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Stupid new law


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Originally posted by johnholmes

just shows you you shouldn't air your personal life thats all you never know who's watching esp. when you posted pictures going back. just some advice;)

Why? U can't be arrested twice for the same crime. I can publish a book and they can't do anything to me.


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Originally posted by Evan

Oh. And I also put myself in inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab with drugs tests from 1-5 times a week. They felt I had done enough to prove myself. That garuentees u no jail time.


well considering a standardized drug test doesn't reveal K, i would assume you got special treatment esp. since those type tests cost alot more than standard ones. i hope your medical covered that.

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Originally posted by johnholmes

who is the slope? or you can't comprehend a simple question. like your illiterate "more smarter" comment

look who's talking about being illiterate...:laugh:

if you mean slope by the guy in my sig, russell wong. speak english and maybe i'll understand.

pathetic loser.

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Originally posted by johnholmes

well considering a standardized drug test doesn't reveal K, i would assume you got special treatment esp. since those type tests cost alot more than standard ones. i hope your medical covered that.

Nope. Had to take thew special test for $15 more each time.


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Originally posted by Evan

Why? U can't be arrested twice for the same crime. I can publish a book and they can't do anything to me.


you misunderstood what i meant. either way consider urself lucky getting busted twice in a matter of no time with no jail time

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Originally posted by johnholmes

you misunderstood what i meant. either way consider urself lucky getting busted twice in a matter of no time with no jail time

I do. If they had tapped me or investuigated me further before raiding me, I'd be fucked. But they only relied on whoever ratted me out and all i got caught with. But that's no reason for you to call me a rat,


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Originally posted by sassa

look who's talking about being illiterate...:laugh:

if you mean slope by the guy in my sig, russell wong. speak english and maybe i'll understand.

pathetic loser.

yet again i expose your stupidity, wong=slope slang/duragatory for asian

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Originally posted by sassa

ok. that's absolutely fine. but can you deny that a woman's actions don't add to the situation getting worse at times?

Damn... talk about threadjacking... how many more off-topic subjects can we get going!!!

Anyway, I was going to add.. I don't think anyone would disagree that it's not very wise, and certainly not very nice, to be a cocktease... but then what does that even mean? I mean, I'm sure there are plenty of extreme examples that we could all agree too...

But what if what I consider as nothing more than flirty, is construed by someone else as leading him on? I'm sure that there have been *plenty* of occasions where this could have been the case. And if a guy's judgement is somehow impaired, the line between flirt and tease becomes even more blurred. Or what if a guy isn't used to being friendly with women... and mistakes her friendliness for something else?

IDK... as with many things, we could probably just use more education on the matter. IDK, maybe teach women how to better protect themselves, to make sure they've got someone to watch their back. Maybe have guys talk to rape victims to show them the aftermath, even if the crime was just a drunken "mistake." IDK.

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Originally posted by tastyt

*scratches head* Now why did I even bother trying to post on-topic? :confused: :confused: This thread has gone completely haywire...

I agree.

I beleive in a woman's right to say no. I ebelive in a woman's right to say no, even durring sex. But to make a law that opens up to many variables for abuse is ridiculous.

The worst abuse of women I have seen, is when they are fucked up. I have witnessed women being abused sexually many times when they are fucked up, never remembering anything the next day. This is one of the reasons I will not hook up with a girl that I meet that's fucked up before we start egtting physical. I will NEVER be acused of anything as heinous as rape.


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i agree about watching what situations you put yourself in...

i mean, i SHOULD be able to walk through harlem at 1am counting hundred dollar bills... but we all know what would happen...

now comon... if you heard someone got robbed/mugged/killed for doing that in harlem, wouldn't you just say "what a moron, he deserved it" or something like that...

now i'm not saying the 'ol "she was asking for it" gag... but still... its a very fine line... and theres 2 types of "no"... if guys just got up and walked away after the first time they heard "no" no one would ever get laid...

ask just about any girl if they've ever "given in" to having sex with someone because they were too persistant, and it was just easier...

or even more common, a guy's gf isn't 'in the mood' but after some coercing, she finally gives in... i mean... theres the 'no' thats kind of bullshit, and then theres the "NO STOP, YOU'RE HURTING ME!!!"

where am i even going with this? lol... i need to get the fuck out of here, i'm bored... ;)

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Originally posted by tastyt

*scratches head* Now why did I even bother trying to post on-topic? :confused: :confused: This thread has gone completely haywire...

ignore them... this is the first intelligent convo i've had on CP in almost a year... :)

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This post makes me ashamed to be a man.

To ever blame a girl because she was raped is beyond ignorant.

A girl shouldnt be able to dress sexy because then its her fault if someone rapes her? Give me a fucking break.

False accusations of rape out number the unreported cases! OMFG! There are at least 100 rapes not reported for every false one.

Some of you guys deserve to get G'd by by Leather Boy and his friends and wake up with a enlarged asshole and a note about how you asked for it by wearing those jeans.

On a side note, how the hell do you ingnorant fucks ever get laid w/o rape with these people skills?

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Originally posted by shroomy

False accusations of rape out number the unreported cases! OMFG! There are at least 100 rapes not reported for every false one.

you misread... i said that the false accusations outnumber REPORTED ones (not unreported)...

Originally posted by joeg

i honestly wouldn't be shocked if false reports outnumber actual reports...

which is a shame, because there IS actually a lot of REAL rape out there...

if you weren't reffering to me, then disregard... i don't feel like re-reading everyones comments...

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Originally posted by johnholmes

sassa how about a pic, lets see how sassy you are. i am willing to be you are far from it. of c ourse you'll come back with a not so witty comeback

why the fuck should i post a pic? because your mentally retarded ass wants me to? take a hike, moron. :blown:
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Originally posted by sassa

why the fuck should i post a pic? because your mentally retarded ass wants me to? take a hike, moron. :blown:

I think he wants to print it, poke a hole in your mouth, and rape it. People are sick.


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Originally posted by Evan

I think he wants to print it, poke a hole in your mouth, and rape it. People are sick.


no doubt he is a sad fuck. his stupid feuds in drama are getting stale. he"s just a dumbass looking for attention.

ah, the youth of america...:blown:

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Originally posted by johnholmes

you are a complete moron

i would love to know who you ratted out not to get jail time for selling licks, cause that is the only way you would of gotten no jail, u fucking rat pussy bitch. little bitches like yourself would be feeling tyrone ould be double teaming you with his cock and a broom stick up your ass

:laugh: :laugh: :clap:

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