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pool parties

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we dont have pools in the ghetto. just those lil blow up things...and they'd get mad grimy real soon...so we just used to crack fire hydrants open and play in them...

i always envied my rich friends who had a backyard and alligator alley...

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I've been invited to four so far this year- and I haven't been able to go to any of them!!!

There's supposed to be a big one out on LI sometime before the season is over... complete with not only pool, but also hot tub and *waterfall*- WOO-HOO!!! :D :D

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Was at one on Saturday... ( I have the bruises to prove it )

Yes we get a little wild when we all drink... People get tossed in the pool from all different directions... Rough Rough night. But always fun. Nothing like BBQ's Alchohol, and SUN...

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Originally posted by mssabina

alcohol and swimming DO NO mix... well maybe, but it's definitely not a good idea...

Yeah... It kinda sucks when half your cup of beer gets a splash of chlorine water in it... :laugh: Eh... just adds flavor ;)

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