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interesting "laws" from the bible (old testament)

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Exodus 31:15

Whomever does work on the sabbath shall be put to death.

Leviticus 11 Foods...

No Camel, No Hare, No Swine, no shell fish (must have scales AND fins to be eatable.)

Lev 15:28 Menstration

Women are unclean for a week and cannot be touched.

Lev 19:19

Do not eat fruit from a tree you've planted until after 3 years, fruit of the fourth year is for The Lord. After that you can eat.

Lev 19:25

Do not eath anything with its blood.

You shall not incise any marks on yourselves (including tattoos folks!)

20:7 Any man who insults his father or mother shall be put to death

21:16 No man with a defect shall be fit to make an offereing.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

Exodus 31:15

Whomever does work on the sabbath shall be put to death.

Leviticus 11 Foods...

No Camel, No Hare, No Swine, no shell fish (must have scales AND fins to be eatable.)

Lev 15:28 Menstration

Women are unclean for a week and cannot be touched.

Lev 19:19

Do not eat fruit from a tree you've planted until after 3 years, fruit of the fourth year is for The Lord. After that you can eat.

Lev 19:25

Do not eath anything with its blood.

You shall not incise any marks on yourselves (including tattoos folks!)

20:7 Any man who insults his father or mother shall be put to death

21:16 No man with a defect shall be fit to make an offereing.

I know its such a taboo subject to even touch upon and i wont insult anyone for following any religion but i have a hard time believing in religion. This universe is so big i find it hard to believe that people already have it all figured out.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

Lev 15:28 Menstration

Women are unclean for a week and cannot be touched.

this is true....orthodox jews, during this period, are not allowed to sleep with their mates until her period is done. some women do not bathe until their period is done, then cleanse themselves in a ritual bath. a man and wife have to sleep in separate beds during this time.

weird, weird shit.

sexi, i would have to agree with you. every religion merely offers a temporary escape from the hardships of this life on this world. i wouldn't be surprised if there was nothing after death. or maybe there is. who knows. i personally just believe in God and try to be kind to people.

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Originally posted by sassa



sexi, i would have to agree with you. every religion merely offers a temporary escape from the hardships of this life on this world. i wouldn't be surprised if there was nothing after death. or maybe there is. who knows. i personally just believe in God and try to be kind to people.

In the end, that is what religion is about; Believe in God and be kind to people. IMO religion is just a sort of map of how to live a decent life. Some people (of all faiths) take it way too far.

On the other hand though, for millions and millions of people to believe in religion (and still growing) i feel like there is something going on there. Who knows

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Originally posted by acmatos

In the end, that is what religion is about; Believe in God and be kind to people. IMO religion is just a sort of map of how to live a decent life. Some people (of all faiths) take it way too far.

I agree:aright:

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