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some thoughts on kobe bryant situation


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alright, so pics of this dumb white chick have leaked into the press and internet.

and from what i was hearing on cnbc, attorneys for this dumb chick are reporting that there might of been a bit of roughness, due to the fact that kobe is supposedly "well- endowed".

well duhhhhhh. he's 6 foot, freaking 7 inches tall. and he's black. what did she expect?? a 3 inch nub??

i hope this chick gets the tables turned on her, and that she goes to jail for falsely accusing kobe, and pays heavy fines etc.

keep in mind, i'm a big kobe hater. but i hate dumb girls after just money even more.

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Originally posted by FlipsSOE

alright, so pics of this dumb white chick have leaked into the press and internet.

and from what i was hearing on cnbc, attorneys for this dumb chick are reporting that there might of been a bit of roughness, due to the fact that kobe is supposedly "well- endowed".

well duhhhhhh. he's 6 foot, freaking 7 inches tall. and he's black. what did she expect?? a 3 inch nub??

i hope this chick gets the tables turned on her, and that she goes to jail for falsely accusing kobe, and pays heavy fines etc.

keep in mind, i'm a big kobe hater. but i hate dumb girls after just money even more.

i agree on all fronts.

i hate kobe, but i hate even more these kind of people that just get mixed up and manipulate the situation.

Granted, no one but them knows the full truth, but put yourself in her shoes for a moment: A hotel receptionist, 19 yrs old and barely out of high school, gets a call from Kobe Bryant of all people. He asks for a "special request" for room service after hours. Already, she should have followed the rules and said there is no room service after a certain hour. But she broke that rule.

Then goes upstairs to his room. I heard that she earlier gave him a tour of the compound. So who knows what they spoke of. Add a little wine to the mix, and it seems to be pointing more at her fault than his.

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George, i hope you are not implying that sexual assault is justifiable in some instances.

regardless of whether she initially wanted to get into Kobe's pants, or whether she was drunk, or he was drunk, under NO circumstance should Kobe have forced anything on her if she had said "No."

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Originally posted by wideskies

George, i hope you are not implying that sexual assault is justifiable in some instances.

regardless of whether she initially wanted to get into Kobe's pants, or whether she was drunk, or he was drunk, under NO circumstance should Kobe have forced anything on her if she had said "No."

of course not :eek:

where did you get that from?

Im just saying that , to put yourself in her shoes, and imagine having the chance to get with a rich, famous handsome dude. I doubt that she would reject his oncomings, if he did come on to her. But i also doubt that he was that forceful as she claims.

Plus, she seems like a somewhat unstable person, based on what i've heard (losing her friends, OD'ing on pills). So, even though i despise kobe (lol), im siding more on his side. That is of course, unless they find contusions or serious bruises that indicate a struggle.

But to me, it seems like it was consensual

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if you look at it from another perspective it´s a great way for the girl to get on TV and get money.

didn´t she apply for american idol before and got rejected? wouldn´t it be a great way to get into TV? if one accused a famous person of rape? talkshows, latenight shows, interviews, a cheap TV film over your sad story, etc.

i don´t buy it...

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Originally posted by tastey

if you look at it from another perspective it´s a great way for the girl to get on TV and get money.

didn´t she apply for american idol before and got rejected? wouldn´t it be a great way to get into TV? if one accused a famous person of rape? talkshows, latenight shows, interviews, a cheap TV film over your sad story, etc.

i don´t buy it...

very valid points

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Originally posted by spragga25

very valid points

except that she's practically in hiding right now... which seems to imply she's NOT all that opportunistic.

again, can anyone providing a link showing that she's demanding money?

why is it that people have such a hard problem believing that someone famous would sexually assault someone? i mean, after all, he's cheated on his wife and child ... he's certainly not a role model.

personally, i can't blame one person or the other, since i don't have all the facts and it's really not my business to have them.

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Originally posted by gmccookny

of course not :eek:

where did you get that from?

From this:

"....So who knows what they spoke of. Add a little wine to the mix, and it seems to be pointing more at her fault than his."

It seemed like you were implying that whatever happened, which at this point might be rape, is more her fault than his. If it was consentual, of course, he still had as much a say in taking off his pants as she did.

If a woman is leading a man on, and convinces him to sleep with her, but then halfway through the act decides that she wants to stop, or it's too rough... then the man should stop. Always.

Im just saying that , to put yourself in her shoes, and imagine having the chance to get with a rich, famous handsome dude. I doubt that she would reject his oncomings, if he did come on to her. But i also doubt that he was that forceful as she claims.

Why do you doubt he was as forceful as she claims? Do you know Kobe personally?

Plus, she seems like a somewhat unstable person, based on what i've heard (losing her friends, OD'ing on pills). So, even though i despise kobe (lol), im siding more on his side. That is of course, unless they find contusions or serious bruises that indicate a struggle.

I read somewhere that people saw her coming out of the room crying, with her clothes ripped. I don't have the source though, so I can't "side" with one or the other of them. I support neither Kobe nor the girl's side, since I don't have the information to judge. However, I refuse to support the notion that it is inevitable that she is lying. Just because you're emotionally unstable doesn't mean you're a liar... but then again, it doesn't mean you're NOT a liar. :]

But to me, it seems like it was consensual

Were you there?! Can you read minds?!

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do u think this girl is going to just come out and say, hi i'm doing this because i want money?? no, if she did, let's just say we wouldn't be having this thread right now, nor would there be any charges pending, nor would this thing be going into trial.

kobe's lawyers don't wanna say it, because it's almost like tampering with the not yet selected jury.

and writers are thinking it, but don't wanna take sides just yet, until it's either over, or this chick admits to it.

and no, he's not a role model. but sleeping with a married man isn't exactly the noblest of things neither.

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Originally posted by wideskies

except that she's practically in hiding right now... which seems to imply she's NOT all that opportunistic.

again, can anyone providing a link showing that she's demanding money?

why is it that people have such a hard problem believing that someone famous would sexually assault someone? i mean, after all, he's cheated on his wife and child ... he's certainly not a role model.

personally, i can't blame one person or the other, since i don't have all the facts and it's really not my business to have them.

that she is hiding right now can also be a VERY good marketing strategy. think how tv stations gonna BID over her for the FIRST interview... she doesn´t NEED to ask for money, they´ll THROW it at her.

why people have such a hard time believing someone famous would sexually assault someone? first, kobe´s famous, he has mad money. he could have SEVERAL female fans of his in his bedroom right now if he just asked them. kobe wouldn´t NEED a single girl and if he´s any intelligent, wouldn´t give a fuck about any SINGLE girl. he does not come from such a scarcity mentality that most rapists come from, furthermore i don´t think he is the type that gets off on raping little girls (that would have shown before).

maybe he even did it a little rough. maybe she even PLAYED for that (for reasons mentioned above). if you have made a guy REAL horny, you´re already fucking and you say "stop" all of a sudden and get all cold there is a good chance that the guy, especially if YOU DON`T KNOW HIM AT ALL and you have no idea about him, gonna get a little rough. that is common sence.

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Originally posted by wideskies

except that she's practically in hiding right now... which seems to imply she's NOT all that opportunistic.

again, can anyone providing a link showing that she's demanding money?

why is it that people have such a hard problem believing that someone famous would sexually assault someone? i mean, after all, he's cheated on his wife and child ... he's certainly not a role model.

personally, i can't blame one person or the other, since i don't have all the facts and it's really not my business to have them.

i think it's because that girl knew that Kobe was married....she knew she didn't have to go into that room - she made that decision on her own. Being involved with major athletics most of my life, I've seen this occur quite a bit and it's unfortunate - most pro sports now have clinics for rookies informing and advising them of the hazards of women like that.

I'm not defending Kobe either - he committed adultery and he's slime and a piece of trash for doing that.

There are no winners in a situation like this - and if Kobe is found not guilty, that girl could be in real trouble with countersuits for defamation of character by Kobe and media possibly ripping her a new one.

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Originally posted by spragga25

There are no winners in a situation like this - and if Kobe is found not guilty, that girl could be in real trouble with countersuits for defamation of character by Kobe and media possibly ripping her a new one.

i definitely think both of them made very bad judgements in the situation, regardless if it was rape.

i hope whoever is lying gets punished for it.

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Originally posted by tastey

that she is hiding right now can also be a VERY good marketing strategy. think how tv stations gonna BID over her for the FIRST interview... she doesn´t NEED to ask for money, they´ll THROW it at her.

Damned if she does go public, damned if she doesn't. :rolleyes:

he does not come from such a scarcity mentality that most rapists come from

Rape is NOT just about sexual scarcity, it's also about power. Just imagine for one second: "Hey, I'm Kobe Bryant! I get what I want! How can you say no to me?!?" Not saying that's what happened, but the fact is, WE DON'T KNOW and ANYTHING is possible.

maybe he even did it a little rough. maybe she even PLAYED for that (for reasons mentioned above). if you have made a guy REAL horny, you´re already fucking and you say "stop" all of a sudden and get all cold there is a good chance that the guy, especially if YOU DON`T KNOW HIM AT ALL and you have no idea about him, gonna get a little rough. that is common sence.

So women should expect to get raped if they change their minds, and have no ground to stand on. Common sense or not, that's just disgusting.

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Originally posted by spragga25

i think it's because that girl knew that Kobe was married....she knew she didn't have to go into that room - she made that decision on her own. Being involved with major athletics most of my life, I've seen this occur quite a bit and it's unfortunate - most pro sports now have clinics for rookies informing and advising them of the hazards of women like that.

I'm not defending Kobe either - he committed adultery and he's slime and a piece of trash for doing that.

There are no winners in a situation like this - and if Kobe is found not guilty, that girl could be in real trouble with countersuits for defamation of character by Kobe and media possibly ripping her a new one.

yeah, i actually saw a special on espn about athletes who endure the same training about fans spragga mentioned.

I mean, im not ready to point the finger or blame anyone, but it just seems that kobe would have to be very, VERY stupid to let it get that far. And he doesn't seem that stupid of a person.

But no matter what, i think we can all agree on the following:

He was at fault for committing adultery and getting into this situation

She was at fault for providing room service when she shouldn't have.

Where the grey area is is the accusation of rape. So, it may not be right for anyone to say who is right or wrong. Right now, it seems both are.

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It's all bullshit :rolleyes:.....If I'm not mistaken, he admitted to having sex w/ her....So what can they really base their story on other than what people heard coming from the room.......Whatever witnesses that were @ the hotel are going to bs imo to get money.......

This is SUCH an easy way for this girl to get paid.....How many girls are there that lie about being raped/being pregnant ect who won't be walking away w/ a shitload of money.....This is probably her way of getting back at him for their one-night-stand & now he is going to suffer the consequences...but it serves him right for cheating....

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if the case is being tried in Eagle Canyon...i highly doubt Kobe will get a fair trial being that the Eagle Canyon is made up of mostly white people. I am not a racist but i am just lookin it from a different point of view. if its an all white jury, kobe will get fucked

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Originally posted by gmccookny

I mean, im not ready to point the finger or blame anyone, but it just seems that kobe would have to be very, VERY stupid to let it get that far. And he doesn't seem that stupid of a person.

Stupid to let it get *how* far? He admitted to having an affair with her... that's pretty damn far!

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Originally posted by rackham

Stupid to let it get *how* far? He admitted to having an affair with her... that's pretty damn far!

well, of course it is.

but i still classify consensual adultry and rape in 2 different categories (although both are bad)

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Originally posted by wideskies

LOL at all of you people who "know that Kobe isn't the kind of guy who would do that."

And you thought the responses on NB were bad. I was kind of expecting this kind of tripe here, but seriously, I'm astonished at the responses in this thread.

All you people better wake the fuck up (and I'm not talking about Wideskies and Rackham here)..

..Idolization, its the American Way..:rolleyes:..

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

And you thought the responses on NB were bad. I was kind of expecting this kind of tripe here, but seriously, I'm astonished at the responses in this thread.

All you people better wake the fuck up (and I'm not talking about Wideskies and Rackham here)..

..Idolization, its the American Way..:rolleyes:..

what did smurf and myself say that was so wrong?

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