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Happy Monday ! ! !


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Originally posted by solbeam

My weekend was for shit but I got a lot of sleep and put a lot of things into perspective...I see how things are a lot differently and Im happier for that...enough rambling...HAPPY MONDAY!!

That can sometimes be the best reason for having weekends... self reflection and relaxation :)

Mine was rather similar. Didn't go out a lick, but :smoke: with some friends and played baseball and basketball in between the rain :cool:

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fucking mondays ....just burnt my tongue on the worst tasting coffee ever...fuck!!!

but on a lighter note ..my weekend was great friday stayed in just chilled and relaxed...sat had a housewarming party that i think was very successful...then sunday i just nursed a hang over allll dayyyy...filled with sleeping cleaning and eating and eating and eating...:D

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kalimera/buenos dias/top o the mornin to ya

friday night - good work out...then went to down neck newark - danced 2/3 hours at XL lounge...got way tipsy...then had a mean steak sandwich followed by amazing flan at a tavern (still in down neck) at 2 am...

saturday - woke up early, did laundry and bills, worked out, napped and went to the house warming mr fineones referred to above...got lost in queens and manhattan on the way home...and pulled in the driveway at 4:30am

sunday - woke up early, immitated a vegetable for a long time...got up in the afternoon and saw SWAT with a new friend and then took her out to dinner up in morristown...

...so there you have it...a good weekend indeed...

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Originally posted by elementx

Good morning fellow bumpers... How was everyones weekend... And what did you do???


PS - Someone better keep me company all day damn it. Its gonna be another long one... :zzz:

I'll be here all day as per usual.. this weekend I did NOTHING. Went shopping, that's about it. And a family picnic. Stayed home in my house and watched baseball all weekend.

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Originally posted by Codica3

I'll be here all day as per usual.. this weekend I did NOTHING. Went shopping, that's about it. And a family picnic. Stayed home in my house and watched baseball all weekend.

Shitty weekend for us Yankee fans... :(

WTF is going on with Soriano... He has died since the Allstar break.

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Definitely not a happy Monday for me :(

Spent Saturday running errands and at the gym....

Went down to Seaside late Saturday afternoon with my bf and some friends, and hit up Merge and Temps.....LOTS OF FUN!!!! :D

BUT, I didn't get a wink of sleep due to LOUD roommates :(

Somehow we got home, ordered pizza with the bf and we passed out til this morning....

Feelin very tired and discombobulated!!!!

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Friday night... Me and a few friends drove out to Jersey to check out some so-called haunted areas hear and there... Kinda fun

Saturday - Shopped a lil... Ran errands... Then went out to a dinner party on City Island. It's such a cute lil area :D

Sunday - Slept most of the morning then went out to another dinner party out in Jersey last night

Wasn't too bad.. But nothing too fun :mad:

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