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why does magicliuti have a stick up his ass...


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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

Get a life outside of Clubplanet. Let me guess. You are from a third world RASCIST Balkan Republic.

How's your Yugo running? Lol! Oh! Only royalty can afford a Yugo!

racist balkan republic? wtf r u talkin about u fuckin moron....

guess what..in my RACIST BALKAN REPUBLIC of YUGOSLAVIA ..2 kids dont get up @6am to go bowling and then 3 hours later shoot up a school.

in my racist balkan republic muslims..croats..orthodox christians..jews etc etc still co exist contrary to popular belief ...

in my racist balkan republic there are less murders in one year than there are in the united states in a 2 week period.

u wana talk about racist look where the united states is at today concerning race relations. small incidents such as a NBA star allegedly sexually assaulting a woman make people worry about RACE RELATIONS....it seems like the white man is still holding onto the notion that the GREAT BLACK HORDE may rise and take away their private parking and gated communities...

there is no country more racist than the US..its evident in big cities and moreso in little hick villages...

u can criticize my RACIST REPUBLIC all u want..but ur racist empire overshadows anything my peopple may have done that can be labeled racist....

we fight a civil war and its ethnic strife..u fucks fight a civil war and its retold in heroic stories and poems..get the fuck out of here...

our civil war is considered a bloody racism fueled conflict while urs is looked at as a STRUGGLE TO PRESERVE A NATION...

racism..dont ever fuckin mention the word racism u fuckin hypocrite motherfucker

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How many hundreds of years has your Civil War now raged? At least we have moved on. You idiots can't even get past your ethnic and religious differnences and can't even form one country! Instead you have to divide and area twice the size of New Jersey (roughly) into 4 -5 separate countries. THAT IS SEGREGATION AND RASCISM AT IT"S FINEST! THAT IS ALSO PATHETIC!

You people will still be fighting in 500 years. History will only serve to prove that.

Your country produces what?

I thought so...

BTW I had a girlfriend that was an Ethnic Croat from Zahgreb(Vlasta Vuckovich) and the stories she old me... MY GOD!!!

When is the last time a mass grave was uncovered in the US?

You have had hundreds of mass graves uncovered in the last 2 - 4 years that were just as recent.

Why the FUCK are you here again? If your country is so great go the fuck back and make it even greater. You are a runaway. You could not stay in your own country and make it something because you are a piece of shit.

When is the last time we had a President in hiding from the rest of the world? I could go on and on and on and on and on and on, but what is the point? WHAT A JOKE THE BALKANS ARE!!!

And next time I am Manhattan I will be sure to meet you. Then I can shove my size ten Kenneth Cole right up your ASS and put you back on the boat you worthless drain on America's tax base.



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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

racist balkan republic? wtf r u talkin about u fuckin moron....

guess what..in my RACIST BALKAN REPUBLIC of YUGOSLAVIA ..2 kids dont get up @6am to go bowling and then 3 hours later shoot up a school.

in my racist balkan republic muslims..croats..orthodox christians..jews etc etc still co exist contrary to popular belief ...

in my racist balkan republic there are less murders in one year than there are in the united states in a 2 week period.

u wana talk about racist look where the united states is at today concerning race relations. small incidents such as a NBA star allegedly sexually assaulting a woman make people worry about RACE RELATIONS....it seems like the white man is still holding onto the notion that the GREAT BLACK HORDE may rise and take away their private parking and gated communities...

there is no country more racist than the US..its evident in big cities and moreso in little hick villages...

u can criticize my RACIST REPUBLIC all u want..but ur racist empire overshadows anything my peopple may have done that can be labeled racist....

we fight a civil war and its ethnic strife..u fucks fight a civil war and its retold in heroic stories and poems..get the fuck out of here...

our civil war is considered a bloody racism fueled conflict while urs is looked at as a STRUGGLE TO PRESERVE A NATION...

racism..dont ever fuckin mention the word racism u fuckin hypocrite motherfucker

words of wisdom...

i'd rather be from the balkans than live in ghost town denver. not that the balkans are anything to sneeze at :)

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'White town' Denver just had a Black Mayor for three terms you stupid fuck! I'd like to see a Muslim official get elected in a Serb Orthodox Christian town.

So how much less discriminatory and rascist are you then the USA?

I don't see people flocking to the Balkans to live unlike leeches like yourself flocking here to the USA. Gee! I wonder why you stupid fuck?

It wouldn't happen DUMB ASS!

Religious and race relations are soooo far ahead of the Balkans it's not even a valid discussion. We don't have the UN patrolling around the USA unlike surprise!!! The Balkans!!!

I could cite many, many more examples, but what's the point. It won't change the fact that you are a STUPID FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT DRAIN ON AMERICA!

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas



How many hundreds of years has your Civil War now raged? At least we have moved on. You idiots can't even get past your ethnic and religious differnences and can't even form one country! Instead you have to divide and area twice the size of New Jersey (roughly) into 4 -5 separate countries. THAT IS SEGREGATION AND RASCISM AT IT"S FINEST! THAT IS ALSO PATHETIC!

You people will still be fighting in 500 years. History will only serve to prove that.

Your country produces what?

I thought so...

BTW I had a girlfriend that was an Ethnic Croat from Zahgreb(Vlasta Vuckovich) and the stories she old me... MY GOD!!!

When is the last time a mass grave was uncovered in the US?

You have had hundreds of mass graves uncovered in the last 2 - 4 years that were just as recent.

Why the FUCK are you here again? If your country is so great go the fuck back and make it even greater. You are a runaway. You could not stay in your own country and make it something because you are a piece of shit.

When is the last time we had a President in hiding from the rest of the world? I could go on and on and on and on and on and on, but what is the point? WHAT A JOKE THE BALKANS ARE!!!

And next time I am Manhattan I will be sure to meet you. Then I can shove my size ten Kenneth Cole right up your ASS and put you back on the boat you worthless drain on America's tax base.



the # of people that died in the balkan conflicts in the last 10-15 yrs pales in comparison to the number of lives this country has taken.

for one u thank us for 2 world wars..NO PROBLEM U IGNORANT FUCK.....we stood up to two oppressive nations...we were the only ones with balls to do it....

so either ur a nazi sympathizer or a fucking idiot..if it wasnt for us theres a good chance that europe would be the UNITED STATES OF GERMANY right about now...so once again THANK ME FOR 2 WORLD WARS


my country produces what??? u ever hear of Nikola Tesla? yeh bitch..the TRUE INVENTOR OF ELECTRICITY...u know ALTERNTING CURRENT?? the shit that Edison couldnt figure out for the life of him.....thats just one fuckin example...so theres no need for me to keep listing

The reason ur president doesnt hide is because ULL FUCKIN BLOW THE COUNTRY UP THAT ACCUSES HIM OF WAR CRIMES....FACT..CLINTON IS A WAR CRIMINAL...FACT..BUSH IS A WAR CRIMINAL...ur last 2 presidents r royal fuck ups...ur just luckier MIGHT is stronger than RIGHT at this time....

i didnt come on a boat...i flew here..i came here before the civil war..im not a refugee...i go back home every year...my father came here as a dimplomat....

besides..if u didnt meddle in our affaird..id have some place to go back to where i might enjoy myself..BUT...since thats not possible..im gona sit here...and take jobs from "hard working" americans and laugh my ass all the way to the bank

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

'White town' Denver just had a Black Mayor for three terms you stupid fuck! I'd like to see a Muslim official get elected in a Serb Orthodox Christian town.

So how much less discriminatory and rascist are you then the USA?

I don't see people flocking to the Balkans to live unlike leeches like yourself flocking here to the USA. Gee! I wonder why you stupid fuck?

It wouldn't happen DUMB ASS!

Religious and race relations are soooo far ahead of the Balkans it's not even a valid discussion. We don't have the UN patrolling around the USA unlike surprise!!! The Balkans!!!

I could cite many, many more examples, but what's the point. It won't change the fact that you are a STUPID FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT DRAIN ON AMERICA!

yugoslavia used to b the envy of europe...people called it little america. that is up until Russia fell and the US decided it was easier to control yugoslavia in smaller pieces and meddled in all its affairs ..basically coercing each leader into the idea that they can have their own chunk of land....

to call me a leech is stupid..im less of a drain on the economy of the US than the majority of ur residents.....

everywhere the US sticks its nose...the country goes to shit..and thats exaxctly what happened and thats y exactly u had a flood of refuges WHICH I WAS NOT A PART OF

ur point about the black mayor of colorado is totally assinine...lets see a REAL BLACK MAN ...not Colin "uncle tom" Powell ...come into a position of power that means something

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YOU can thank the ISA adnThe RUSSIAN for winning WWII. Not youa reyour tiny little underequipped uder trained pathectic Army.

I suggest you read Tom Brokaw's book. The Greatest Generation.

You have much to learn.

Your Civil War still rages now over a hundred years later. When will you people ever stop fighting?

When you talk statistics you STUPID fuck you have to talk ratios. Total numbers aren't the same as a percentages which is another form of a ratio. Go back and take Math again. Maybe with a tutor you will pass this time.

Tesla was a genious. Ever hear of Einstein? How about A. Graham Bell? Ford? Gates? hhhmmm.... One man... Tesla...

Bush is war criminal?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That was funny. You should do comedy...BBBWWWWWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Again... why are you still in the USA??? Go the FUCK BACK!!!

If you people would stop fighting YOU could go back!!!

Typoical Immigrant. Have to always blame someone. Can't take responsbility for their OWN country and their OWN problems.

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BTW, former Mayor Wellington Webb is FROM THE GHETTO OF DENVER. Park Hill to be EXACT you fucking idiot!!! The was the genious of his first campaign when he got elected! It was one of the biggest come from behind upsets in any Mayoral race in any major city in years. It made National headlines! He ran on his roots!!! You are an IDIOT!!!

He's far, far from an Uncle Tom. You sir however are a BENEDICT ARNOLD!!! GO THE FUCK HOME!!!

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

YOU can thank the ISA adnThe RUSSIAN for winning WWII. Not youa reyour tiny little underequipped uder trained pathectic Army.

I suggest you read Tom Brokaw's book. The Greatest Generation.

You have much to learn.

Your Civil War still rages now over a hundred years later. When will you people ever stop fighting?

When you talk statistics you STUPID fuck you have to talk ratios. Total numbers aren't the same as a percentages which is another form of a ratio. Go back and take Math again. Maybe with a tutor you will pass this time.

Tesla was a genious. Ever hear of Einstein? How about A. Graham Bell? Ford? Gates? hhhmmm.... One man... Tesla...

Bush is war criminal?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That was funny. You should do comedy...BBBWWWWWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Again... why are you still in the USA??? Go the FUCK BACK!!!

If you people would stop fighting YOU could go back!!!

Typoical Immigrant. Have to always blame someone. Can't take responsbility for their OWN country and their OWN problems.

einstein was JEWISH and came from GERMANY, dumbass.

bush is a war criminal, just because the western media and the US government/people don't see it, doesn't mean 85% of the world doesn't. only difference between him and milosevic is that he is a legal criminal that is kept in office by daddy's connections and money.

i find it pathetic and sad you're starting drama for nothing. no one brought your name into ANYTHING. YOU started shit. and how can you tell people to go back to where they came from? unless you're a native american, you have no fucking right to say that. oh, but i forget you're probably a stupid white hick american. denver still fucking sucks. i've been there 3 times and hated it all three times. who are you trying to kid. denver has a ghetto???? haha, you come to compton, east san diego, or the projects of paterson, nj and i'll show you what a ghetto is. :blown:

stupid punk. if you're really 30, i'd be ashamed of myself, arguing with kids on a message board. guess old age doesn't buy you wisdom after all. :laugh: :laugh: :idea:

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You come to Baltimore where I used to live. I'll show you East Baltimore. Baltimore - Murder capitol of the USA. I am an East Coast Kid. Don't get it twisted. I am not some little pussy kid like you that is riding the coattails of Daddy's 'diplomatic status'.

Queens! What a nice place to live! Queens! The American dream! LOLOLOLOLOL!!!

Also you Europeans are pussies. I can't tell you how many French, German, Dutch and other punks I beat the shit out when I was over there. Even guys that outweighed me by 40 and 50 lbs. How come all of you can't fight and you all punch like girls?

Einstein made his DISCOVERIES under the FREEDOM and the REPUBLIC Government of the USA!!! That was my point. Get it through your head! It is the system of our Republic and our Government that produces and enables those types of people.

Denver doesn't want nor need trash like you. You couldn't afford to live here anyway if not for MOMMY and DADDY's $$$.

Yeah and Bush's public ratings are controlled by big oil and his father's connections. You are an idiot for sure. I love your far left Liberal conspiracy theories; they are funny!

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if u read anything on einstein..ud know he jacked half of his ideas from his mathematician wife...WHO ALSO HAPPENED TO BE SERBIAN...

u laugh at the american dream..but so do i...but ill tell u what..my immigrant ass is still living better than 90% of ur useless pathetic "AMERICANS"....

r u fuckin illiterate..i didnt call the mayor of denver illiterate..i called Colin Powell illiterate...i was proving that there will never be a black man in a position of true authority in the united states...

i can see im really getting to u because ur resorting to talkin about beating people up....thats pretty fuckin pathetic...

for some strange reason i keep thinking ur from the balkans..ur one of the jaded minorities and r just takin out ur complexes on me...but guess what fucko..it wont work..because unlike u I HAVE AN IDENTITY..I KNOW WHO I AM...I KNOW THE TRUTh...u keep suckin CNN DICK

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

Yeah and Bush's public ratings are controlled by big oil and his father's connections. You are an idiot for sure. I love your far left Liberal conspiracy theories; they are funny!

one word: Enron.

just take a look at Bush's energy policy when he took office. It was heavily influenced by oil co's and Enron.

also keep in mind that Bush Jr. initially blamed California's energy crisis on environmental regulations....not Enron inflating prices.

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

How do you knwo I'm upset. Have you seen my face? Do you know me? I not a 'CP' meet up FAG like you little boy...

Case closed.

i guess if anyone faced the cold brutal, unpleasant truth about their country that they take so much pride in, they would feel threatened too, like a mouse facing a cat in a corner. fact of the matter is, you don't know what it's like on the other side. immigrants have an advantage in that they can see it from both the place they're from and the american side. you do not. i've been to baltimore and yes it is very ghetto.

it's funny how you talk about left wing conspiracies, yet you have not said one credible thing to counterargue anything the so called serbian immigrant, or myself, have said. you would think with all the shit you started talking FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER, you would have a point. i guess you are just a little bitch who wants to up his post average. why don't you do something more productive instead of starting shit with people for no reason. you really are sad. again, act your age. or what 30 something year olds from colorado are supposed to act. then again, that was not something that impressed me about denver to begin with.

who gives a fuck also if you've lived in baltimore, you think that makes you a poster model for ghettoness???? It is obvious that even if you did live in the 'ghetto', as you claim, it sure as hell didn't give you any street smarts about anything, otherwise you would think twice about all the meaningless bullshit you have posted. nuff said. read a history book or two and talk to some intellectuals that do not worship bush and then let us see who really knows a thing or two. like i said before, it is obvious from you that age really does not guarantee you wisdom. i can guarantee 10000% i know more about the world than you do. moron, grow a pair of balls before you talk shit again. and a brain. and common sense. :blown:

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Yeah SURE sassa. You know so much more about the world then me. All because you said so. Talk about one who can't qualify a statement. How many real jobs in life have you worked? Working at the Esso station down the road or at 'Aldi' doesn't count! Are Mommy and Daddy still paying your bills oh worldly one?

For every pro about Bush there is a con. If not Bush then who the fuck would you have as President? Also where do you live and what nationality are you (aside from dumb ass)?

For Dumb asses like you who know JACK SHIT about the US Government Bush AND his Cabinet essentially run 1/2 of the Country. The other 1/2 is essentially run by Congress you fucking mental midgets. It's called a tripartite system. Something your arachaic Governments know nothing about.

The Judical System (READ Supreme Court for you dumb ass!) provides Judicial review and Judicial interpretation. Don't blame Bush for eveything. Once again, you immigrants (read INGRATES) always are lookinf for someone to blame. Point the finger is all you know how to do.

Also I lived in Germany for 3.5 years and can speak German.

Let's hope that US Soldiers never have to fight again for OR on your continent. I say let all the Europeans handle their own BULLSHIT in their own backyard. Fuck Europe. The USA doesn't need you. You worthless fucks couldnt even get your economies stablized enough to go the Euro without world intervention adn the US's help. Can you fucks do ANYTHING on your own? The only thing that is helping the Euro now is low interest rates in the US. Also how is unemployment in France? Bankers all over France are protesting having to work more than 30 hours a week. Western Europeans are the world's laziest workforce - FACT!!! They are suffering with high cost of labor in the world market. Even elitest Mercedes whom boweed NEVER to build a car outosde of German soil, has to now build the M class SUVs and C Class Mercedes in the US. They did it because their own workforce is lazy, only works 36 hour work weeks on average and gets 6 weeks of vacation per year. Europeans are soft!

Europeans. 'Many' are small minded fucks that grow up to live 1 mile away from Mommy and Daddy.

Just like the show on 60 minutes detailed about little Italian bitch boys that are 40 years old living with Mommy. Mommy cooks, cleans does their laundry and wipes their asses. 'Mamoni' (sp.?) Italian for 'Mama's boy'. Pathetic social retards...

I could go on and on and cite paragraph after paragraph and case studies and examples UNLIKE you sassa. All you do is hype up ghost like a little 'whip' you brainless fuck. Do you even know the meaning of the term or context of 'whip'?

I don't claim to be an intellectual, but you even claiming to have a 'gram' of intellect is a joke!

sassa! Another fucking 75 + posts? I now KNOW you don't have a job. What a winner you are! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! You pushed the 'reply' button 75 fucking times in the last 24 hours. You must be a fat ass stitting at your Desktop ALL... FUCKING... DAY... LONG!!! What a psthetic existence you must lead. Do you gobble all of your lithium when CP goes off-line? What a sad fuck you are. 70 - 80 posts per day on CLUB-FUCKING-PLANET!! Did you even eat much less bath today? Get some help you Internet addict. You have a probelm with the Internet!

When you come to New York this Fall, will you be able to do anything at all without running every 30 minutes to every place that has an Internet connection to check and post on CLUBPLANET???

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

Yeah SURE sassa. You know so much more about the world then me. All because you said so. Talk about one who can't qualify a statement. How many real jobs in life have you worked? Working at the Esso station down the road or at 'Aldi' doesn't count! Are Mommy and Daddy still paying your bills oh worldly one? i can't believe i'm replying to this moron..i would have thought you would be ashamed and stepped off...again, i as you for the third time, WHO THE FUCK TALKED TO YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE?? i don't have to prove anything to you. unlike you, perhaps, my parents do not pay for everything i do, i own a lucrative business, motherfucker, milking whatever i can from your precious country. yeah....that's right. i'm a parasite immigrant. who the hell do you think BUILT THIS COUNTRY, were white european descendents here from 1,000 years ago? no. take your arrogant head out of your ass and think for once about the shit you're spewing. it's embarrassing enough that you had to reply to this when (i repeat) no one even knows who the fuck you are, let alone brought anything up to you. you talk a lot of smack but i bet you can't prove shit.

For every pro about Bush there is a con. If not Bush then who the fuck would you have as President? Also where do you live and what nationality are you (aside from dumb ass)? ahahahaha, just name three, THREE, let's see what your american idol bushie has done for himself that was not gained through daddy bush and his loyal crew. if anything, his cabinet is the one pulling the strings, he is nothing but a puppet that is up front representing. if you're so world smart, you would know that the smarter and more dangerous people in any government are always the ones lurking behind the scenes. but i wouldn't put that past you.

For Dumb asses like you who know JACK SHIT about the US Government Bush AND his Cabinet essentially run 1/2 of the Country. The other 1/2 is essentially run by Congress you fucking mental midgets. It's called a tripartite system. Something your arachaic Governments know nothing about.

The Judical System (READ Supreme Court for you dumb ass!) provides Judicial review and Judicial interpretation. Don't blame Bush for eveything. Once again, you immigrants (read INGRATES) always are lookinf for someone to blame. Point the finger is all you know how to do. no shit, sherlock. my major was international politics. i graduated top of my class. i've worked in DC and the united nations. i had professors in well-placed positions. don't talk like you know more about the government's setup than i do. if anything, i can teach you a thing or two about political parties, interest groups, the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. don't such so fucking dense. you talk a lot of shit, but again, i repeat you have no clue what is really going on. judging from your pathetic, profanity ridden posts, you only know what you've been fed.

Also I lived in Germany for 3.5 years and can speak German. so the fuck what, i speak 5 1/2 languages and have lived in 5 countries. and i'm almost 10 years younger than you. oops. i bet you were a military asshole and lived in ramstein, those leeches are everywhere it seems.

Let's hope that US Soldiers never have to fight again for OR on your continent. I say let all the Europeans handle their own BULLSHIT in their own backyard. Fuck Europe. so stay the FUCK out of europe, and central america, and asia, and africa, and especially the middle east, for that matter then. who asked you to go invade iraq? yeah, make some putrid, weak response about how saddam was behind 9/11, yeah. unlike you and the majority of americans, some people actually have common sense when looking at these issues. a lot of people in this country, and most definitely the majority of people around the world, saw right past this administration's lame excuses/bullshit when making a case for their illegal invasions of poor middle east countries. then again, they did the same for japan, korea, vietnam, nicaragua, lebanon, kuwait, liberia, el salvador, haiti.

The USA doesn't need you. You worthless fucks couldnt even get your economies stablized enough to go the Euro without world intervention adn the US's help. Can you fucks do ANYTHING on your own? The only thing that is helping the Euro now is low interest rates in the US.

oh jeez, ever took basic economics, my dimwitted, hopeless friend? OF COURSE the US needs europe, it needs the whole world for that matter. who the fuck is it going to market its shit to, themselves??? you would think being so old, you really would have picked up a thing or two about monetary matters also, i guess that's another no no for you too. so, "einstein", tell me just how exactly the USA does not need anyone??? you're trying to tell me the USA doesn't need asia to monopolize on their cheap labor, low labor costs, and easier customs-import/export laws??? hmmm...then i wonder why there are over 300 MNC's (do you KNOW what an MNC

is, sherlock??) in china, and nearly 75% of those are american???can you answer that, genius??? so you're trying to tell me the USA does not need the world?exactly for this fact the USA does need the world, and it does its best to make sure shit goes down in these places just like it wants. if a state has a somewhat 'stable' government, that benefits this leech-ridden country, who swoops down on any states it wants to exploit. nice try, shmuck. 1-0 for the so called dumbass Euro team.

Also how is unemployment in France? Bankers all over France are protesting having to work more than 30 hours a week. Western Europeans are the world's laziest workforce - FACT!!! They are suffering with high cost of labor in the world market. Even elitest Mercedes whom boweed NEVER to build a car outosde of German soil, has to now build the M class SUVs and C Class Mercedes in the US. They did it because their own workforce is lazy, only works 36 hour work weeks on average and gets 6 weeks of vacation per year. Europeans are soft! i don't see how this shit has anything to do with the topic on hand. nice try, bozo the clown.

Europeans. 'Many' are small minded fucks that grow up to live 1 mile away from Mommy and Daddy.

Just like the show on 60 minutes detailed about little Italian bitch boys that are 40 years old living with Mommy. Mommy cooks, cleans does their laundry and wipes their asses. 'Mamoni' (sp.?) Italian for 'Mama's boy'. Pathetic social retards... you sure do have a complexity issue. this crap is based on culture. do you know what culture is? I guess not. unlike here, individualism, selfishness, and promoting the one-man show is not a norm across the world. people actually try to maintain close family ties with one another. hence, the collectivist societies who usually have lower crime rates, happier people psychologically, and more solid family grounds. so everyone is supposed to be like here in the States- they get booted out of the door when they are 18, expected to live like adults, just because on paper they are legally adults?? is living far away from your parents the only way to go? Or how about placing the people who fed, clothed, and raised you for so many years in nursing homes, where they can waste away with complete strangers until you collect on their insurance and the trust fund they left you???? sorry, again your argument is weak, which isn't surprising. i'd say 2-0 for the dumb ass Euros now.

I could go on and on and cite paragraph after paragraph and case studies and examples UNLIKE you sassa. then why don't you? you've already posted enough worthless crap already, whichi i still cannot comprehend because no one ever talked to you in the first place.

All you do is hype up ghost like a little 'whip' you brainless fuck. Do you even know the meaning of the term or context of 'whip'? wow, the little cowboy from denver is trying to be condescending. sorry if i see past your bullshit facade. tough little man trying to be cool on a clubbing website. how old are you again? i did not need to 'hype up' ghhhhost, i can understand why he attempted to knock some sense in that thick, meaty head of yours. your ignorant and racist comments about the balkans would make any intelligent, rational individual who knows a thing or two about the world pissed off. but i doubt you know anything about that....

I don't claim to be an intellectual, the first intelligent thing you've said so far, but you even claiming to have a 'gram' of intellect is a joke! not to sound cocky, but i really think you are talking out of your ass at this point. you don't know me nor what i do or know. so shut up already. no one is impressed anymore. 3-0 for dumb ass Euros!!!

sassa! Another fucking 75 + posts? I now KNOW you don't have a job. What a winner you are! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! You pushed the 'reply' button 75 fucking times in the last 24 hours. You must be a fat ass stitting at your Desktop ALL... FUCKING... DAY... LONG!!! What a psthetic existence you must lead. Do you gobble all of your lithium when CP goes off-line? What a sad fuck you are. 70 - 80 posts per day on CLUB-FUCKING-PLANET!! Did you even eat much less bath today? Get some help you Internet addict. You have a probelm with the Internet! wow, you actually take the time to sit and analyze all the posts i make?? yeah, i'm a fat bitch who sits on the computer all day and worships clubplanet...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: riiiiiiiight...:aright:

When you come to New York this Fall, will you be able to do anything at all without running every 30 minutes to every place that has an Internet connection to check and post on CLUBPLANET???damn, you must read everything i post if you know i'll be in the city. how sad. now which one of us doesn't have a life and is obsessed with clubplanet. again, for the last time, act your age. i think it's sad enough that all your comments are crap, but that you're wayyyy older than most of us here and can sit here and talk smack to a bunch of kids. what's worse is that you brought this shit upon yourself, no one even gave a fuck who you were, but you had to stick your fat, ignorant nose in shit. i sincerely bet you're a miserable, low class person in real life. one less parasite the world needs. do yourself a favor and stop posting on this thread. your comments are shit and can be disproved at the drop of a hat, sayonara ben zona...:aright::laugh: :laugh: 4-0 for 'Euro Trash'!!!!!but the score is probably way higher. oh well, gotta give you some pity though. GOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL


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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

Let's hope that US Soldiers never have to fight again for OR on your continent. I say let all the Europeans handle their own BULLSHIT in their own backyard. Fuck Europe. The USA doesn't need you. You worthless fucks couldnt even get your economies stablized enough to go the Euro without world intervention adn the US's help. Can you fucks do ANYTHING on your own? The only thing that is helping the Euro now is low interest rates in the US. Also how is unemployment in France? Bankers all over France are protesting having to work more than 30 hours a week. Western Europeans are the world's laziest workforce - FACT!!! They are suffering with high cost of labor in the world market. Even elitest Mercedes whom boweed NEVER to build a car outosde of German soil, has to now build the M class SUVs and C Class Mercedes in the US. They did it because their own workforce is lazy, only works 36 hour work weeks on average and gets 6 weeks of vacation per year. Europeans are soft!

Europeans. 'Many' are small minded fucks that grow up to live 1 mile away from Mommy and Daddy.

Just like the show on 60 minutes detailed about little Italian bitch boys that are 40 years old living with Mommy. Mommy cooks, cleans does their laundry and wipes their asses. 'Mamoni' (sp.?) Italian for 'Mama's boy'. Pathetic social retards...

i find this strange. you preach how the US is racially tolerant, yet all you do is preach hate towards europeans and make generalizations about various ethnicities.

as for the "small minded fucks that grow up to live 1 mile away"....um...many americans do that as well. not all americans are as "cultured" as you are.

lastly, regarding your "the US dpesnt need Europe" comment...are you sure about that? Europeans firms employ over 4 million American workers and pay billions in income taxes. Sodexho, for example, employs 50,000 americans and paid over $400 million in taxes last year.

youre also forgetting the large Americans firms that are owned by Europeans such as Voicestream (T-Mobile), Amoco (BP), Shell (Royal-Dutch), and Chrylser (Mercedes).

other companies that employ thousands of American workers inlcude Nestle, Roche, Michelin, BMW, GlaxoSmithKline, Phillips Electronics, Siemans, Deutsche Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, DHL, SAP, etc.

in total.....the EU hold $3.3 Trillion in US assets; and we do over $1.4 trillion in trade with the EU annually. Keep in mind that the EU excludes most of Eastern Europe, Norway, and Switzerland.


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I don't know how your 'so-called' business can survive. You racked up yet ANOTHER 30 + posts in less than 16 hours.

Fucking Internet LSOER. You are a clubplanet JUNKIE!!!

I am sure O could learn much from a 22 years old (or younger (chld protegy) such as yourself. You have seen and done everthing. Hell you are 10 years younger than me and have already graduated college. According to your math you have already worked in D.C. AND graducated college all at 20 years of age. Okay... SURE!

No I don't analyze very single one of your MINDLESS posts. I only look at your post count next to your name dumb ass.

I never said the US didn't need the rest of the world. I said we DON'T need Europe. Reading Comprehension 101 for you!

So what is the '1/2' language you speak! That's a good one for teh Howard Stern show. " speak 1/2 a language". What a moron you are.

Again you cannot answer what country you are from and what nationality you are. Now you claim to be an Entrepreneur! HAHAHAHAA!!! YEAH RIGHT!!! Spineless European you are.

Speaking of trash, look again at who is on clubplanet 15 hours a day racking up 75 + posts EVERY FUCKING DAY! INTERNET LOOOOOOOSSSERRRR!!!

Get a life outside of Clubplanet you friendless fuck!

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

I don't know how your 'so-called' business can survive. You racked up yet ANOTHER 30 + posts in less than 16 hours.

Fucking Internet LSOER. You are a clubplanet JUNKIE!!!

I am sure O could learn much from a 22 years old (or younger (chld protegy) such as yourself. You have seen and done everthing. Hell you are 10 years younger than me and have already graduated college. According to your math you have already worked in D.C. AND graducated college all at 20 years of age. Okay... SURE!

No I don't analyze very single one of your MINDLESS posts. I only look at your post count next to your name dumb ass.

I never said the US didn't need the rest of the world. I said we DON'T need Europe. Reading Comprehension 101 for you!

So what is the '1/2' language you speak! That's a good one for teh Howard Stern show. " speak 1/2 a language". What a moron you are.

Again you cannot answer what country you are from and what nationality you are. Now you claim to be an Entrepreneur! HAHAHAHAA!!! YEAH RIGHT!!! Spineless European you are.

Speaking of trash, look again at who is on clubplanet 15 hours a day racking up 75 + posts EVERY FUCKING DAY! INTERNET LOOOOOOOSSSERRRR!!!

Get a life outside of Clubplanet you friendless fuck!

shes a slope

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

i find this strange. you preach how the US is racially tolerant, yet all you do is preach hate towards europeans and make generalizations about various ethnicities.

as for the "small minded fucks that grow up to live 1 mile away"....um...many americans do that as well. not all americans are as "cultured" as you are.

lastly, regarding your "the US dpesnt need Europe" comment...are you sure about that? Europeans firms employ over 4 million American workers and pay billions in income taxes. Sodexho, for example, employs 50,000 americans and paid over $400 million in taxes last year.

youre also forgetting the large Americans firms that are owned by Europeans such as Voicestream (T-Mobile), Amoco (BP), Shell (Royal-Dutch), and Chrylser (Mercedes).

other companies that employ thousands of American workers inlcude Nestle, Roche, Michelin, BMW, GlaxoSmithKline, Phillips Electronics, Siemans, Deutsche Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, DHL, SAP, etc.

in total.....the EU hold $3.3 Trillion in US assets; and we do over $1.4 trillion in trade with the EU annually. Keep in mind that the EU excludes most of Eastern Europe, Norway, and Switzerland.


nice post, but considering the lame, limp response that was made, this all went past his head. oh well, guess stupid people just don't learn. which is why the world is filled with them. :D
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yo i just realized the three of us have been debating with military personell...and i simultaneously realized we just waisted our time .

trying to tell something to someone in the military..that doesnt involve US ROCKS..SEMPER FI...or a catchy slogan is like tryin to teach a retard ballet...DAMN NEAR IMPOSSIBLE

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