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How Important Is A Full Head Of Hair???


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ok ladies...lets hear what u gotta say about this...how important is a full head of hair on a guy...is it very important, semi-important, or it doesnt matter...most of us have wondered and want to know how u really feel...let loose and let us know...just be honest:D

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if you really love the guy: doesn't matter.

my man will be bald probably in 20-30 years. but i dont care. love isn't about just a person's appearance. it's about what's inside, the simple things they do for you out of love, the joy you feel when you look at them. no matter how they look or dress like, that should be the last thing to concern someone truly looking for a love to last forever.

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My ex was losing his hair, it was very thin and he had a receding hairline. It wasn't bad though, certainly not as bad as he thought it was. There are some balding patterns though, that would be a complete turn-off in someone in his 20's/early to mid 30's.

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Originally posted by phatman

...young balding men can get away with shaving their heads since it is somewhat still in style...i dont get any guys, young or old, that hang on to the last few strands...Let go brother man...Let go...bald is beautiful...(sometimes)...

I agree, sometimes getting rid of it all is the answer. Even on some guys who naturally have a full head of hair! :D :D

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I always thought bald/thinning hair was a turnoff. That was until I met my boyfriend. He is slightly thinning, and I'm sure most of it will be gone within the next ten years or so. What are you gonna do? It's all about what is inside, right? :)

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anything but the combover.. ick.

i care more about hair cleanliness than hair fullness... but then again, hair isn't one of those things that tends to attract me in the first place. some people are really drawn to how people's head hair looks, though.

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Originally posted by sassa

if you really love the guy: doesn't matter.

love isn't about just a person's appearance. it's about what's inside, the simple things they do for you out of love, the joy you feel when you look at them. no matter how they look or dress like, that should be the last thing to concern someone truly looking for a love to last forever.


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