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Webster Hall tonight

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did you wind up goin that day? It was a fun night for me and my friends cause one of them was celebrating his bday. What did you think of themusic in the BALLROOM (THE BIG ROOM) i really hate the auction it take to much time and pisses a few of the regualrs off who want to dance. I love it when their doin their thing on stage and rick turns up te volume with KING UNIQUES- MUSIC PLEASE sample. Cause its true we want music.

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Silverbull - how are you? I think if Burnt went to Webs on 7/19 he must have had a great time. Hopefully, he received a promo! Rick had the Ballroom dancin, screamin and sweatin! And, to think, we have it on tape.

I do agree, the auction is whack....Very weak intrusion on what is a great performance by one of their better DJs. I've also noticed they put out these really big flyers, on the bar, advertising thurs and fri. Are they trying to take the Saturday crowd over to their other nights? They should stop the nonsense and give Rick the props he deserves. I thought that's why he went back! Speak to you soon on Rick's board.

Message to the MASK- leave the older woman alone; RESPECT.

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Originally posted by undergr0und

are you the guy in the white gloves and mask who is always stripping in the marlin room? i always thought they pay you for this :confused:

undergr0und .. no dude .. i am not that guy .. i used to wear a white mask .. actually i started that mask phenomena in webster hall ..

i am the guy who was always on the floor and somtimes on the stage dancing like crazy .. i usually wore the mask backword, as in behind the head .. and this created an illusion from a distant were people would see the mask and get surprised as they would think the person wearing the mask is moving backword .. oh well ... enough with that ..

peace out

the MASK

PS .. i don't think they pay the guy with the white mask and the gloves .. but u can just ask him i guess ..

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I don't know if he is there every night but the person I hate is this old guy that is always there when I have been there and thinks he is bruce lee or something doing karate and shit. I think it is an attempt at a dance but one day he karate kicked my drink right out of my hand. GRRRR!

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Originally posted by destinyschild

I don't know if he is there every night but the person I hate is this old guy that is always there when I have been there and thinks he is bruce lee or something doing karate and shit. I think it is an attempt at a dance but one day he karate kicked my drink right out of my hand. GRRRR!

destinyschild .. yo . that is hillarious .. who's that guy? karate? hmmm ... can you describe him .. i am really curious now :)

the MASK

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Originally posted by luztirada

I GOT TWO WORDS FOR WEBSTER HALL............................................

SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

luztirada .. a year ago i would not have agreed with you .. but now .. i 100% agree ..

if the management of webster hall keeps doing what they are doing .. then this club is goind down the drain .. it will be a matter of time before people know about them and not go there ..

judging from what the management has been doing in the past few years, this place is history ..

do u belive that i used to have a membership card for the club (paid $200 for it) .. and one day i lost it .. and when i called them .. they said "you gotta buy a new one"!!!! whattttttttt .. i mean when u have a credit card and u loose it .. they issue u a new one .. but nooooooo webster hall card is special ..

fuck webster hall ..

the MASK

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Originally posted by luztirada

Not to mention they charge like 12 bucks for a drink with more than one alcohol lolol

that's true .. they gotten really greedy in the past two years .. it started with cutting all the freebies .. then jacking up the admission fees .. then jacking up drinks .. then cutting on shows .. then firing the good dancers (they used to cost the club more money you know) .. then firing the great friendly staff ..

man .. they lack vision .. and they going down .. i feel bad .. coz that used to be my second house .. oh well

the MASK

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sorry for the delayed response...

yes, i went to webster hall that night

awesome VIP area---love the beds...especially after last night's Sex and the City episode

fun times in the 80s room and main room

i thought the singles auction was okay, although some responses were repetitive and the first couple guys who were auctioned off were straight...but gay guys won....so it was a waste of time....but i saw at least one of the couples going at it up in VIP, so that was good

very good VIP service---especially accomodating when a couple friends came asking for me from "the outside"

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I wouldn't doubt that that is the same old guy that used to be at Exit dancing by himself back in the day. Everytime this old guy sees me he runs away after that incident. I get my friend to do a few mocking karate kicks and the guy runs out of the dance room. Actually a long time ago years ago he had done the same thing to me. I don't know why but sometimes I feel like just hitting him with a numchuck or something.

Seriously Mask though not turning on my buddy silverbull but from going there for x amount of years (not as many as you) I have noticed a difference in alot of those same aspects. The place needs a vibe or something. I think Corbo and the guy that runs the lights work great together. The place looks good (ballroom) and house music is off the meters. But something like the card thing would piss me off. Mask it's too bad you don't go there anymore. Would have liked to have met you. Who knows I was probably there when you were there in the past. Anyhow have a great one!

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Originally posted by destinyschild

I wouldn't doubt that that is the same old guy that used to be at Exit dancing by himself back in the day. Everytime this old guy sees me he runs away after that incident. I get my friend to do a few mocking karate kicks and the guy runs out of the dance room. Actually a long time ago years ago he had done the same thing to me. I don't know why but sometimes I feel like just hitting him with a numchuck or something.

Seriously Mask though not turning on my buddy silverbull but from going there for x amount of years (not as many as you) I have noticed a difference in alot of those same aspects. The place needs a vibe or something. I think Corbo and the guy that runs the lights work great together. The place looks good (ballroom) and house music is off the meters. But something like the card thing would piss me off. Mask it's too bad you don't go there anymore. Would have liked to have met you. Who knows I was probably there when you were there in the past. Anyhow have a great one!

destinyschild your story about that dude is sooo funny .. i really wana see that guy ... hehe .. :tongue:

as for as WH .. well the place is not totally bad . i mean some good aspects of WH are the music, the regulars, the tourist, the space .. etc.

i was just saying that the management of WH are bringing this place down ..

remember when they fire DJ smookey .. do u know what happen? well . they did not pay him proceeds from the CD he mixed for them ..

do u rememer Diane . the black hair dancer . or Mary Ann the blonde dancers .. (i don't expect u to remember them .. those are like 8-10 yrs old history) .. well .. those were some of the two best dancers ever . and WH mgmt did not give them the money they deserve and wanted them to be pracitcally naked .. sooooo degrading .. again .. mgmt fault ..

for your information .. one of my best friends who was one of my dancing student as well .. got a job there . and after i heard what they wanted her to do .. i asked her to leave . and she listened to me ..

finally .. too bad i did not meet you too .. i am always up for good people . and if u know siliverbull .. u gotta be a good man .. as i can tell from your own writing ..

so hey .. i might come to WH one night . just to meet good old friends .. and make new friends ..

take care my friend

the MASK

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hey destiny dont worry i think websterhall is a great venue with bad customers. Well i mean bad for MUSIC LOVERS but i guess its great for business. Besides there doin whatever makes them money. They could care less about the djs i believe. Now dragon if you do come down i think im bringin my video camera to record this event. Seriouly if more people from this board would try to ignore most of the crowd and find the few of us who are actually there to hear the great music then it would be awesome.

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Originally posted by silverbull

hey destiny dont worry i think websterhall is a great venue with bad customers. Well i mean bad for MUSIC LOVERS but i guess its great for business. Besides there doin whatever makes them money. They could care less about the djs i believe. Now dragon if you do come down i think im bringin my video camera to record this event. Seriouly if more people from this board would try to ignore most of the crowd and find the few of us who are actually there to hear the great music then it would be awesome.

silver .. what event? sure may be i can go for my friends .. but don't hold your breath dude .. i wont be able to dance for a while as my doctor recommended not to until i go for surgery and totally recover (give or take at least a year) ..

in any case .. let me know what event are you talking about and i might be there .. just seeing nice great friends like you and drew .. is more than enough to be there ..

take care

the MASK

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Got there late but glad I missed the auction, Music was pretty good on the main floor alot of songs I know which was good but also wanted to hear some new ones....GLad I wore my diesel sneakers cause my boy who was wearin adidas they gave a hard time too, finally let him in after a while and arguing that he knew a bartender....Got free drinks, Hulks and had a blast, stayed late too prolly till around 4ish then debated on goin to factory but it didnt work out soo...A good sat. night though prolly goin to Webster Hall alot more soon....

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Heydragon destiny there is no event. I meant the "EVENT" of the masks return thast all. And househead when you head down come say hello. Im usually with a bunch of people by the booth dancin our asses off. Look for the people who are actually dancing.

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Originally posted by silverbull

Heydragon destiny there is no event. I meant the "EVENT" of the masks return thast all. And househead when you head down come say hello. Im usually with a bunch of people by the booth dancin our asses off. Look for the people who are actually dancing.

I see .. cool .. and ya .. u guys dance your asses off .. true that

big shout out to my boy .. silverbull

the MASK

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Burnt - glad you came out that night. Sorry we missed you with the promos.

Mask - i had you confused with the other guy.... he strips for girls - yuk...

Hope you guys come out and check Rick Corbo out on a Saturday. If you're not crazy about the crowd - who cares. Its all about the music. Rick mixes are nasty! In a good way.... LOL


P.S. You can check out and join his website also. Thanks.

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Originally posted by powerpill

Yo Househead I think I saw you cause I was getting hooked up at the bar by the bartender with the hulks to by the DJ booth in Rick's room. I got like 5 freebies from my boy

I was outside the 80's room, at the sports bar, cause thats where my boy's girl was workin that night....Hulks are the shit huh, HULK it up!!!!

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