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The Meetings Suck Weekend Thread


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Yeah, I've been in meetings for the past couple of hours (and I was at lunch before that), so here's the damn thread:

Tonight - party at my place. Trying to get the JV'ers up to varsity level, but it isn't going to be easy. Pretty much sitting around, being social, drinking beers, and waiting for the Varsity to show up after Howells.

Tomorrow - somehow getting out of my house by 11am, going to the halloween outlet in worcester to buy props (bobby police hats, batons, hand cuffs, who knows), then driving to the course and swimming in red bull and vodka all day long. Driving a golf cart, trying to run-over your friends while smashed is far more fun than actually playing golf. After the tourney me and 3 friends are paying my little brother $5 each to drive us to Worcester where we'll crash some bars. And I mean crash.

Sunday - FUCKING WORK :mad: :mad: :mad: I don't know how that's going to happen, but I'm supposed to watch over some shit. Good luck.

My appologies for the worst weekend thread ever

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tonight - sox game then local party at friends.

tomorrow - running errands and getting last minute camping gear stuff.....then a "museum and dinner" date in the North End and then much debachery I'm sure...

sunday - recooping and studying..

oh, and all weekend of course is :smoke::beer:

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