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chris fortier @ nerve last night


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well, I am just home exhausted and semi drunk.. all I can say is oh my fucking god - chris fortier destroyed Nerve last night.. one of the best sets I've heard all year hands down.. we will definitely be seeing mr. fortier on a regular basis @ Nerve - chris fotier is an absolutely amazing dj and an absolute class act as a person... thanks too everyone who showed your support - see you all next week for slacker -

goodnight all


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last night was a night to remember @ nerve. even senor biz was there to share in the festivities. chris fortier was tearing it up. the ladies were in full effect. jon & ariel were on point and ariel played the agent 001 track called "acid what?" phat track. it was nice meeting raincry and dancin after one long week. :spin2:

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Glad to hear that everyone had a great time last night,wish I couldve made it out.I know Chris Fortier can rip shyt up and realy wanted to go but since Jbliss says that hes going be there more often I will most deff. check him the next time hes in town.

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Originally posted by happyface

Glad to hear that everyone had a great time last night,wish I couldve made it out.I know Chris Fortier can rip shyt up and realy wanted to go but since Jbliss says that hes going be there more often I will most deff. check him the next time hes in town.

Too bad you couldn't make it ... there will be a revenge for you every Friday bro ... :D

It was an awesome nite to say the least ... Chris played absolut class ... something most of us were expecting ... same for Jon's and Ariel's opening set ... WOW guys ... **hat taken off in sign of reverence** :D

What really sets me happy is the shape this Friday nite is getting ... a true music niche ... with heads knowing to expect the best music from around the globe ...

Thanx to all Cprs showing love last nite ... Shroomy ... Laliux ... Diabolique (very nice meeting you sweety :D ) ... Digital 7 ... Biz ... Jimmy T ... Fostech ... Chrisduque and Mono ... James954 ... Joebudious ... Tbooty ... MrMovement33 ... Raincrysobe ... Mimid :clap::D ... Pod ... Chaz ... Cue ... Erickitell ... and anyone else I might have missed ...

Btw ... where the f**k were you Funk? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :mad:

Peace ...


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awww! Actually I came back here to say it was very nice to meet Vipnerd/Marco and Carla last night :D

I was very dissapointed though, you don't make a very good nerd .... I mean you weren't even weaing glasses OR a pocket protector.. :tongue: j/k

It was hard to hear over the phat tunes, but did Carla say she posts here as well...or do you just hog the computer?


just kidding!

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Sorry couldn't make it to this event. I was going to pass by and say hello and actually finished doing that but no atm working anywhere near the place and needed to pull out my cash for a night of partying so I had to get back in my car to go to one and at that time did not feel like looking for another parking again so just went to crobar where I was supposed to meet some others and scumfrog played pretty good and crobar looks amazing with the videos and banners by micheal tronn that they hang up there. Like I said scumfrog played great, but I wanted to check out a little of maze and limebar. Limebar was kicking, but something was up with maze and so stayed at limebar for a bit and then was 2 late to try nerve again. Damn I know i missed out on a great act, but looking at that upcoming schedule u posted on gu vip and by the looks of it I'll be at many of the parties you guys are throwing.

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Originally posted by diabolique007

awww! Actually I came back here to say it was very nice to meet Vipnerd/Marco and Carla last night :D

I was very dissapointed though, you don't make a very good nerd .... I mean you weren't even weaing glasses OR a pocket protector.. :tongue: j/k

It was hard to hear over the phat tunes, but did Carla say she posts here as well...or do you just hog the computer?


just kidding!

It was quality last nite :aright: ... nice meeting Eric as well ... ;)

Hope you can make it next Friday ... Slacker will be looots of fun ... :D :D :D

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Thanx for sharing the pics....

I had a blast last Friday. It was great seeing the usual suspects. mrmovement... it was a pleasure to meet you :)

i hope to make it out on Friday, for Slacker. Maybe we'll all do a round of shots :idea::D

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