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Calistenics Workout... The Pinnacle of Conditioning

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Ive been doing strength training with weights since i was 14 years old. But i have never seen gains like i have from doing calistenics workout. By the way, a calistenics workout is a workout that uses your own body weight such as Situps, Pushups, Pullups and Dips. Does anyone else do primarily calistenics workouts and if so what do you do.

This is my workout...


50 4-Count Jumping Jacks

20 2-Count Half Jumping Jacks



3 Pullups

3 Widegrip Pullups

3 Chinups

3 Widegrip Chinups

3 Pullups


3 Sets of 15-20


10 Regular Pushups (Slow)

10 Regular Pushups (Fast)

10 Triangle (Tricep) Pushups

10 Regular Pushups (Slow)

10 Triangle (Tricep) Pushups

10 WideGrip Pushups

10 Regular Pushups

10 Triangle (Tricep) Pushups

10 Dive Bomber Pushups


25 Behind the Head Situps

25 Cross Armed Situps

20 Flutter Kicks

25 Half Situps

25 Crunches

30 Good Morning Darlings (Opening and Closing the legs) :laugh:


25 Static Lunges

100 Static Squats

50 Calf Raises

50 Static Squats

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Originally posted by siceone

what kinda of results? Im not too sure you would get much muscle growth from that, but that is an excellent work out for twich fiber and edurance. I bet you get crazy hard

High-volume workouts can actually be really great for muscle mass... ever heard of GVT (German Volume Training)?

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Originally posted by elitesnautica

That appears to be a good beginners routine. But you will come to a plateau very quickly with no way to progress.


no plateau yet... ive been doing it for about 2 months in conjunction with either a running,swimming or basketball program

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

no plateau yet... ive been doing it for about 2 months in conjunction with either a running,swimming or basketball program

It sounds like you are extremely active - just keep it up and you should be fine. If you get to a point where your muscles are not showing like you want - then you may want to consider free weights.


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Originally posted by elitesnautica

It sounds like you are extremely active - just keep it up and you should be fine. If you get to a point where your muscles are not showing like you want - then you may want to consider free weights.


i used to do free weights but i have the bulky body type... really strong, very muscular but i have little definition so with this type of exercise im getting more dense and more tightly woven lean muscle instead of gaining bulk from weights im getting more leaner muscle... sort of like a gymnast.

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

i used to do free weights but i have the bulky body type... really strong, very muscular but i have little definition so with this type of exercise im getting more dense and more tightly woven lean muscle instead of gaining bulk from weights im getting more leaner muscle... sort of like a gymnast.

What do you mean by dense vs. bulky muscles?

Sounds to me like you just have lower bodyfat than you've had in the past.

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take for example a gymnast and a body builder... now a body builder can put up like 300 lbs on a press or curl maybe 80 lbs easy... now a gymnast like someone who does rings probably couldnt press that or curl that weight but they can do some insane shit... why? dense muscles and more muscular endurance over muscular strength thats what im aiming for...

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

take for example a gymnast and a body builder... now a body builder can put up like 300 lbs on a press or curl maybe 80 lbs easy... now a gymnast like someone who does rings probably couldnt press that or curl that weight but they can do some insane shit... why? dense muscles and more muscular endurance over muscular strength thats what im aiming for...

Okay, I see your point about muscular endurance. Like siceone suggested, that's because your workout is probably targeting more slow-twitch than fast-twitch muscle fibers. You could do the same with weights, by targeting a higher rep range (and you may want to some day, when your body workouts no longer offer enough resistance). I haven't seen anything specifically about slow-twitch fibers being "denser", but that's definitely possible since people who train for endurance don't get big...

I do think your definition is coming from low bodyfat, though. You could have big muscles and just as much definition if you wanted.

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

i guess, its possible since my exercise involve a lot of aerobic movement i could be buring more calories and fat which is why the muscular definition ive always had is making an appearance through the extra "chub"

Exactly. Your muscles might have gotten a little bigger from the new workout as well, enhancing the effect. :aright:

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Guest jroo

its about freaking time that somebody posted about this. i dont check this board that much, but i should start. i totally agree with trancer and i have proof. calistenics are hella better than working with wieghts anyday of the week. im not a good speller, so dont hold that against me. you guys want to know how to get inshape? or just bulk up? doing waht im about to tell you isnt going to make you a huge body builder, but you will get growth, hard, cut, and the ablitity to do anything. the gym is overrated, but is useful when used right. ok, on with my proof.

in highschool i had weight training for 3 years, played football for 4. tightend, defensive end. wieghed about 155, 6 foot 1, yes i was a lanky bitch. in 3 years of wieght training my bench went up freaking 20 lbs. from like 150 to 175. pretty gay, huh? well, i left for the army one month after graduating. i never touched wieghts for a good 6 months. i was eating 3 meals a day, instead of two like i was in school. tons of pushups, situps, and more running than i would ever care to enjoy. anyway, so after about 6 months of being in i was wieghing in at about 170. i decided to go to the gym for the first time with a buddy of mine. by the way my max number of push ups went up by about 30 in two minutes at this time. so in the gym i decide to bench 175. i couldnt believe how easy it was. i did about 5 of them and was like this is bs. more wieght. 205, did 5 more. i was like what the hell is going on??? alright lets find my max. 225, too easy, 245, ok, a little harder, 265, got it up good, then i said ok, thats it. and it only got better from there. i got up to 185 with 6% body fat. and i know that i was benching well over 300 but i never went to the gym. i know i was benching more than that because i was doing about 50 more push ups in two minutes since the last time i went to the gym. anyway..

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Guest jroo

here's the work out

stretch get warmed up and shit

1. do as many pushups as you can do without getting up, or droping to your knees, then do 5 more, then do 5 more on top of that.

2. roll over and do basic crunches. 100

3. roll back over and repeat number 1.

4. roll back over and put legs to the side and do 100 oblique crunches

5. repeat step 1, but do wide arm push ups.

6. crunches iwth legs to the right.

7. repeat step 1 , but close hand push ups.

8. 100 of the supine bicycle.

9. on your knees do shoulder presses, open hand, as many as you can do, then 5 more, 5 more deal.

10. lie on your back, hands under your but legs together, do leg raises, 100.

11. back to step one. :) get the point??

finish it all up with a 2-5 mile run at about a 9 minute mile pace. you'll thank me in the morning. :):)

so many freaking exercises, so little time. i on the other hand have had shoulder surgery from carrying a telephone pole, and and ankle surgery from breaking it and not finding out for 4 years. and im 25 now, so im old and lazy, but i officially started working out again last night. i love how you're never really sore until two days later.

this work out is gonna be hard. to stay motivated start out with smaller numbers and less sets. but you'll see if you stick with it that even the big boys bench will go up. and try to swim when you can too!

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Originally posted by jroo

its about freaking time that somebody posted about this. i dont check this board that much, but i should start. i totally agree with trancer and i have proof. calistenics are hella better than working with wieghts anyday of the week. im not a good speller, so dont hold that against me. you guys want to know how to get inshape? or just bulk up? doing waht im about to tell you isnt going to make you a huge body builder, but you will get growth, hard, cut, and the ablitity to do anything. the gym is overrated, but is useful when used right. ok, on with my proof.

in highschool i had weight training for 3 years, played football for 4. tightend, defensive end. wieghed about 155, 6 foot 1, yes i was a lanky bitch. in 3 years of wieght training my bench went up freaking 20 lbs. from like 150 to 175. pretty gay, huh? well, i left for the army one month after graduating. i never touched wieghts for a good 6 months. i was eating 3 meals a day, instead of two like i was in school. tons of pushups, situps, and more running than i would ever care to enjoy. anyway, so after about 6 months of being in i was wieghing in at about 170. i decided to go to the gym for the first time with a buddy of mine. by the way my max number of push ups went up by about 30 in two minutes at this time. so in the gym i decide to bench 175. i couldnt believe how easy it was. i did about 5 of them and was like this is bs. more wieght. 205, did 5 more. i was like what the hell is going on??? alright lets find my max. 225, too easy, 245, ok, a little harder, 265, got it up good, then i said ok, thats it. and it only got better from there. i got up to 185 with 6% body fat. and i know that i was benching well over 300 but i never went to the gym. i know i was benching more than that because i was doing about 50 more push ups in two minutes since the last time i went to the gym. anyway..

No offense, but it sounds to me like your workouts and diet sucked while you were in school. Eating only two meals a day would be plenty of reason alone for your bench not to improve.

BTW, being weak isn't "gay". :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm glad you found a program that works for you...

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by rackham

No offense, but it sounds to me like your workouts and diet sucked while you were in school. Eating only two meals a day would be plenty of reason alone for your bench not to improve.

BTW, being weak isn't "gay". :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm glad you found a program that works for you...

im sorry for using the term gay if it offended you. i never did say it was weak though, you made that correlation on your own. i was no way trying to make an attack against homosexuals.

p.s. the four factors of physical fitness are F.I.T.T.

F-frequancy- how often you work out

I-intensity- how hard you work out.

T-time- how long you work out for.

T-type- what type of exercises that you're doing.

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Originally posted by jroo

im sorry for using the term gay if it offended you. i never did say it was weak though, you made that correlation on your own. i was no way trying to make an attack against homosexuals.

oh, so when you said

...in 3 years of wieght training my bench went up freaking 20 lbs. from like 150 to 175.

you didn't mean that you were disappointed in your strength gains?

and when you said

pretty gay, huh?...

you weren't referring to those strength gains?

minimal strength gains = weak, n'est-ce pas?

ya might wanna be a bit more careful characterizing negative things, be it weakness or anything else, as "gay."

(it's kinda high school.)

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Originally posted by jroo

im sorry for using the term gay if it offended you. i never did say it was weak though, you made that correlation on your own. i was no way trying to make an attack against homosexuals.

It definitely seemed like you were saying your less-than-stellar benching ability was "gay", but it's cool, apology accepted. :)

p.s. the four factors of physical fitness are F.I.T.T.

F-frequancy- how often you work out

I-intensity- how hard you work out.

T-time- how long you work out for.

T-type- what type of exercises that you're doing.

Never seen this acronym before, but it seems like a good guideline. I would elaborate:

Frequency: every 3-5 days per muscle, giving them time to heal and overcompensate.

Intensity: train hard, but smart. Going to failure isn't necessary to make gains and increases your risk of injury/overtraining.

Time: About an hour is a safe guideline. Around that time your body starts generating catabolic hormones.

Type: Goal-specific, of course!

Also, never EVER forget diet! What you eat is JUST as important as what/when you lift! :aright:

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by rackham

It definitely seemed like you were saying your less-than-stellar benching ability was "gay", but it's cool, apology accepted. :)

Never seen this acronym before, but it seems like a good guideline. I would elaborate:

Frequency: every 3-5 days per muscle, giving them time to heal and overcompensate.

Intensity: train hard, but smart. Going to failure isn't necessary to make gains and increases your risk of injury/overtraining.

Time: About an hour is a safe guideline. Around that time your body starts generating catabolic hormones.

Type: Goal-specific, of course!

Also, never EVER forget diet! What you eat is JUST as important as what/when you lift! :aright:

thank you for accepting my apology. i almost lost it after i read wideskies' post, but actually seeing that someone respected my apollogy calmed me down. good additions to FITT. its from the military incase you were wondering where it came from. the type part means like push ups, running, squats or whatever, the goal is total body fitness.

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