuck it whatever happens happens or back off completely and just keep it as friends??

HELP!! :confused:

Oy mama I know how you feel...

I think you guys should sit down and talk and lay all your cards out on the table. Find out what each of yous want from your 'relationship' and just how far you wanna take it. I think the part about being honest is great... I think if it turns bad on either side you should just be forthright about it and tell each other.

But think of it this way... good male friends make good boyfriends most of the time because you're beyond the 'getting-to-know-each-other' phase and you're just straight into the relationship.

Good luck with it! :tongue:

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well, typically this is what usually happens:

2 friends of the opposite sex are close friends and they get along very well. 1 of them falls for the other. They decide to keep it at the "friends" level. After time, the 1 who fell for the other wants more but can't. This usually puts a strain on the friendship.

I've seen it happen to my friends and even myself. It's not an easy position to be in. To be honest, I'd do what i3itch stated. Just be honest with each other and see where that leads. Once you open that communication, it may end up that you both agree to just be friends. Or it can lead to something more serious. Either way, I would not make a decision. But rather just go with the flow and as long as both of you are being honest and talking, your question will answer itself.

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Too late, you've already gone too far now (actually I need clarification on what hooking up means, you chicks are all too ambiguous on what the actual meaning of this is). If you try to go back to "just being friends" the events of what happened will always be on your minds, it will most likely make being around each other uncomfortable.

Might as well ride this one out and see where it takes you. Hey, maybe you'll bang the guy and it'll be great. Then at least we'll be spared from those horny sex-deprived posts you conjure up all the time, hehehehe :cool: j/k

But, what the hell, I could be wrong.

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Originally posted by ou812

Too late, you've already gone too far now (actually I need clarification on what hooking up means, you chicks are all too ambiguous on what the actual meaning of this is). If you try to go back to "just being friends" the events of what happened will always be on your minds, it will most likely make being around each other uncomfortable.

Might as well ride this one out and see where it takes you. Hey, maybe you'll bang the guy and it'll be great. Then at least we'll be spared from those horny sex-deprived posts you conjure up all the time, hehehehe :cool: j/k

But, what the hell, I could be wrong.

Hooked up = We did a lil more than kiss but no sex ;)

lol i'll make sure to "RIDE" him out very well ;)

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do you really wanna settle down with 1 boyfriend???

no offense... but you kinda sound like a party girl...:D

i wouldn't ruin a great friendship...

...unless you are able to get that close...

and if it don't work go back to being friends...

with strong feelings though... that isn't always a possibility...

you 2 should have a long talk...

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