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Osama Bin Ladin

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What ever happened to him??? Does anyone care???? Last time i checked he was the master mind behind 9/11 doesnt everyone think that we should be putting more focus into his capture or at least confirmation on his death if it has ocurred. I truthfully care more about seeing him caught than Saddam why doesnt the goverment feel that way??????

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i think people got bored with bin laden and had to find a new foe to be angry at. that foe was saddam. who knows who the next one will be: the taliban (again), castro, mugabe, etc....

it's hard to believe that with the money the government puts in these bullshit homeland security operations and special forces units, that they cannot find a 6'5 arab on a dialysis machine....

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Originally posted by sassa

it's hard to believe that with the money the government puts in these bullshit homeland security operations and special forces units, that they cannot find a 6'5 arab on a dialysis machine....

Once again, Sassa demonstrates just how fucking dumb, ignorant, and detached from reality she really is......

DO everyone a favor, and stop vomiting on every thread---when you do not know what the fuck you are talking about (which is 99% of the time), just keep your mouth shut asshole

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

doesn't it ever end with you? seriously, are you that clueless? chill the fuck out. funny how you never reply to anyone else's posts but mine. you don't know what i do or do not know, so i would suggest you educate yourself before you talk shit.

loser. grow up already. your little tantrums are getting old. actually, they have been outplayed for a while now. :blown::laugh:

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Originally posted by sassa

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

doesn't it ever end with you? seriously, are you that clueless? chill the fuck out. funny how you never reply to anyone else's posts but mine. you don't know what i do or do not know, so i would suggest you educate yourself before you talk shit.

loser. grow up already. your little tantrums are getting old. actually, they have been outplayed for a while now. :blown::laugh:

ssssshhhh......go to sleep......have dreams about actually having a clue.....or putting on your clown makeup

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Originally posted by igloo

Once again, Sassa demonstrates just how fucking dumb, ignorant, and detached from reality she really is......

DO everyone a favor, and stop vomiting on every thread---when you do not know what the fuck you are talking about (which is 99% of the time), just keep your mouth shut asshole

oh stop it already. why is that comment stupid and ignorant?

its a pretty valid point. think of how ridiculuous the manhunt is.

the US is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to find this guy. there are hundreds of soldiers from several nations hunting him down across afghanistan and pakistan. despite being attached to a kidney dialysis machine he has been able to avoid capture for 2 years.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

oh stop it already. why is that comment stupid and ignorant?

its a pretty valid point. think of how ridiculuous the manhunt is.

the US is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to find this guy. there are hundreds of soldiers from several nations hunting him down across afghanistan and pakistan. despite being attached to a kidney dialysis machine he has been able to avoid capture for 2 years.

Why????--...and I will keep it as simple as possible for you...it shows a deep lack of understanding of Afghanistan and Pakistan, particularly the geo-landscape and tribal customs, especially in the border area where they think he is hiding....it shows a deep lack of understanding and historical perspective of past global manhunts......it shows a deep lack of understanding on the war on terror, in many ways.. it shows utter stupidity in understanding how difficult it was in capturing top AL-Qaeda operatives, and these were true successes....need I go on, because I certainly can?

And retard, there are many terrorism experts who believe the kidney story is a myth, or at least overblown.....And for all anyone knows, he may be dead.....

DO me a favor, it is your choice to defend Sassa if you must---but she does not have a single, fucking clue what she is talking about----she blows shit our of her ass without the slightest foundation of being educated on this subject---so if you are going to defend her bullshit, at least have a clue yourself and don't just produce Jeanne Garafolo soundbites

DO some research, read some books on the subject, both pre and post 9/11....I would be more than happy to recommend some.....but do not defend baseless shit from Sassa in her anti-American world

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Originally posted by sassa

i know right, i've asked several times for this shit to end. but it doesn't.

the "shit" is your constant anti-American rants....the 'shit" is your offensive views....the "shit" is your insulting thoughts and positions.....the "shit" is your repulsive statements...the "shit" is your miserable existence.....

Fucking jerkoff.....how stupid do you have to be about "asking" for people not to shove your pathetic, dispicable views right back up your ass....

Typical clueless, liberal shit.....just like those Hollywood morons.....they want the freedom to say whatever the fuck they want, irrespective of relevance and sound judgement.....yet bitch and complain about being held acountable for their stupidity...

Sassa---you are a fucking jerkoff......

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Originally posted by igloo

the "shit" is your constant anti-American rants....the 'shit" is your offensive views....the "shit" is your insulting thoughts and positions.....the "shit" is your repulsive statements...the "shit" is your miserable existence.....

Fucking jerkoff.....how stupid do you have to be about "asking" for people not to shove your pathetic, dispicable views right back up your ass....

Typical clueless, liberal shit.....just like those Hollywood morons.....they want the freedom to say whatever the fuck they want, irrespective of relevance and sound judgement.....yet bitch and complain about being held acountable for their stupidity...

Sassa---you are a fucking jerkoff......

and again....the idiot never stops....:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by t0nythelover

im convinced igloo is associated with terrorist.

Wow.....what a brilliant statement....it must have taken you an hour to think this one up......

Are you OK?...was it painful?..I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself coming up with an insult just on my account....

Stick with one-word names, it will hurt you brain less....you need to reserve your brain power so you can comprehend things more applicable to your level---like Barney and Lego's..

But I respect your attempt...I know you want to be a grown up, and you will.....once you learn your ABC's and can name more than 3 U.S. Presidents, you can join the conversation...

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish......

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the "shit" is your constant anti-Conservative rants....the 'shit" is your offensive views....the "shit" is your insulting thoughts and positions.....the "shit" is your repulsive statements...the "shit" is your miserable existence.....

Fucking jerkoff.....how stupid do you have to be about "asking" for people not to shove your pathetic, dispicable views right back up your ass....

Typical clueless, conservative shit.....just like those FOX NEWS morons.....they want the freedom to say whatever the fuck they want, irrespective of relevance and sound judgement.....yet bitch and complain about being held acountable for their stupidity...

Igloo---you are a fucking jerkoff......

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Originally posted by normalnoises

the "shit" is your constant anti-Conservative rants....the 'shit" is your offensive views....the "shit" is your insulting thoughts and positions.....the "shit" is your repulsive statements...the "shit" is your miserable existence.....

Fucking jerkoff.....how stupid do you have to be about "asking" for people not to shove your pathetic, dispicable views right back up your ass....

Typical clueless, conservative shit.....just like those FOX NEWS morons.....they want the freedom to say whatever the fuck they want, irrespective of relevance and sound judgement.....yet bitch and complain about being held acountable for their stupidity...

Igloo---you are a fucking jerkoff......

You have shit for brains and are incapable of producing your own thought so you just regurgatate what other peole say..

You are such a TOOL:blown:

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Originally posted by normalnoises

the "shit" is your constant anti-Conservative rants....the 'shit" is your offensive views....the "shit" is your insulting thoughts and positions.....the "shit" is your repulsive statements...the "shit" is your miserable existence.....

Fucking jerkoff.....how stupid do you have to be about "asking" for people not to shove your pathetic, dispicable views right back up your ass....

Typical clueless, conservative shit.....just like those FOX NEWS morons.....they want the freedom to say whatever the fuck they want, irrespective of relevance and sound judgement.....yet bitch and complain about being held acountable for their stupidity...

Igloo---you are a fucking jerkoff......

Where is americanmade when you need him?

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