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Ever Run Into People That Just Don’t Get Club Culture?

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I’ve been in the scene long enough to think the culture with which I feel more at home with is pretty great! Y’know I’ve built this universe around me with DJ Friends and endless nights of me losing my mind to great music. It’s been more than a decade that I adore electronic sounds..going way back from my old 80’s synth-pop New wave days through Industrial into DUB, Early electro-hip hop Acid House up until I hit D&B, Breaks and TECHNO. Now I’m just a mess of genre bending mixem up mashem up fuck it all and I’ve never been happier with my tastes.

Instead of snobbing shit or being GENRE SPECIFIC my brain has gone the way of Garnier or perhaps even more extreme 2many DJs. GIVE ME A RIDE WITH EVERYTHING! I even love the Electro clash Disco-meets-Techno-meets PUNK like Vocals and trash culture. It’s sexy me thinks! (Put me in front of people like DJ Hell, Tiga, Tommy Sunshine or Felix Da house cat and I got nuts! But hey that’s just me….)

I guess what I’m getting at is this: I’ve grown up with this world. To me it’s the norm. I love it. Yet I am always utterly shocked at those who just can’t stand clubland and everything it represents.

I don’t mean people that hate "Trance"vs. "Breaks" guys that hate "Techno" etc….(I think this mentality is utterly retarded but to each his own..In my opinion Music is a universal language..There is good and bad in every genre and if you look for the ridiculous in ANYTHING you WILL find it.)

Personal preferences within the music that makes you move is one thing..but COMPLETE AND UTTER DETESTEMENT OF ELECTRONICA IS ANOTHER.

And that’s what I’m trying to understand. I work at this bar in down town Rome for the summer. It’s owned by a close friend that’s a producer and DJ. We normally blast everything from Morillo, Satoshie, Howells (On his end) to Tiga, Garnier or Codec and Flexor (on my end) *I’ve also been torturing the customers with 80’s mixes I’ve been fucking up. (Think more "24 hour party people" than "Pretty in Pink")

Any way my friend’s gone for the summer..so the new crew I work with are White Stripe loving ROCK kids.

Nothing wrong with that..I personally think some ROCK out now is great fun. HOWEVER as much as I can put up with guitars blasting I need a solid set of something electronic after a while.So the other night I throw on something which I think will please Rock fans..A mix I made at home with crossover type shit like Planet Funk, Electric Six remixes, White stripes remixes going into Lady Tron and out into shit like DK’s "murder is the bass" (Trust me it sounds messy but it’s actually a fun mix) WELL the bar crew bugged. They hated it. DISCO Nose bleed shit they called it. They shut it off and threw on the Rolling Stones and Classic Rock. WTF?!

I grew up with classic Rock as a child. My parents where

hippies. It’s like listening to music in a super market to me. Does the Door’s actually STILL sound like a Fresh new and exciting concept to these people? (Not to dis on Ray Manserick, the man’s a genius) How can someone that likes ONLY rock not see the evolution?

It’s a phenomenon I will never understand. Comments like "This isn’t real music." Or better yet "Anyone can make this shit..It all sounds the same..It’s just THUMP-THUMP-THUMP…" Are these people for real? I remember my grandmother yelling at my mother when I was a child and she would blast Zeppellin.."TURN DOWN THAT AWEFULL RACKET! HOW CAN YOU LISTEN TO THAT NOISE? IT ALL SOUNDS THE SAME!" To which my mother would go into a fit of "My generation" type peace and love rant. (Which I guess is what this really is)

Sorry. I know this is long winded. I just needed to vent to a community that I know can relate.

I’m sure you all have come across that guy in the office that only listens to Bob Dylan and asks you to turn it down when you throw on that new bad ass mix by DJ whomever. I’ve even tried to bring some Tory Amos girls to parties. They just stood there and didn’t get it. Where’s the band? Why is everyone just dancing in the dark? There is no real performance here. I mean the guy IS just putting on records right? FUCK IT! Just shut up and dance.


End of rant…..

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i know what you mean...

I've also found that when I initially talk to someone and we talk about music, they'll be like "yeah I love house, techno etc." and I get all excited and try to have a convo with them about it, but then I realize that they are talking about what a great "track" Sandstorm is :laugh: ..... more specifically in one convo I had with someone, he was like, " I like the shorter mixes because it doesn't get repetitive".... needless to say I changed the subject.. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by karisma

i know what you mean...

I've also found that when I initially talk to someone and we talk about music, they'll be like "yeah I love house, techno etc." and I get all excited and try to have a convo with them about it, but then I realize that they are talking about what a great "track" Sandstorm is :laugh: ..... more specifically in one convo I had with someone, he was like, " I like the shorter mixes because it doesn't get repetitive".... needless to say I changed the subject.. :rolleyes:

Yes, this pisses me off...

The over generalization of the term "Techno"....

If these ppl only knew what REAL techno was...

Well, they prob. wouldn't be listening to it or liking it based on the Sandstorm comment.


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Originally posted by sdeelite

Yes, this pisses me off...

The over generalization of the term "Techno"....

If these ppl only knew what REAL techno was...

Well, they prob. wouldn't be listening to it or liking it based on the Sandstorm comment.


Main Entry: tech·no

Pronunciation: 'tek-nO

Function: noun

Etymology: techno- (as in techno-pop or techno-rock, styles of popular music utilizing electronically created sounds)

Date: 1987

: electronic dance music that features a fast beat and synthesized sounds usually without vocals or a conventional popular song structure :D

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