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Clubbers over 30

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Originally posted by liqidtouch

uhh i think its


LOL im just fukin with ya BOMB

dont take it personally

by the way

y the name H-bomb anyway?

Hey I KNEW how to spell that.


Actually the name goes with my real name.. people use to call me that because of my explosive personality. :)

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without reading any of this thread, i must ask everyone,

who has a copy on the do & dont's of life, or who has a copy of guidelines to your life 2003??

or what law says you cant go out and dance after your 40??

do people say clubbin til your 35 is gross because of drugs in the scene?

well not all of us do drugs

who cares how old you are, so long as your job, your family, and yourself come first what does it matter,

be 56 and go clubbin

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As for those of you who look at us "older" crowd as the grandfathers and that we should get out of the clubs - piss off. I am 30 but I didn't start going to clubs until I was about 27. I had a late start. I have loved EDM for years but didn't have any clubs in the area I was living in so now that I am in a metro area - I am enjoying it and will so for a while. I often bitch about the "candie ravers" at clubs who only show up for the drugs and to be "seen in the scene." Many people go to clubs and don't even care about the music the DJ, or the scene - they only go cause they can score some e, k, or crystal - and the only reason they want to score dope is because they are too young to drink. Fucking kids. I go to clubs because i like the music, I like the vibe and enjoy dancing and having a few drinks. Will I be clubbing at 35? probably, 40? doubtfully. But who knows - Danny Tenaglia is 42 and you're still dancing to his beats. So why don't you tell him to get his old ass out of the club!!

Fucking kids!! You guys don't even know how good you have it. And now you don't even want to share it with ones who pioneered it for you and the ones who are making the calls and sending the letters to YOUR congressmen and women to try and save YOUR scene.

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Age such an controversial variable to base the issue of going out to the clubs on...

Its a case by case scenario...

There are surely 30+ yr olds out there partying like they are 21, and have problems and issues they need to resolve...

But I think there are also some 21 yr olds out there partying who have the same problems and issues...

Its more about what you are doing when you are out.. and why you are there....

Many of us have gone through that stage of going out, just to get drunk and retarded... I did about twice as much as most peeps.. hahah..

But you hit a point in your life when you start to look at where you are going, and find some direction...

With some people its a new career.. with others.. it might be meeting mr or mrs right...

It all depends on the person...

If you just base it on age... its too hard to set a point where you should just stop going out... unfortunatly, because everyone comes from a different background, and the playing field is not even, its going to vary person to person...

When my parents were my age.. they already had me, and my brother was on the way....

(they still smoked veed till I was 6 though, explains alot!!!)

Unfortunately with todays economy, and costs of living, most people at 25-28 are still single, or if they are married, they dont have kids yet...

Hell.. I just paid off my student loans... havent had a chance to think about kids and a family yet....

Your point is good calebb... that there comes a point when enough is enough... unfortunately though there are too many variables to consider to pick an age where its ok or not ok...

I never thought I would stop going out... and I spent many nights worrying about my future.. and how I would get out of the scene before losing site of my goals and dreams...

Fortunately I met the right person that put everything in place for me... and I have not looked back or had any regrets since then...


You are doing just fine in my book bro...

Keep on truckin!!!

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Originally posted by dancerbar

without reading any of this thread, i must ask everyone,

who has a copy on the do & dont's of life, or who has a copy of guidelines to your life 2003??

or what law says you cant go out and dance after your 40??

do people say clubbin til your 35 is gross because of drugs in the scene?

well not all of us do drugs

who cares how old you are, so long as your job, your family, and yourself come first what does it matter,

be 56 and go clubbin

ur obviously over 30................:laugh::blown:

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Originally posted by H-BomB

Who's patrick? I think your the retard. Every post I've read so far of your makes no sense. You need to learn puncuation as well. You also seem to be stuck on this looks thing, I will tell you honey my girl is way hotter than you.. bahaha.. now like I've been saying, please shutup already grandma!

My little brother is more mature than you!



Really?Ok lets see her.Here is a pic of me outside temps last sunday.
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Originally posted by H-BomB

Who's patrick? I think your the retard. Every post I've read so far of your makes no sense. You need to learn puncuation as well. You also seem to be stuck on this looks thing, I will tell you honey my girl is way hotter than you.. bahaha.. now like I've been saying, please shutup already grandma!

My little brother is more mature than you!


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Registered: Nov 1998

Posts: 154


You are a nice looking lady. I will say that. I was a little harsh in my last email about the age thing, but honestly I it is my opinion that people over 30 should have better things to do with their time then be in some drug infested club playing with all the little boys and girls.

It's just my opinion, and I am entitled to it as you are yours.

08-29-2003 11:28 PM Offline

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Originally posted by eddie3

ur obviously over 30................:laugh::blown:

bro are you kidding me, i am 28 you jerk off, are you ever gonna stop, oh wait props to moe green for playing surf this week,


and dont even bother saying anything chucklenut, i have known moe longer then you have been going to clubs

PS Bus, just read your post, couldnt agree more, well said,

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