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Why do some of you people sweat the shit out of celebs?


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post a million pics of them???

You will never be them. NEVER. Get off the nutsack. They have the funds for personal trainers, excellent diets; etc. They buy their looks. All of their pics are air-brushed. Enough. Grow up. This type of behavior is very immature. You are all like little 12 year olds ripping out pics out of YM and hangin them up on your walls? ughh...seriously GROW UP

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Originally posted by smokesum

post a million pics of them???

You will never be them. NEVER. Get off the nutsack. They have the funds for personal trainers, excellent diets; etc. They buy their looks. All of their pics are air-brushed. Enough. Grow up. This type of behavior is very immature. You are all like little 12 year olds ripping out pics out of YM and hangin them up on your walls? ughh...seriously GROW UP

fuck yea, luv~! I agree 110%.

I've never posted about celebs (( except maybe Robert Downey Jr....and 10$ says i can get him to F me if he's f'd up on good enuf shit! )) and i never fantasize about them. Half the time they aren't even fun to look at....so F that...I fantasize about what I have.....makes for some real good orgasms when they're not around...

(( ok, disclaimer.....I'm REALLY drunk right now... :drunk: ))

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not for nothing... but thats what celebrities are there for... to fantasize about, to wonder how they keep their looks... how their bodies look so good etc... to be ENTERTAINED by them... thats all. none of us ever said that we wanna BE the person..... some people use them for what theyre meant for, and some people just arent phased by them. such is life. maybe u need to get a grip urself, and stop pickin on people who are actually entertained by entertainers. jesus. get over it. it does no harm to u so butt the fuck out

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Originally posted by linabina

not for nothing... but thats what celebrities are there for... to fantasize about, to wonder how they keep their looks... how their bodies look so good etc... to be ENTERTAINED by them... thats all. none of us ever said that we wanna BE the person..... some people use them for what theyre meant for, and some people just arent phased by them. such is life. maybe u need to get a grip urself, and stop pickin on people who are actually entertained by entertainers. jesus. get over it. it does no harm to u so butt the fuck out

But there is a difference between being entertained by them and obsessing over them.

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Originally posted by linabina

not for nothing... but thats what celebrities are there for... to fantasize about, to wonder how they keep their looks... how their bodies look so good etc... to be ENTERTAINED by them... thats all. none of us ever said that we wanna BE the person..... some people use them for what theyre meant for, and some people just arent phased by them. such is life. maybe u need to get a grip urself, and stop pickin on people who are actually entertained by entertainers. jesus. get over it. it does no harm to u so butt the fuck out

ya know I wasnt speakin about anyone in particular but since you got so defensive and decided to take on the role of being groupie diplomat....

there's a difference between being entertained by Brittney and posting 200 pictures of Brittney

20 posts about Brittney = borderline obsession

grow up already

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Originally posted by smokesum

ya know I wasnt speakin about anyone in particular but since you got so defensive and decided to take on the role of being groupie diplomat....

there's a difference between being entertained by Brittney and posting 200 pictures of Brittney

20 posts about Brittney = borderline obsession

grow up already

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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Originally posted by smokesum

post a million pics of them???

You will never be them. NEVER. Get off the nutsack. They have the funds for personal trainers, excellent diets; etc. They buy their looks. All of their pics are air-brushed. Enough. Grow up. This type of behavior is very immature. You are all like little 12 year olds ripping out pics out of YM and hangin them up on your walls? ughh...seriously GROW UP

THANKKK YOU .. ps you forgot to add get a life in there ;) and by the way why do people go nuts when they see a celeb in the city or sumthin? whats the fuss your not gonna go get a drink with them or chill with them

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Originally posted by smokesum

ya know I wasnt speakin about anyone in particular but since you got so defensive and decided to take on the role of being groupie diplomat....

there's a difference between being entertained by Brittney and posting 200 pictures of Brittney

20 posts about Brittney = borderline obsession

grow up already

im very grown up.. actually...

since when does posting pics of britney make me less of a grown up than u? u sit here on almost every board criticizing people u dont even know... making fun of everyone on a fucking messageboard who comes along with something that god forbid disagrees with u.... and ur telling me to grow up? and telling me to get a life?

honestly though, i dont have to sit here and defend myself to u. i dont care who u r or why u bother to bother with half the shit u post here... i never really had a problem with u.. still dont... i just think that its fucked up to criticize me for posting pictures of a female celebrity that i think is hot... lol wtf??? who cares? im not obsessed with her... and why would it bother u so much if i was?im glad id have that much of an impact on ur well being. from now on, ill try to maintain my urges to post pictures of hot women for ur sake... cuz ur opinions really mean oh so much to me.


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Originally posted by linabina

im very grown up.. actually...

since when does posting pics of britney make me less of a grown up than u? u sit here on almost every board criticizing people u dont even know... making fun of everyone on a fucking messageboard who comes along with something that god forbid disagrees with u.... and ur telling me to grow up? and telling me to get a life?

honestly though, i dont have to sit here and defend myself to u. i dont care who u r or why u bother to bother with half the shit u post here... i never really had a problem with u.. still dont... i just think that its fucked up to criticize me for posting pictures of a female celebrity that i think is hot... lol wtf??? who cares? im not obsessed with her... and why would it bother u so much if i was?im glad id have that much of an impact on ur well being. from now on, ill try to maintain my urges to post pictures of hot women for ur sake... cuz ur opinions really mean oh so much to me.


than why are you taking such offense???? calm down

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Originally posted by linabina

im very grown up.. actually...

since when does posting pics of britney make me less of a grown up than u? u sit here on almost every board criticizing people u dont even know... making fun of everyone on a fucking messageboard who comes along with something that god forbid disagrees with u.... and ur telling me to grow up? and telling me to get a life?

honestly though, i dont have to sit here and defend myself to u. i dont care who u r or why u bother to bother with half the shit u post here... i never really had a problem with u.. still dont... i just think that its fucked up to criticize me for posting pictures of a female celebrity that i think is hot... lol wtf??? who cares? im not obsessed with her... and why would it bother u so much if i was?im glad id have that much of an impact on ur well being. from now on, ill try to maintain my urges to post pictures of hot women for ur sake... cuz ur opinions really mean oh so much to me.


for starters...you look like a real idiot proclaiming how much you dont care when at the same time you wrote two ultra defensive essays in response

as for impact on me...please I could really care less and you know it

as for Brittney..it shouldn't take half your post count to let people know you think she is hot..fine you think she is hot..great...yippie

..looking at some of the responses gathered on this thread...I dont think Im alone on this

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