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Stupid new law


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New law protects people who change mind during sex

July 28, 2003 — "No" always means no, even when someone says it during the middle of consensual sex, according to a new state law.

The law clarifies the issue of consent by spelling out that people can change their mind even while having sex. If someone says "no," the other person must stop or it becomes rape.

The Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault praised the law Monday, but a criminal defense attorney said it might open the door to false rape accusations.

"That sounds a little dangerous," said Jack Rimland, immediate past president of the Illinois Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. "The vagueness of that is really what disturbs me more than anything else."

Sen. Dan Rutherford, R-Pontiac, said the bill was inspired by a California case involving two teenagers. The girl changed her mind about having sex, but the boy did not stop immediately.

He was charged with rape, and it took years for the courts to decide that he was guilty under California law.

Rutherford said the new Illinois law should prevent that kind of protracted court battle.

"We didn't want Illinois to go down the path of not having a clear law," he said.

Lyn Schollett, general counsel for the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault, called the new law significant for making it crystal clear -- to victims, offenders, prosecutors and juries -- that people have the right to halt sexual activity at any time.

She said that principle may make it easier to pursue cases where someone is raped by a past sexual partner.

"I think it will empower prosecutors in charging cases where the victim and the offender have a sexual history," she said.

Rimland suggested the law will require juries to make difficult judgments about exactly when consent is withdrawn and whether that was made clear to the other person.

False rape claims also might be easier to make, he said. Showing whether sex was consensual can be difficult, and showing that sex started out consensual but later became rape would be even more complex.

But Rutherford and Schollett disagreed, saying the law does not change the burden of proof needed to convict someone.

Gov. Rod Blagojevich signed the law Friday but did not reveal his action until Monday.

His office did not return a call seeking comment on the new law.

Don't get me wrong. If a grl says no before sex, then there will be no fucking. But once we start, unless she's in tears or something, we ain't stopping. Hell, I know some girls who LIKE to say no durring sex. It's one of their werid traits. But if you stop, they'll be like "why the fuck you stopping?".


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Originally posted by joeg

f this... just drug that slut up and go to town... she won't remember it in the morning anyway... ;) ;)

Unless you tape it like that Max Factor heir. That was another case that got blown out of proportion. The bitches CAME to his house. WENT on his bed. DRANK the ghb, then sobbed in court that they were duped and raped. He ended up getting a life sentence. Those are some vindictive bitches.

I used to have sluts be MAD at me for not doing GHB (that they brought over) with them before we had sex.


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Originally posted by Evan

Unless you tape it like that Max Factor heir. That was another case that got blown out of proportion. The bitches CAME to his house. WENT on his bed. DRANK the ghb, then sobbed in court that they were duped and raped. He ended up getting a life sentence. Those are some vindictive bitches.

I used to have sluts be MAD at me for not doing GHB (that they brought over) with them before we had sex.


You must have the longest nose. :laugh:

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Rape= non-consentual sex

A woman tells you to get the fuck out of her, and you don't, it is non-consentual. You have become a rapist. You go to jail. You get your own ass reamed inside-out by prisoners who have daughters and wives of their own on the outside and want to show such scumbags a taste of their own medicine.

End of story.

If you haven't yet, watch "O" if you want to see what sex that started out as consentual but ends up as rape looks like.

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D, i don't think anyones debating that when a woman says "Stop" you stop... but i think this is just going to become a vice for girls to use in court against rappers/sports players/etc...

oh yeah, and that scene in "O" is really something.... :shake:

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Originally posted by tastyt

Rape= non-consentual sex

A woman tells you to get the fuck out of her, and you don't, it is non-consentual. You have become a rapist. You go to jail. You get your own ass reamed inside-out by prisoners who have daughters and wives of their own on the outside and want to show such scumbags a taste of their own medicine.

End of story.

If you haven't yet, watch "O" if you want to see what sex that started out as consentual but ends up as rape looks like.

I haven't seen it.

I don't want anyone to misjudge what I am saying. Rape is a horrible thing, and I beleive in a woman's right to say no. I just think it would be weird if two people went back to a bed, got naked, started having sex, and then all of a sudden for one of the partners to say no. What the fuck would they be doing there? Why did they start only to stop? And if you read my previosu posts in other threads, you will have seen that I HAVE had girls stop in the middle. It sux. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

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Originally posted by joeg

D, i don't think anyones debating that when a woman says "Stop" you stop... but i think this is just going to become a vice for girls to use in court against rappers/sports players/etc...

well, Evan implied that if the deed began, the deed SHALL be finished "unless she's in tears or something." the problem is, by the time she's in tears, it's already rape.

the concern about stuff being used in court... well.. people ALREADY falsely accuse others of being raped. our court system is there for a reason: to determine whether a law was actually broken or not.

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Originally posted by joeg

D, i don't think anyones debating that when a woman says "Stop" you stop... but i think this is just going to become a vice for girls to use in court against rappers/sports players/etc...

oh yeah, and that scene in "O" is really something.... :shake:

I was responding mainly to what Evan said about not stopping unless the woman was in tears.

Anyway Evan... sometimes there *are* reasons for wanting to stop... pain, for one... but anyhoo, check out O...

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Originally posted by wideskies

well, Evan implied that if the deed began, the deed SHALL be finished "unless she's in tears or something." the problem is, by the time she's in tears, it's already rape.

the concern about stuff being used in court... well.. people ALREADY falsely accuse others of being raped. our court system is there for a reason: to determine whether a law was actually broken or not.

Please read what i have posted above. If I was with a girl and she started saying No, I'd immediately stop. But then, if she was a BITCH and went to the police, how am I supposed to prove to a court how many thrusts I did after she said No. See, you can prove whether rape happened whether a girl had sex with a guy or not. But how do you prove u stopped the minute she said no once sex had occured.


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Originally posted by Evan

Please read what i have posted above. If I was with a girl and she started saying No, I'd immediately stop. But then, if she was a BITCH and went to the police, how am I supposed to prove to a court how many thrusts I did after she said No. See, you can prove whether rape happened whether a girl had sex with a guy or not. But how do you prove u stopped the minute she said no once sex had occured.


even without this new law, a woman could (falsely) accuse you of rape, Evan.

if the law makes people think twice before they force themselves on a "cock tease" who changes her mind, then it sounds like a good thing to me.

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Originally posted by wideskies

even without this new law, a woman could (falsely) accuse you of rape, Evan.

if the law makes people think twice before they force themselves on a "cock tease" who changes her mind, then it sounds like a good thing to me.

Ah..but a cocktease would NOT be having sex in the first place (hence "tease"). I think this is gonna introduce a wave of lawsuits of girls who regret later having sex with somone, who get mad at a their ex boyfriends, etc.. You cannot prove that you stopped an act once it had started already. There is no rape kit that can show this evidence.

As for stopping when a girl get's sore, I am VERY used to that. And I have stopped everytime (after much begging though :D )


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Originally posted by Evan

As for stopping when a girl get's sore, I am VERY used to that. And I have stopped everytime (after much begging though :D )


I was just trying to come up with an example, I'm trying to think of more... maybe they condom broke, she just remembered that she forgot to take her pill, she realizes that it's like day 13 of her cycle, or something... I'm just trying to show that there *are* valid reasons why a woman might want to stop, and it's not necessarily because she simply changed her mind at the drop of a hat.

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Originally posted by wideskies

what i'm saying is that women can ALREADY claim falsely they were raped after the fact.

anyway, sex is fun. yay.

Yes they could. But before, a defense atttorney could say "The girl went to the house, got on the bed, got naked.... she wanted the sex" and could get his innocent client aquited. Now, even if there were witnesses saying a girl wanted to have sex with somone, they could still get accused of rape.

For instance. Say a girl told all her friends she wanted to sleep with a guy. She then went to the guy's hotel room and got on his bed naked. The guy took pics of her smiling, getting naked, etc. After the sex, she left and a week later the guy gets accused of rape. In the past, the guy could bring the friends as witnesses, the security camera from the hotel, and the pics he took of her. He could prove his innocence and get his name cleared. With this new law, he would be screwed, and no amount of evidence would ever clear his name.


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Originally posted by wideskies

our court system is there for a reason: to determine whether a law was actually broken or not.

lol... i take it you don't spend much time in courts? ;)

i don't know... i guess the law makes sense... its just like any other law, the interpretation can get sketchy, and (dis)proving something that only involved the plantiff and the defendant is tricky...

i guess the laws are pretty irrelevant... accusation is conviction in the public eye.

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Originally posted by Evan

In the past, the guy could bring the friends as witnesses, the security camera from the hotel, and the pics he took of her. He could prove his innocence and get his name cleared. With this new law, he would be screwed, and no amount of evidence would ever clear his name.

the article didn't say the law made bringing evidence and witnesses more difficult. i'm not sure where you got that from. did i misread the article and miss some critical info?

Rimland suggested the law will require juries to make difficult judgments about exactly when consent is withdrawn and whether that was made clear to the other person.

this is often the situation in alleged rape cases.

False rape claims also might be easier to make, he said. Showing whether sex was consensual can be difficult, and showing that sex started out consensual but later became rape would be even more complex.

again, i don't see how (it isn't explained, anyway) it would be any different from what happens now regarding how people try to prove that sex "started out consensual but later became rape."

But Rutherford and Schollett disagreed, saying the law does not change the burden of proof needed to convict someone.

these people seem to agree. *shrugs*

joeg: it's true that the court system is royally fucked up sometimes. that's not the fault of the individual laws themselves... as you said, as with any law, interpretation can (and will!) get sketchy.

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Originally posted by tastyt

Anyway, the fact of the matter is that rape is an extremely UNDERreported crime... so I don't think you really have much to worry about.

i honestly wouldn't be shocked if false reports outnumber actual reports...

which is a shame, because there IS actually a lot of REAL rape out there...

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Originally posted by wideskies

that's not the fault of the individual laws themselves...

i agree with that for the most part... although they're always trying to pass whacky, unconstitutional laws... luckily most of which get repealed or don't pass...

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as i wrote in another thread:

this is absolute bullshit! was she forced to take off her clothes? was she forced to be with him? this is pathetic. people have brains and if they aren't smart enough to back off if the situation isn't right, then it's the girl's and the guy's fault. he shouldn't be the only person to blame, especially if she's lying eagle spread in front of him.

it's about time people took responsibility for their actions, even while theyre in "heat".

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