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Why is D.C without a high end lounge/club?

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by vicman

yeah, who wouldve guessed it? with a curse word every 3rd or fourth word, that can only be jroo. :rolleyes:

hi, my name is...

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by vicman

and yes, you do curse a lot. every third word on that saturday morning phone call after 5 was a curse word.

and? who the fuck cares? for the record, they said fuck on nbc on saturday, when the showed the movie bowfinger.

fuck fuck figitidy fuck fuck

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

WHOA... I'm about to get on the soap box so anyone who isn't ready, leave now.

It's not at all that one can't have fun here. It's just that you have to figure out how to stop whining and adjust to what's available first. No, DC isn't New York, and the range of places to go is not as wide, nor are there as many places to go. However, there are some very nice places out there for those of you who are seeking that sort of thing, and as mother once told me "class may mean expecting the best, but it also means knowing when to shut your mouth, be gracious and enjoy yourself". No one likes a whiner, kids, so while I am all for upscale clubs, I am really worn down by people who can just never have it quite plush enough, quite cool enough, quite high or shiny or pretty enough - if it's really so bad, stay home. I'm sure you've decorated your apartment nice enough to like it there, being as how you have sooooo much money to toss around, and the rest of us will go out and have a good time even if our martini glasses aren't tiffany crystal. If Brooks Bro prefers an upscale spot, great, and if my asian uncle prefers rolling his face off at glow and screaming "MOUTSO MOUTSO!" great... but don't start bashing on a whole nightlife scene when most of you who are dissing haven't even gone to the majority of spots in the city. The scene needs everyone to support all aspects, and negativity never gets anyone anywhere. Joke around if you want, but this name-calling, derogatory "my aunt's cousin's grandson's friend's older brother told me it sucks" crap is totally ridiculous. Thanks.

good job, now get off your soapbox and back on your knees

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Originally posted by abrooksbro

I've been to 1223 on the weekends, for me the whole atmostphere is somewhat lost by the interior decor. Thanks for the recomendations, and I will definitly check out these places. As for the comments about having to be forced to dress a certain way, I don't feel that's the case, I tend to dress that way anyway, and thus feel a little out of place at a huge place with people in sneakers and basketball jerseys, I suppose I am part of the pretentious scene, so be it

My suggestion is to check out some of the "higher end" eateries in DC - such as DC Coast and some spots in Georgetown and then simply sit at the bar and ask the bartenders. They'll know other places you could try because their clientel is looking for what you're looking for or rather might be more informed than my compatriots here on this board.

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Wait don't go to Red - I think Spin only put that in there cause they share an owner... Red is dark, rather dirty and there is no dress code.

How is red dirty? It's a helluva lot cleaner than nation and other places. You dont see trash on the floors or lots of spilled drinks here and there like 5. Ok, maybe exposed brick isnt your idea of great interior decor but it gives the place character.

alicia, you sound disappointed there in your thread when you mentioned that i was the only one you saw from the board. Sorry for not being david hasslehoff enough for ya.

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Funny thing is, at places where the clientele are supposed to be upscale, 9 times out of 10, they are the ones makin all the trouble. Grabbin girls asses, spillin drinks, bumpin into people, throwin up on girls shoes. But hey, they do all this in Gucci and Versaci so it's ok.

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Originally posted by frost350

Funny thing is, at places where the clientele are supposed to be upscale, 9 times out of 10, they are the ones makin all the trouble. Grabbin girls asses, spillin drinks, bumpin into people, throwin up on girls shoes. But hey, they do all this in Gucci and Versaci so it's ok.


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Originally posted by spinsaikel

How is red dirty? It's a helluva lot cleaner than nation and other places. You dont see trash on the floors or lots of spilled drinks here and there like 5. Ok, maybe exposed brick isnt your idea of great interior decor but it gives the place character.

alicia, you sound disappointed there in your thread when you mentioned that i was the only one you saw from the board. Sorry for not being david hasslehoff enough for ya.

No fool, I don't care that it's dirty, and I like that it is dark and brick. I was saying that because I'm pretty sure Brooks Bro WON'T like it. I say dirty because - well, have you ever been in the women's bathroom? :yuck:

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Originally posted by eggmok

honestly, i really can't stand upscale places . . .

for me, i want to be comfy, be able to wear my sneaks and baggys, and have them spin sumpin nice . . .

dream, vip:peeleft:

is that why your dirtbag ass never comes out? :tongue:

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