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Is there any certain thing or things that motivate you?


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The biggest motivator for me, is the confidence working out gives me - It is the best feeling when I can put something on and love how it looks, and be happy with my body. Realizing my progress also motivates me to keep going!

Second, new music motivates me! I'm constantly burning new CD's and since I really don't have much time to listen to them during the day (no CD player in my car :( ) - the only time I have to really listen to them is at the gym.

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Originally posted by Mystify22

The biggest motivator for me, is the confidence working out gives me - It is the best feeling when I can put something on and love how it looks, and be happy with my body. Realizing my progress also motivates me to keep going!

Second, new music motivates me! I'm constantly burning new CD's and since I really don't have much time to listen to them during the day (no CD player in my car :( ) - the only time I have to really listen to them is at the gym.

Nice sunny weather is a huge motivation. I feel so good when it is nice and not humid outside...

Music is a huge motivations.

And call me crazy. But new relationships motivate me as well... ;)

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Fallin behind is a huge motivator...i have a very competative personality that makes me constantly want to beat my last performance ...in all aspects of life

new music is vital...i make like a cd a week just to keep it interesting..especially if its a cardio day ...music is a must my gym is soo quite...

a new relationship is prolly the best motivator...wanna look my best or as close to it for her:D

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man, i wish my gym didn't play such loud, BAD music. taking a CD is useless 'cause unless i crank the volume up really high-- which i don't want to do, to spare my eardrums--- i can't hear what's playing. this is mostly a problem during the winter, when i do cardio indoors.

what motivates me: looking forward to getting stronger... i improve pretty much every workout, so i rarely feel disappointed after going to the gym.

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have to be the fact that i was messing with weed and all other drugs for too long and when i started working it out it motivated me to stop doing them im happy to say i've clean for about 4 months and i seen very nice gains

also the fact that my girlfriend goes to a gym too and if shes trying to look good i cant slack either

and last it has to the fact that i play alot of sports and since i began working out i've played better in soccer basketball handball volleyball

oh yea cant forget a big motivator THE BEACH:hat: !


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