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Metro Lounge All Time Top 10....

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5 Years of Metro Lounge were damn good, I hope the party continues well into the future at South Park, Merge and what ever other new locations. Putting my remaining brain cells together I thought I would post the 10 biggest nights/events together…. I’m sure many will disagree we me on these. I rated it based on how much fun I had at each particular night/event. ML2K1 is probably reading this with a box of tissues in one hand and KY in the other…

10. Justin Higgins goes from average to good dj. I hit the Thurs. party quite often in 2002 b/c of my unemployed stature at the time. Justin improved week in and week out, really putting some great shit together and definitely had some sick ass sets.

9. The ML original Thurs. party in 98/99. My first time at Metro Lounge I couldn’t believe the blatant drug use and great music. There were more women in there than I had ever seen at any bar in my life at that point. Working on wall street at the time, word had spread to many of the New Yorkers I worked with who made the drive quite often. Crazy shit, I believe the DJs were Alex Coviello and perhaps Anthony Devito. Great beginning.

8. Richie Rydell takes over Friday nights 1999. The Friday night party had a sick previous year with Alex but Richie moving from River Street to Metro turned out to be a damn good move. He took the party and ML to NYC level. One of my first 5 posts on this board put over how good the music was Richie's ML debut.

7. ML 2 year anniversary. Andrew Mendez was just incredible at this one. Tons of girls and a long ass line to get in. Lots of energy that night and one of the better parties ever there in terms of crowd and music.

6. New Years Eve 2001. I attended a house party that night and eventually made it to ML at 4 AM. I stayed till 9ish. Along side world class AA member Uncle Buc I had a blast. I believe Mendez did the first half of the night and Richie finished the second half. Great stuff but Richie wasn’t nearly at the level he is now.

5. After Hours Winter 2002-2003. Maybe the most outrageous events ever held in New Jersey. How the fuck it lasted as long as it did was amazing. Going from 2:15 closing time to 6-7AM was insane. Let alone serving all night/morning long. Petey K and Jayson deserve tons of credit for this ballsy ass move…lol Usually the music would stop at 5AM. If the crowd made enough noise they would stay open for another couple of hours for the remaining crowd despite knowing the bar was not making money.

4. DT rips Metro Spring of 99. He played there a couple of times but the first time was great. Maybe the best looking crowd they ever attracted. Music was mellow but really took you on a ride. For some reason I won’t forget the first time I heard the original Soul Shaker….lol Great night (I realize he’s by far the most talented dj to play there so don’t lecture me on him being #4)

3. Shawn Ink’s last Thurs. of the month residency 2002-03. Shawn brought so much music that was never played at ML. His Feb. night had the longest line to ever get into the building (past the dumpster well into the parking lot) Non-stop bombs and maybe the best times I have ever had there. Closest dj to turning the place factory ….IMO….. sick

2 Original Retro Metro- Andrew Mendez- Lets see, this is still the most copied party to date that they have come up with. While there is a retro/classics night ever week now, the original was insane with Mendez. Crowd wise it was nothing special but the music brought me lots of crack flashbacks from my destructive party days.

1. New Years Eve 2003. I stayed from 3 till noon…. Richie was an animal. The place was going nuts and I completely made a spectacle of myself. Too say I over did it would be an understatement. I’m not even going to explain this one, if you were there you'll understand…..

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Are you trying to make me cry.............................?

I am gonna try and make a list......saw some CRAZY shit in the last 5 years up in there. Ill get back to ya sandman.

But remember, LOTS of new memories to be made at the new party METRO FRIDAYS w/ RICHIE RYDELL@ SOUTH PARK! Its actually a really good venue, location,parking............if the sound is pumped up correctly and the "family" is all there, its gonna be a SIIIICK party!:D

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Originally posted by thesandman

5 Years of Metro Lounge were damn good, I hope the party continues well into the future at South Park, Merge and what ever other new locations. Putting my remaining brain cells together I thought I would post the 10 biggest nights/events together…. I’m sure many will disagree we me on these. I rated it based on how much fun I had at each particular night/event. ML2K1 is probably reading this with a box of tissues in one hand and KY in the other…

10. Justin Higgins goes from average to good dj. I hit the Thurs. party quite often in 2002 b/c of my unemployed stature at the time. Justin improved week in and week out, really putting some great shit together and definitely had some sick ass sets.

You seriously just made my day, and you always showed support over there, thank you so much. :hat:

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Originally posted by thesandman

1. New Years Eve 2003. I stayed from 3 till noon…. Richie was an animal. The place was going nuts and I completely made a spectacle of myself. Too say I over did it would be an understatement. I’m not even going to explain this one, if you were there you'll understand…..

i'd give anything just to go back to this nite

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Originally posted by calebb

k, you look older. although 30 is pretty old

You don't know me so thats good to know, you have never met me. But you'll know who I am Sunday at Merge b/c Ill be the guy scratching the Dot off your head.... Maybe Ill win a prize.

I heard plenty about you .... Say hello to me Sunday night if you have the grape fruits..... Im done w/ you here, reply to me as much as you want, I don't HIDE behind a keyboard

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Originally posted by thesandman

You don't know me so thats good to know, you have never met me. But you'll know who I am Sunday at Merge b/c Ill be the guy scratching the Dot off your head.... Maybe Ill win a prize.

I heard plenty about you .... Say hello to me Sunday night if you have the grape fruits..... Im done w/ you here, reply to me as much as you want, I don't HIDE behind a keyboard

You're right,I don't know you. And, of course we all know that pictures can come in handy once in a while. You're kind of bald, right? Also, I don't go to Merge, the Jersey Shore is pathetic, imo.

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Originally posted by thesandman

5 Years of Metro Lounge were damn good, I hope the party continues well into the future at South Park, Merge and what ever other new locations. Putting my remaining brain cells together I thought I would post the 10 biggest nights/events together…. I’m sure many will disagree we me on these. I rated it based on how much fun I had at each particular night/event. ML2K1 is probably reading this with a box of tissues in one hand and KY in the other…

10. Justin Higgins goes from average to good dj. I hit the Thurs. party quite often in 2002 b/c of my unemployed stature at the time. Justin improved week in and week out, really putting some great shit together and definitely had some sick ass sets.

9. The ML original Thurs. party in 98/99. My first time at Metro Lounge I couldn’t believe the blatant drug use and great music. There were more women in there than I had ever seen at any bar in my life at that point. Working on wall street at the time, word had spread to many of the New Yorkers I worked with who made the drive quite often. Crazy shit, I believe the DJs were Alex Coviello and perhaps Anthony Devito. Great beginning.

8. Richie Rydell takes over Friday nights 1999. The Friday night party had a sick previous year with Alex but Richie moving from River Street to Metro turned out to be a damn good move. He took the party and ML to NYC level. One of my first 5 posts on this board put over how good the music was Richie's ML debut.

7. ML 2 year anniversary. Andrew Mendez was just incredible at this one. Tons of girls and a long ass line to get in. Lots of energy that night and one of the better parties ever there in terms of crowd and music.

6. New Years Eve 2001. I attended a house party that night and eventually made it to ML at 4 AM. I stayed till 9ish. Along side world class AA member Uncle Buc I had a blast. I believe Mendez did the first half of the night and Richie finished the second half. Great stuff but Richie wasn’t nearly at the level he is now.

5. After Hours Winter 2002-2003. Maybe the most outrageous events ever held in New Jersey. How the fuck it lasted as long as it did was amazing. Going from 2:15 closing time to 6-7AM was insane. Let alone serving all night/morning long. Petey K and Jayson deserve tons of credit for this ballsy ass move…lol Usually the music would stop at 5AM. If the crowd made enough noise they would stay open for another couple of hours for the remaining crowd despite knowing the bar was not making money.

4. DT rips Metro Spring of 99. He played there a couple of times but the first time was great. Maybe the best looking crowd they ever attracted. Music was mellow but really took you on a ride. For some reason I won’t forget the first time I heard the original Soul Shaker….lol Great night (I realize he’s by far the most talented dj to play there so don’t lecture me on him being #4)

3. Shawn Ink’s last Thurs. of the month residency 2002-03. Shawn brought so much music that was never played at ML. His Feb. night had the longest line to ever get into the building (past the dumpster well into the parking lot) Non-stop bombs and maybe the best times I have ever had there. Closest dj to turning the place factory ….IMO….. sick

2 Original Retro Metro- Andrew Mendez- Lets see, this is still the most copied party to date that they have come up with. While there is a retro/classics night ever week now, the original was insane with Mendez. Crowd wise it was nothing special but the music brought me lots of crack flashbacks from my destructive party days.

1. New Years Eve 2003. I stayed from 3 till noon…. Richie was an animal. The place was going nuts and I completely made a spectacle of myself. Too say I over did it would be an understatement. I’m not even going to explain this one, if you were there you'll understand…..

I so like # 1 but who was there next to you 12:30pm

Billy <------------------ :D

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Originally posted by ml2k3

Are you trying to make me cry.............................?

I am gonna try and make a list......saw some CRAZY shit in the last 5 years up in there. Ill get back to ya sandman.

But remember, LOTS of new memories to be made at the new party METRO FRIDAYS w/ RICHIE RYDELL@ SOUTH PARK! Its actually a really good venue, location,parking............if the sound is pumped up correctly and the "family" is all there, its gonna be a SIIIICK party!:D

nothihng crazier than my halloween costume October of 2001

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Originally posted by thesandman

Mendez, sick shit there. Always will be some of the better times I ever had going out. First Retro Metro blew people away b/c it was a first and original concept.

Billy, I remember that you were there now that you mentioned it....lol damn

what a night

it was a waste to get a hotel room I went in it once

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I remember #1 and it was pathetic.

You should't brag about it, I was shaking my head at you for a good 15 mins saying to myself what is wrong with this freak!!!

Billy, we should make a top 10 of afterhours after metro afterhours @ Ramada and ARC !!!!!

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Originally posted by thesandman

You don't know me so thats good to know, you have never met me. But you'll know who I am Sunday at Merge b/c Ill be the guy scratching the Dot off your head.... Maybe Ill win a prize.

I heard plenty about you .... Say hello to me Sunday night if you have the grape fruits..... Im done w/ you here, reply to me as much as you want, I don't HIDE behind a keyboard

You and your friends talk about me in person? What do you guys say?

I don'tcare if you hide behind a computer or not. Are you implying that I do? Because if you do, well, you're mistaken.

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Originally posted by tempkid

I remember #1 and it was pathetic.

You should't brag about it, I was shaking my head at you for a good 15 mins saying to myself what is wrong with this freak!!!

Billy, we should make a top 10 of afterhours after metro afterhours @ Ramada and ARC !!!!!

ROTHFLMAO!!!!!! hahaha we all have bad nights and that was as bad as I have ever been..

Tempkid, if anyone can make you shake your head (considering some of your performances) thats a major acomplishment


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