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Non-Gym Excercise routine....?

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Originally posted by rackham

How exactly do your 5-10 pound weights improve your appearance and definition?

I don't understand why you are having such a hard time believing me, but it does.

As I said before, it doesn't work for everyone, but it works for me.

I am thin to begin with and have muscle tone from being athletic. I don't want to get jacked, or look over developed, so for me 5 and 10 pound weights work just fine.

I'm happy with the way I've been looking and my workout routine is giving me my desired appearace.

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Originally posted by ladyshady

I don't understand why you are having such a hard time believing me, but it does.

As I said before, it doesn't work for everyone, but it works for me.

I am thin to begin with and have muscle tone from being athletic. I don't want to get jacked, or look over developed, so for me 5 and 10 pound weights work just fine.

I'm happy with the way I've been looking and my workout routine is giving me my desired appearace.

Clearly I'm not posing my questions well, because you're not answering them.

What physiological benefit do these 5-10 pound weights give you? If you're already "toned" from being athletic, why do you bother lifting them at all?

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Originally posted by rackham

Clearly I'm not posing my questions well, because you're not answering them.

What physiological benefit do these 5-10 pound weights give you? If you're already "toned" from being athletic, why do you bother lifting them at all?

That's the thing, I am not toned from being athletic. Its has just made me gain some muscle.

The reason I lift is for muscle definition, for some cuts in the arms, and for some strength. Especially since I am no longer as athletic as I used to be.

The reason I use 5 and 10 pound weights is because I do not want "manly" muscular arms. I am just looking for some toning and i guess you could say "feminine" cuts in the arms..

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Originally posted by ladyshady

That's the thing, I am not toned from being athletic. Its has just made me gain some muscle.

The reason I lift is for muscle definition, for some cuts in the arms, and for some strength. Especially since I am no longer as athletic as I used to be.

The reason I use 5 and 10 pound weights is because I do not want "manly" muscular arms. I am just looking for some toning and i guess you could say "feminine" cuts in the arms..

And the workouts you're doing to get toned are perfect! Not sure what the problem is.


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Originally posted by spragga25

Lifting light weights with high reps does....it most certainly worked for me.

No it doesn't. You lost fat by burning calories. That's what gave you definition. Maybe your new workout burned more calories.


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Originally posted by rackham

No it doesn't. You lost fat by burning calories. That's what gave you definition. Maybe your new workout burned more calories.


hmm...so I guess my nationally accredited track coach, my trainer that worked with members of the Buffalo Bills and friends that are professional track athletes (including my brother) are wrong.

Sorry dude - but I don't believe what some quack off a google search says. I believe what professionals and what I did physically did in the weightroom for years. Please don't lecture me when it comes to fitness and training...ever.


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Originally posted by spragga25

hmm...so I guess my nationally accredited track coach, my trainer that worked with members of the Buffalo Bills and friends that are professional track athletes (including my brother) are wrong.

Sorry dude - but I don't believe what some quack off a google search says. I believe what professionals and what I did physically did in the weightroom for years. Please don't lecture me when it comes to fitness and training...ever.


There are two ways to gain "definition": lose fat to make the muscles more visible, or gain muscle to make it stand out. There is no other way.

I don't care who you're being trained by. Unfortunately, there are THOUSANDS of trainers and athletes who don't really know anything about exercise science -- they just know the lore that's been handed down to them by *their* trainers, and it doesn't have any scientific basis.

I suggest you do some research on the topic, and get back to me when you can actually EXPLAIN how low weight and high reps builds cuts. Until then, you're just blowing steam.

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Originally posted by rackham

There are two ways to gain "definition": lose fat to make the muscles more visible, or gain muscle to make it stand out. There is no other way.

I don't care who you're being trained by. Unfortunately, there are THOUSANDS of trainers and athletes who don't really know anything about exercise science -- they just know the lore that's been handed down to them by *their* trainers, and it doesn't have any scientific basis.

I suggest you do some research on the topic, and get back to me when you can actually EXPLAIN how low weight and high reps builds cuts. Until then, you're just blowing steam.

You're stuck on theories and science more than actual results...why? And please EXPLAIN your theory to me since I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about in terms of how it works for YOU. You come on here spouting science and theories, but I don't see actual "workouts" from you. Until you practice what you preach, it'll be very hard for me to believe anything you say - if you've accomplished anything in the world of athletics, weightlifting, and bobybuilding, I'd be very happy to hear them.

Oh....please do us a favor on this board and be somewhat respectful to peeps here by not lecturing or talking down to them. Everyone here does their own specific thing for THEM to acheive the best possible results in their physical development - why rip their routine?

You come off as an elitist, who blabbers more about the science than actually giving and doing the workout itself, disrespecting people who have worked on their bodies for years - which is not right. Change your attitude or leave, because it brings downs the great quality of this particular board.


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Originally posted by spragga25

You're stuck on theories and science more than actual results...why? And please EXPLAIN your theory to me since I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about in terms of how it works for YOU. You come on here spouting science and theories, but I don't see actual "workouts" from you. Until you practice what you preach, it'll be very hard for me to believe anything you say - if you've accomplished anything in the world of athletics, weightlifting, and bobybuilding, I'd be very happy to hear them.

On....please do us a favor on this board and be somewhat respectful to peeps here by not lecturing or talking down to them. Everyone here does their own specific thing to THEM acheive the best possible results in their physical development - why rip their routine?

You come off as an elitist, who blabbers more about the science than actually giving and doing the workout itself, disrespecting people who have worked on their bodies for years - which is not right. Change your attitude or leave, because it brings downs the great quality of this particular board.


The reason I'm stuck on science is because that's how the body works! There are facts about the human body that you can't avoid:

- There is no such thing as spot reduction.

- It is impossible to change the shape of your muscle -- only make it bigger or smaller.

- Definition/cuts/tone comes from low bodyfat and muscularity.

I do practice what I preach -- not as much these days, but in college I trained religiously, and helped some of my friends make really impressive gains. Every piece of advice that I give, I've done myself and I know it works. If you want to know my current workouts, I'll post them too, but it really doesn't matter -- you don't have to be an accomplished bodybuilder to know these things. Like I said, they're scientific fact. The most successful olympic strength coaches aren't olympic athletes themselves, you know...

If I seem like an elitist, it's because there's a lot of garbage advice out there. People do things and get results, but they don't know WHY it worked. I guarantee you that low weight and high reps does not build cuts, EXCEPT if the workout burned more bodyfat than your usual workout.

You talk about "what works for me" and "what works for you" as if people's bodies are significantly different. It's true that people will get different results from different workouts, but there are some things that are common to ALL people (like the things I listed above)!

So, I don't think I'm bringing down the quality of the board. If anything, I'm trying to keep the advice HIGH quality, by disagreeing when I see blatantly false information being perpetuated. I realize why people buy it, because it's very common advice, but it's quite simply false, just like the myth that 500 crunches will give you a slim waistline. I'm sorry you're taking it badly, but maybe you should take it as an opportunity to learn something, instead of attacking me personally.

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Originally posted by spragga25

Oh....please do us a favor on this board and be somewhat respectful to peeps here by not lecturing or talking down to them. Everyone here does their own specific thing for THEM to acheive the best possible results in their physical development - why rip their routine?

You come off as an elitist, who blabbers more about the science than actually giving and doing the workout itself, disrespecting people who have worked on their bodies for years - which is not right. Change your attitude or leave, because it brings downs the great quality of this particular board.


i'll point out the obvious: this is a public board on a specific topic that is here for people to share information-- for you to suggest that Rackham is off-base for sharing his knowledge (knowledge, btw, that is endorsed by the scientific and bodybuilding communities...) is kind of ridiculous.

if people post information that someone considers inaccurate, i would hope that the someone will correct that person and back up his or her correction with a few good sources. pointing out that someone isn't working out efficiently according to what he's read isn't DISRESPECTFUL, it's HELPFUL.

if people can stop being too prideful to consider that they might not know everything--without even doing the research to back up their statements-- then we can really develop a great board here.

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Originally posted by wideskies

i'll point out the obvious: this is a public board on a specific topic that is here for people to share information-- for you to suggest that Rackham is off-base for sharing his knowledge (knowledge, btw, that is endorsed by the scientific and bodybuilding communities...) is kind of ridiculous.

if people post information that someone considers inaccurate, i would hope that the someone will correct that person and back up his or her correction with a few good sources. pointing out that someone isn't working out efficiently according to what he's read isn't DISRESPECTFUL, it's HELPFUL.

if people can stop being too prideful to consider that they might not know everything--without even doing the research to back up their statements-- then we can really develop a great board here.

I didn't know google was a bodybuilding community...news to me.

my bad

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Originally posted by spragga25

I didn't know google was a bodybuilding community...news to me.

my bad

misc.weights.fitness is really useful, methinx.

they have their trolls, of course, but most of the members who post regularly are very good about referencing information. it's a very no-nonsense group, on the whole. ;]

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probably who doesn't but we all get older and want to look our best.

my routine is kickboxing, and climbing up & down the stairs in my office bldg vs using the lift. By the time I get to my floor I'm tired.

Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i despise the gym....

i hate crowds..waiting for shit..people sweating around me...and just plain old sweating indoors...

i started playing basketball every night...even if i shoot around for 45 mins..i break a hell of a sweat...and i feel like i accomplished something....

anyone else have any non gym routines?

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