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GHB addict on TV tonight


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this chick I was friends with in college was really bad on the shit. Im talking worse than a crack head. Just put it this way the bitch got down to 89 LBS. :(

I also had other friend that were addicted to GHB. They could not sleep without it and only sleep for 3 hrs at a time. The worst part was that if they did not take GHB every 3 hrs they would start shaking and said there body would hurt.

I had a roomate take to much one night and ended up in a coma for a few day. Then there was this girl that had left school because she got caught up in drugs and shit. Well she came back for her birth day on weekend and ODed on X and GHB.

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i happened to catch part of the program that attomic mentioned. the home videos that the wife and son made of dad while he was on ghb were disturbing, especially with the kid's running commentary - "you're so stupid," et cetera. for various reasons, dad managed to rack up nine dui convictions before doing any jail time. i kept wondering, though, why the family seemed so willing to keep playing along. i would've packed up the kids and left his sorry ass.

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most people are not responsible enough, to use it and thus is the problem. GHB, GBL, Ephedrine, etc use to be available from any health store. people started abusing it, and the government yanked it off shelves, and reclassified it. it is an extremely dangerous drug, because if your dosage is just slightly off, you will wind up in a coma. you mix it with alcohol or some other drug, and you increase the likelyhood of you winding up in a body bag. it is extremely addictive, and long term use will shut your body down in a heartbeat.

the bottom line is it’s extremely dangerous, and really not something to be f*cking with.particularly if you don’t know what your doing. it’s like playing Russian roulette with your life.

just my two pennies..

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I agree and disagree with some of the comments that have been posted on this thread. The biggest problems with GHB,GBL arise when the syrup is not mixed properly with enough water I have seen it a thousand times especially WMC, &ULTRA this past year people start fucking with the pure syrup and all the sudden wham! they start sweating and end up passing the fuck out and end up either in the hospital wishing they did. The pure syrup can slow down breathing, the respitory system to dangerous levels and turn a pleasent evening into a horrible nightmare!!!!!!!!

I agree with my boy Sobeton people who are irrespondsible and who don't know how to mix and measure things properly should stay the fuck away from G!!!!!!!!!!!! GHB,GBL should always be mixed 1 ounce syrup, 5 ounces water anything less than that you are asking for trouble and you should never ever drink alcohol on G because the alcohol intensifies the effects and can cause you to pass out right where you stand!

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