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Originally posted by sassa

if i'm so wrong, then what is your stance on the embargo? you think cuba deserves it?




i think the embargo IS NOT WORKING....and although we ALL know where the money of lifting the embargo would go (except for Sassa who defends DICTATORSHIPS)...many believe that by lifting the embargo many of the BRAINWASHED and ENDOCTRINATED Cuban youths (much like Sassa) will see how good it is in the US and will revolt against the regime..either way...whether it be with an embargo or without it...Castro's days are numbered...the man forgets speeches, plays the ass on TV (just like Sassa thinks Pres. Bush does) and even forgets provinces in his own country (which HE himself changed after he took power)...the future of Cuba DOESNT depend on the Cubans in exile, but those that stayed or were left behind in Cuba....

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277




i think the embargo IS NOT WORKING....and although we ALL know where the money of lifting the embargo would go (except for Sassa who defends DICTATORSHIPS)...many believe that by lifting the embargo many of the BRAINWASHED and ENDOCTRINATED Cuban youths (much like Sassa) will see how good it is in the US and will revolt against the regime..either way...whether it be with an embargo or without it...Castro's days are numbered...the man forgets speeches, plays the ass on TV (just like Sassa thinks Pres. Bush does) and even forgets provinces in his own country (which HE himself changed after he took power)...the future of Cuba DOESNT depend on the Cubans in exile, but those that stayed or were left behind in Cuba....

you could have been mature and explained your stance in a grown up fashion. but no, you had to be a dick and include stupid little comments about me. shit. you know what's sad? i know 16 year olds more mature, and knowledgable, than you. that is truly a sign of a pathetic person.
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Originally posted by dnice35

you dumb bitch that man has no good in him...

dnice, no need to call me a dumb bitch, no one involved you in this discussion. why do you have to stick your grimy nose in it? stop being such a loser. oh wait, its imbedded in you. my bad...:blown:
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Originally posted by sassa

dnice, no need to call me a dumb bitch, no one involved you in this discussion. why do you have to stick your grimy nose in it? stop being such a loser. oh wait, its imbedded in you. my bad...:blown:

another word from you and Im going to imbed my cock so far down your mouth, its gonna come out your ass......

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Originally posted by dnice35

another word from you and Im going to imbed my cock so far down your mouth, its gonna come out your ass......

you mean the little stub in your pants? my cat has a bigger dick than you.
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Originally posted by sassa

whatever. fuck castro. fuck cuba. fuck everything. it's funny how the US is bent on destroying dictatorships around the world, but can't deal with the shit it has in its own backyard.

one thing for sure: after 25 attempts to kill him, castro is definitely a smart mo fo.

U really have no clue what a dictatorship is if you are even hinting at the US being a dictatorship. NO PEOPLE in the world enjoy more freedoms than Americans. Explain to me a country that is better than the US and why I'm just curious maybe i'll move their???

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

U really have no clue what a dictatorship is if you are even hinting at the US being a dictatorship. NO PEOPLE in the world enjoy more freedoms than Americans. Explain to me a country that is better than the US and why I'm just curious maybe i'll move their???


what about socialist countries? and what exactly constitutes a freedom, according to you? the country next door, canada, is a good candidate. but, it depends on what you're thinking about.

by the way, i have no idea what you're smoking. i never said the US was a dictatorship. it is an oligarchy.

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Originally posted by sassa


what about socialist countries? and what exactly constitutes a freedom, according to you? the country next door, canada, is a good candidate. but, it depends on what you're thinking about.

by the way, i have no idea what you're smoking. i never said the US was a dictatorship. it is an oligarchy.

1. Socialism DOES NOT WORK name me one socialist country that succeeded.

2. I can write a 20 page thesis on the definition of freedom but i really dont feel like it to prove a point. Everything you choose to do out of your will is freedom. Complaining about everything the government does is one example of your freedom. Yes living in our society you do not enjoy total freedom because frankly total freedom is anarchy. To better help me understand your quarrels with the US please for me note.. I don't know 3 things that are wrong with the United States and then give an example of where another country is much better.

3. Canada is the 51st state pretty much and except for cleaner streets i really dont see where Canada excells over us please give an example.

4. The US is a republic plain and simple, far from an Oligarchy. The fact is despite what you want to believe (and also what i believe as well) the majority of people support Bush so i don't see how it is an Oligarchy Bush was elected into office and the people of the USA gave him the power he has.

:cool: by the way YES I AM SERIOUS

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I've been reading this thread with great amusement and the most outrageous thing posted was about the American pedophiles invading the island of Cuba.

Sassa-where did you pull that out of? Don't you know that the grand majority of sex tourists that frequent Cuba are from Germany, Italy,Spain and Canada. So please call a spade a spade and get your perverts correct.

And unlike most people here I've been to Cuba twice and and I can attest that Castro has fucked his own people over in ways no one here can ever imagine. A doctor is lucky to make $20 a month and household appliances cost as much as they do here. Many European hotels have invested in Cuba but they have to pay Castro in hard currency which he pockets all for himself. In turn the hotel workers get paid in useless Cuban pesos and get this the only currency that stores accept in LA REPUBLICA COMMUNISTA DE CUBA is the US Dollar. How's that for a mindfuck? It's like getting paid in Monopoly money. The currency of the very country that Castro is constantly demonizing is what rules there.

Go figure.

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Originally posted by homersimpson

I've been reading this thread with great amusement and the most outrageous thing posted was about the American pedophiles invading the island of Cuba.

Sassa-where did you pull that out of? Don't you know that the grand majority of sex tourists that frequent Cuba are from Germany, Italy,Spain and Canada. So please call a spade a spade and get your perverts correct.

And unlike most people here I've been to Cuba twice and and I can attest that Castro has fucked his own people over in ways no one here can ever imagine. A doctor is lucky to make $20 a month and household appliances cost as much as they do here. Many European hotels have invested in Cuba but they have to pay Castro in hard currency which he pockets all for himself. In turn the hotel workers get paid in useless Cuban pesos and get this the only currency that stores accept in LA REPUBLICA COMMUNISTA DE CUBA is the US Dollar. How's that for a mindfuck? It's like getting paid in Monopoly money. The currency of the very country that Castro is constantly demonizing is what rules there.

Go figure.

funny. the person who told me about the pedophiles is a retired army corporal who spent a great deal of time in guantanamo bay, as well as other parts of cuba. it has been going on since the casinos shut down in the 50's-60's. this is partly why las vegas became such a success in the gambling industry. cuba was the vegas of the area till the embargo was imposed. but what do i know. i just know someone who's been in cuba for more than 30 years and pretty much has seen what goes on there. but that's not worth shit, is it...:rolleyes:
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Originally posted by seximofo2k

1. Socialism DOES NOT WORK name me one socialist country that succeeded. ideally, it could work. and what do you mean succeeded? succeeded in what?

2. I can write a 20 page thesis on the definition of freedom but i really dont feel like it to prove a point. Everything you choose to do out of your will is freedom. Complaining about everything the government does is one example of your freedom. Yes living in our society you do not enjoy total freedom because frankly total freedom is anarchy. To better help me understand your quarrels with the US please for me note.. I don't know 3 things that are wrong with the United States and then give an example of where another country is much better. let me get back to you on this, it's quite late now.

3. Canada is the 51st state pretty much and except for cleaner streets i really dont see where Canada excells over us please give an example. LOL so true! but canada has excellent health and welfare systems. i like how even if you're dirt poor or very rich, you can still get free treatment and not worry about insurance bills and hefty prices for life saving treatments like surgeries, or chemotherapy, or even if you just wanted to get your teeth pulled. the US sucks your blood out in these things.

4. The US is a republic plain and simple, far from an Oligarchy. The fact is despite what you want to believe (and also what i believe as well) the majority of people support Bush so i don't see how it is an Oligarchy Bush was elected into office and the people of the USA gave him the power he has.

much like the roman empire was a republic? yes it is an oligarchy. a small group of similar people with similar interests, who maintain the system such so that it stays the way it is for generations to come. i don't find it a coincidence that the majority of people in congress and senate have some blood ties. and, the majority of people support bush? where do you get your facts from? perhaps about the war, but in general? I doubt that. also, the people did not choose bush. the electoral college did. there's a huge difference there.

:cool: by the way YES I AM SERIOUS i'm sure you are.

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Originally posted by sassa

you could have been mature and explained your stance in a grown up fashion. but no, you had to be a dick and include stupid little comments about me. shit. you know what's sad? i know 16 year olds more mature, and knowledgable, than you. that is truly a sign of a pathetic person.

b/c i give back, what u put out...i said it before and i will say it again...u want respect, u give it...and my stance is one of "it doesnt make a difference"...its a lose, lose situation there...u lift the embargo and Castro gains from all the products and aid sent to Cuba...he will just take the food and medicine that is meant to help the Cubans and use them for his personal gain (i.e. for the German, Spanish, Italian and British tourists)...if u keep the embargo the Cubans suffer the same amount as they would if it was lifted, but the embargo u know isnt really affecting him...so to me, it does not matter...the only way Cuba will be the "Pearl of the Antilles" again, is if Castro dies...NO ONE ELSE in that regime can hold his legacy...WHEN CASTRO DIES...HIS REGIME DIES...thank God!!!

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

b/c i give back, what u put out...i said it before and i will say it again...u want respect, u give it...and my stance is one of "it doesnt make a difference"...its a lose, lose situation there...u lift the embargo and Castro gains from all the products and aid sent to Cuba...he will just take the food and medicine that is meant to help the Cubans and use them for his personal gain (i.e. for the German, Spanish, Italian and British tourists)...if u keep the embargo the Cubans suffer the same amount as they would if it was lifted, but the embargo u know isnt really affecting him...so to me, it does not matter...the only way Cuba will be the "Pearl of the Antilles" again, is if Castro dies...NO ONE ELSE in that regime can hold his legacy...WHEN CASTRO DIES...HIS REGIME DIES...thank God!!!

I don't know much about this subject, but are you sure he doesn't have some sort of "heir" who would take over after he dies.

That would suck!

"Its time for a revolution!"

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Originally posted by raver_mania

I don't know much about this subject, but are you sure he doesn't have some sort of "heir" who would take over after he dies.

nope...he is cult of personality....he dies his legacy crumbles there after...he has a second in command, forgetting his name right now...but he doesnt have what it takes...his brother, Raul? :laugh: ....NO ONE respects him....even people in his own regime laugh at him, b/c he is gay...like literally....and Castro's son is a Dr. and DOES NOT have what it takes...once Castro falls and the next in command gets in..u will see things changing...ONLY Castro can run Cuba like he has for this many years...mark my words...

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Originally posted by sassa

much like the roman empire was a republic? yes it is an oligarchy. a small group of similar people with similar interests, who maintain the system such so that it stays the way it is for generations to come. i don't find it a coincidence that the majority of people in congress and senate have some blood ties. and, the majority of people support bush? where do you get your facts from? perhaps about the war, but in general? I doubt that. also, the people did not choose bush. the electoral college did. there's a huge difference there.

:cool: by the way YES I AM SERIOUS i'm sure you are.

WHO VOTES IN THE CONGRESSMAN AND SENATORS IN????????? You really must live in a dream world you think that their is some big conspiracy going on. And yes most people like Bush's stance thats why his approval rating in every poll i have seen is still above 50% (and before you pull some "it's a right wing conspiracy in the media crap" have some facts to proove that those polls are false don't just say your opinion. by the way don't use the electoral college as another conspiracy claim the fact is the 00' election was the closest in history and i agree the electoral system is outdated but if your gonna say it is rigged then once again please show a hint of proof in that or anything else you say.

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Originally posted by sassa

Originally posted by seximofo2k

1. Socialism DOES NOT WORK name me one socialist country that succeeded. ideally, it could work. and what do you mean succeeded? succeeded in what?

:cool: by the way YES I AM SERIOUS i'm sure you are.

3. Canada is the 51st state pretty much and except for cleaner streets i really dont see where Canada excells over us please give an example. LOL so true! but canada has excellent health and welfare systems. i like how even if you're dirt poor or very rich, you can still get free treatment and not worry about insurance bills and hefty prices for life saving treatments like surgeries, or chemotherapy, or even if you just wanted to get your teeth pulled. the US sucks your blood out in these things.

You can tie these two together into your argument of the goods of socialism and social welfare systems. Ideally it could work like Ideally communism is the best system where everyone contributes for the betterment of the community. The problem that occurred was when you are receiving the same benefits no matter how much you work then their is no benefit for you to work your full potential unless you had the threat of a person like Stalin who would ship u to Siberia if u didnt work your heart out. So the fact is I really dont feel that a degenerate who refuses to keep a steady job should receive the same benefits as a person who works 60 hours a week busting his or her ass.

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

You can tie these two together into your argument of the goods of socialism and social welfare systems. Ideally it could work like Ideally communism is the best system where everyone contributes for the betterment of the community. The problem that occurred was when you are receiving the same benefits no matter how much you work then their is no benefit for you to work your full potential unless you had the threat of a person like Stalin who would ship u to Siberia if u didnt work your heart out. So the fact is I really dont feel that a degenerate who refuses to keep a steady job should receive the same benefits as a person who works 60 hours a week busting his or her ass.

Communism is shit on paper...and worse in the real world...it would never work...and i have given reasons why...it is what us Cubans call: "Paja Mental" (Mental Masturbation):jerkoff:

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

WHO VOTES IN THE CONGRESSMAN AND SENATORS IN????????? You really must live in a dream world you think that their is some big conspiracy going on. And yes most people like Bush's stance thats why his approval rating in every poll i have seen is still above 50% (and before you pull some "it's a right wing conspiracy in the media crap" have some facts to proove that those polls are false don't just say your opinion. by the way don't use the electoral college as another conspiracy claim the fact is the 00' election was the closest in history and i agree the electoral system is outdated but if your gonna say it is rigged then once again please show a hint of proof in that or anything else you say.

conspiracy theory? :rolleyes:

yes, indeed, who makes sure they are voted in? do you know who paul findlay is? i recommend you read his work, especially a book called "they dare to speak out" If you don't care to think that i have nothing but conspiracy theories floating around in my head, maybe you'll at least respect what he has to say, considering he was a congressman for 22 years. 50% of americans support bush- who else is there to support? the democrat party is bankrupt in terms of leadership, and politicians waste their time marking the differences between the two main parties rather than trying to consolidate their differences and work together.

of course the election was riggged. come on, you think it was a coincidence there was a problem with votes in the same state his brother jeb is a governor in? who knows what the real outcome would have been, but the fact is: the popular vote isn't worth a damn thing besides the electoral vote. and who comprises that vote? senators and congressmen= politicians! so please, it's common sense. our vote isn't worth squat.

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Originally posted by sassa

and who comprises that vote? senators and congressmen= politicians! so please, it's common sense. our vote isn't worth squat.

You are one disgruntled miserable peson. I thank God that you are no where near me or never will be. If I had to see or put up with you or your hairbrain conspiracies theories on a daily, weekly or fuck it, even a yearly basis I would beg Castro to take me into one of his jails and torture me endlessly just so I wouldnt have to hear your Anti-American Hate/Conspiracy theories ever again. If gaining one thing from reading your posts, I now realize how lucky I am to have never smoked crack.

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Originally posted by skince55

You are one disgruntled miserable peson. I thank God that you are no where near me or never will be. If I had to see or put up with you or your hairbrain conspiracies theories on a daily, weekly or fuck it, even a yearly basis I would beg Castro to take me into one of his jails and torture me endlessly just so I wouldnt have to hear your Anti-American Hate/Conspiracy theories ever again. If gaining one thing from reading your posts, I now realize how lucky I am to have never smoked crack.

then do it. the world will be rid of one less idiot.
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