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I Just Got Fired!


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So, I just got fired from a job for the first time ever. Its a weird feeling I must say but it doesnt really bother me. The job sucked very badly and was easily the most boring job I have ever had. All i would do all day was fucking sweep and vacuum up messes that fucking electricains would make. Thats all I would do, with an occasional sidejob here and there. The task took less than 3 braincells so I was kinda hoping I would get fired.

Apparently, I may/may not have been taking a nap during work. The boss had like 4 people looking for me. Oh well, life goes on. Now the only problem is figuring out how im gonna make money for the next few weeks. Only serious answers need apply.....and yes i plan on selling stuff.

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Originally posted by whadupg

I heard the Roxy needs dancers. Please at least go apply and let me come with you to watch your try out :D

thats a negative, roger. is it worth me finding a shitty job where i live for the next few weeks?

i also cant let my dad know cuz he will go flipmode at me. which means i still have to wake up at the asscrack of dawn and stall until he leaves the house. big big boo!

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If you agree to clean our house, go on keg runs, and cook us food, my roomates and I will let you live at my place (we have an empty room now) until you move into Boston. You could tell your dad that you found a job down and Boston and were moving down early. Then go on craigslist or something and look for odd jobs or something. Or go apply at McDonald's or something, who cares, it's not like you'll be doing it for very long. I can't imagine you finding work in cowhampshire that quickly, and waking up at the asscrack without a job would fucking BLOW.

if that doesn't work, I've got a back-up plan: flavanarc :cool:

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Originally posted by flavanugz

thats a negative, roger. is it worth me finding a shitty job where i live for the next few weeks?

i also cant let my dad know cuz he will go flipmode at me. which means i still have to wake up at the asscrack of dawn and stall until he leaves the house. big big boo!

Nah - I wouldn't even bother - do your thing for the next couple of weeks. Or just stay with someone in Boston and start looking there now.

But I really don't want you to GET a job at the roxy. I just want to see their faces when you do the moonwalk for them ;)

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

If you agree to clean our house, go on keg runs, and cook us food, my roomates and I will let you live at my place (we have an empty room now) until you move into Boston. You could tell your dad that you found a job down and Boston and were moving down early. Then go on craigslist or something and look for odd jobs or something. Or go apply at McDonald's or something, who cares, it's not like you'll be doing it for very long. I can't imagine you finding work in cowhampshire that quickly, and waking up at the asscrack without a job would fucking BLOW.

if that doesn't work, I've got a back-up plan: flavanarc :cool:

oh wise one......how you have helped a lost soul. you make much sense. i will call u tonight.

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Originally posted by flavanugz

oh wise one......how you have helped a lost soul. you make much sense. i will call u tonight.

They didn't make me the captain of the varsity squad for being a dumbass. I'll run this idea by my roomates, I don't think they'll have a problem with it.

When do you move into school/find an apartment. Our place is vacant until mid-augustish so you'd have to get the fuckout before then.

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Originally posted by flavanugz

My lease starts the 1st of sept, but i will have no prob getting out by mid august. orientation starts last week of aug.

I just e-mailed my roomates to find out what they think. God only knows what they'll say, but they're pretty easy-going guys. This could actually work out good for everyone, plus we get a clean house for it (I really would make you clean the house!)

Thanks on the sig.. I knew you'd get it. You can take your peppers and...

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well since i fucking cleaned all day for the last 3 weeks i should be pretty amazing at it.

i wish i knew what he said after peppers, dude sounds like he just experienced a massive sheesha session. also, the other plan is still going to be in full effect.

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Colin wrote back and said he doesn't care if you take the room, Kevin said, "Does Tom drive a pick up truck? I have to bring a bureau to Charlestown when my brother moves to his new apartment. If he brings that down, he's in." Beat that shit... 45A is stronger than ever. Plus Chris will jizz his draws if you bring down your tables for him to play with.

This is gonna be sweet. I got dibbs on top bunk.

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Colin wrote back and said he doesn't care if you take the room, Kevin said, "Does Tom drive a pick up truck? I have to bring a bureau to Charlestown when my brother moves to his new apartment. If he brings that down, he's in." Beat that shit... 45A is stronger than ever. Plus Chris will jizz his draws if you bring down your tables for him to play with.

This is gonna be sweet. I got dibbs on top bunk.

:laugh: God help 45B.

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Colin wrote back and said he doesn't care if you take the room, Kevin said, "Does Tom drive a pick up truck? I have to bring a bureau to Charlestown when my brother moves to his new apartment. If he brings that down, he's in." Beat that shit... 45A is stronger than ever. Plus Chris will jizz his draws if you bring down your tables for him to play with.

This is gonna be sweet. I got dibbs on top bunk.

now i have to line up a job. my parents wont be so ecstatic if i tell em im just moving to boston without a job. that is on the agenda for tomorrow.

club 45a is so hot right now!!!

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I work at Verizon, kaydup. (landline, not wireless)

I don't like them either though.

We're going on strike this Sunday. I have to picket and everything, 4 hours a day shouting, Hell no we won't go!

Ok I made that last part up. I do have to picket, though.

Can you say, flask-in-the-pocket?


Expect customer service to get 150% worse.

Which is really, really bad, in case you didn't already know.


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Well fuck you Miz Lizza, and yes I know about the fucking strike.

This company is complete fucking bullshit, and I can't get the fucking internet from any other fucking companys. WTF I hate them all and now I hate you, sorry but I am forced to

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