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***advice Needed ***

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Ok... I need to end a little something with someone that I work with.

Crazy thing is. She holds basically everything I look for in someone. She is funny, independant, layed back, cute etc... etc... But there is so much in her life that I know will make things hard now and in the future to actually hold a long term relationship. I would rather end things now than wait and risk anyone getting hurt in in the long run. Unfortunately we had gotten really close way to fast. And the issue of us working together makes it even worse.

I don't want to get into crazy detail on here... But if someone can give me a little advice... Drop me a PM. I would appreciate it.

I know I made a mistake overlooking alot of things in the beginning. And I feel like shit for that. But I only think it is fair to get this over sooner than later but I want to do it without causing drama or pain.


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you can either tell her the truth, lie, or do something in between.

you might want to go for the last option, for example, by telling her that breaking the "not dating someone you're working with" rule is getting to you... even if that's not the *primary* reason you want to end the fling.

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Originally posted by wideskies

you can either tell her the truth, lie, or do something in between.

you might want to go for the last option, for example, by telling her that breaking the "not dating someone you're working with" rule is getting to you... even if that's not the *primary* reason you want to end the fling.

Nah... It is all going to be 100% Truth... I would still like a friendship with the person. And I don't like to lie in general. I don't think it is going to be bad at all. I told her a little while ago I had to talk to her about something. But I was on the phone and I told her I didn't want to talk about anything over the phone. It is just not something you do over the phone. She knows that what ever I have to say is not good. And told me that no matter what it is about good/bad that she would not want to lose me as a friend. So I don't think is it going to be as bad as I thought... :):(:) I hate doing things like this. But I know I am better off doing it...

Thanks guys. :)

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Originally posted by wideskies

you can either tell her the truth, lie, or do something in between.

you might want to go for the last option, for example, by telling her that breaking the "not dating someone you're working with" rule is getting to you... even if that's not the *primary* reason you want to end the fling.

Nah... It is all going to be 100% Truth... I would still like a friendship with the person. And I don't like to lie in general. I don't think it is going to be bad at all. I told her a little while ago I had to talk to her about something. But I was on the phone and I told her I didn't want to talk about anything over the phone. It is just not something you do over the phone. She knows that what ever I have to say is not good. And told me that no matter what it is about good/bad that she would not want to lose me as a friend. So I don't think is it going to be as bad as I thought... :):(:) I hate doing things like this. But I know I we are both better off .

Thanks guys. :)

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Originally posted by elementx

Ok... I need to end a little something with someone that I work with.

Crazy thing is. She holds basically everything I look for in someone. She is funny, independant, layed back, cute etc... etc... But there is so much in her life that I know will make things hard now and in the future to actually hold a long term relationship. I would rather end things now than wait and risk anyone getting hurt in in the long run. Unfortunately we had gotten really close way to fast. And the issue of us working together makes it even worse.

I don't want to get into crazy detail on here... But if someone can give me a little advice... Drop me a PM. I would appreciate it.

I know I made a mistake overlooking alot of things in the beginning. And I feel like shit for that. But I only think it is fair to get this over sooner than later but I want to do it without causing drama or pain.


sugarcoat the truth, and let her know where you stand... in all seriousness youre both adults, and i think thats the best way to handle it... and quite possibly she may appreciate your candidness...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

sugarcoat the truth, and let her know where you stand... in all seriousness youre both adults, and i think thats the best way to handle it... and quite possibly she may appreciate your candidness...

Well I took care of everything Friday night. It went over fairly well. Actually so far it was a little easier than I thought.

( Hoping for no re-purcussions )

Now I can finally put my mind towards someone else who I have recently had some great times with and have been looking to step things up for sometime. But we had both held back for sometime because other friends were kinda making things a little rough. ( LONG STORY ) some of you have gotten PMs from me in the past asking about that situation. And know what I am talkin about.

( Heres to new beginnings :beer: )

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