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1 Famous person I would like to smack


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BERLIN — American actor Johnny Depp (search) likened his native country to a "dumb puppy that has big teeth" in an interview published Wednesday, ridiculing Washington's confrontation with France, where he lives, over the war in Iraq.

The "Edward Scissorhands" and "Sleepy Hollow" star, who spends much of his time in the south of France with his companion, Vanessa Paradis (search), and their two small children, told the German magazine he couldn't see himself paying more than short visits to his Los Angeles residence in the present political climate.

"America is dumb, is something like a dumb puppy that has big teeth — that can bite and hurt you, aggressive," Depp was quoted as saying.

Depp recalled that French fries were renamed "Freedom" fries (search) in the House cafeteria on Capitol Hill at the height of U.S. anger over France's refusal to back the administration of President George W. Bush over the war in Iraq.

"Nothing made me happier than when I read that — grown men and grown women in positions of power in the United States government," Depp said. "I was ecstatic because they revealed themselves as idiots."

Depp said he wanted his two children, ages 1 and 4, to experience the United States "like it's a kind a toy — a broken toy maybe. Investigate a little bit, check it out, get this feeling and then get out."

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With the risk of getting too political, how about

(1) deceiving stupid Americans into a war that was completely unjustifiable. No matter how ruthless a dictator Sadaam was, do you think the real reason we went to war was to liberate poor Iraqi's? The same Iraqi's Papa Bush turned away from in Desert Storm? Meanwhile, we have a shit poor post-combat reconstruction plan that is not only embarrassing us on the world stage (since we are now begging for UN help after completely disregarding and shitting on the UN before the invasion), but is costing us billions of dollars and hundreds of American lives. More generally, Bush is simply a Karl Rove figurehead who has been handed everything in his life while barely being able to put together three coherent, grammatically correct sentences.

It's all about Dean and Clarke (hopefully they will be smart enough to run together) in 2004 peoples, New World Order--Ride or Die!!!

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First of all...

If you think the President of the US is to be anything more than a figurehead, or political liason to other countries...

You have been living in a fucking dream...

The president alone does not make his own decisions, and start wars as you say...

Its the countless people below him that do the real work...

As far as the war...

We are there for the oil.....

Who the fuck didnt know that...

Tell ya what though...

Lets do the right thing then, leave the oil be.. and go shopping in Europe for fuel..

You would be the first hump out there bitchin then because fuel is almost $5 per gallon...

I dont give a flying fuck why we went over there...

Personally, I think we should bomb the whole fucking country, take the oil rights, and let god sort out the bodies...

But then.... If I was president... My council would not advise me to say that to the press, and would have me do as bush has...

Unfortunately... yes.. the Goverment probably did use 9-11 as a pedastal to go oil shopping... and reserve some fuel for our Hyundai's.. lumping Saddam, and Bin Ladin all in the same boat..

the war on terrorism..

Ya know what though..

Fuck it...

As long as we drop some fucking bombs in the process, and show these evil powers that they cannot shit in our house... so be it...

I dont think we were harsh enough if you ask my opinion...

My favorite story post 9-11, brought a tear to my eye while giving me goosebumps for joy...

Was when 3-5 rednecks... physically beat the living shit out of a few "foreigners" in the streets for cheering and rejoicing the towers falling on 9-11...

Images like that burn a fucking fire in my heart... to think people can be so cold...

I have no pity for a country and people that can support and harbor an evil power that would plan out the events of 9-11...

It may not have been what everyone agree's with...

But if it will prevent another crazed maniac to plan such events as 9-11, and attack innocent people in our country..

fucking sign me up...

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I appreciate the intelligence with the brawn...always a good combo. . .I disagree with some of what you have to say, but that's why our country is the greatest (which i'm sure we both can nod on),

not all presidents are puppets, Clinton called his shots, see Bosnia and Kosovo.

Our philosophies are certainly different though, while we do need to crush our enemies, we also should not actively be making new ones, too short term and with the arms market in such disarray as it is today, its also too dangerous. Resources should be expended on securing us here first and making us independent from foreign nations (which we have done a shit poor job of since 9-11), while having the surveillanceand technology to know everything that's going on in such places. With Bush and Chaney we basically have the oil and defense contracting industries controlling us by our balls, and they don't give a fuck about either one of us.

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We have a few common views...

Fix the problems at home before we trample out and spend our sons and daughters lives, and our countries resources elsewhere...


The president issue is still up in the air...

It might be our educations that cause our opinions to differ...

I was always taught that the only real power the president had was the Presidentail Veto...

and that all decisions were a collaberation of his Cabinet and advisors...

mostly, I was taught the president, more than anything... is to be the Primary negotiator/representative of the United States...

I can honestly say that my views are a result of my education in governemnt, political science, and history... which was a collection of my professors views on the subjecst...

The only thing I feel is bad about the education system in this country.. but I dont see a way around it...


Ontop of the education...

I was in ROTC all through college... and have a very patriotic stance in all such matters... right or wrong... I always support our governements decisions... and shame opon those who publicly do not support a war of conflict in which our troops are innocently involved in...

I look at issues like the Vietnam Conflict... To the soldiers that lost life, limb and many friends fighting for a cause they did not understand... merely doing their duting, and serving thier country...

They came home to anti-war protests... they were publicly ridiculed, and blamed for what was going on...

I can only imagine the pain and hardship that those men and women felt... to suffer so.... and to return home to a country that did not support them... and in fact... hated them for something they had no decision in....

Right or wrong... those troops are our families, friends and loved ones who are risking thier lives... and sacrificing all... for us...

As Americans we must support them...

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I'm out after this post----too much reading to do, Vegas this past weekend didn't help my studies.

I'll finish off with some final thoughts,

Supporting our troops does not at all go hand in hand with supporting our government. Although it is an easy correlation, you must also see that it is a political ploy that is used, mostly by conservatives, to quiet opposition. Things are never black and white, I admire and respect all who serve for our country, but cannot say the same for those who run it.

Your views about the President are definitely dead on, I guess it is more appropriate to talk about the executive branch in general, since that what the President truly represents. The power of the executive branch has increased, however, exponentially over the past 50 years, remember Vietnam was never even Congressionally recognized. While our system does a have a great system of checks and balances, you must agree that very few positions in the world, if any, rival the power and authority that our President possesses and as we move more and more into a global economy that trend will probably not reverse itself.

Good convo, its important to discuss this shit no matter how fruitless it may seem.


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Very on point....

My only concern is that the people who are not as well educated, dont always seperate the support between government and the military...

If the president and his decisions are questioned... then it only follows that the people will not support the military action, and the troops themselves....

The Vietnam Conflict is a perfect example...

Hell, most of the country thought we were at war... and an official declaration was never made.. yet how many lives were lost???

Thats my only concern... lack of support to the government, trickles down to the troops individually... because most people dont understand how the government works...

I am too patriotic for my own good at times... you have made good points as well.... I feel like I am still in college debating about current events...

Very refreshing from my simple posts, telling everyone how fucking hot I am....

Cause I am!!!

Much respect to you Jayz... very intellegent, well thought out replies..

Feel like I am in college again...

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Originally posted by jaybzee

I'm out after this post----too much reading to do, Vegas this past weekend didn't help my studies.

I'll finish off with some final thoughts,

Supporting our troops does not at all go hand in hand with supporting our government. Although it is an easy correlation, you must also see that it is a political ploy that is used, mostly by conservatives, to quiet opposition. Things are never black and white, I admire and respect all who serve for our country, but cannot say the same for those who run it.

Your views about the President are definitely dead on, I guess it is more appropriate to talk about the executive branch in general, since that what the President truly represents. The power of the executive branch has increased, however, exponentially over the past 50 years, remember Vietnam was never even Congressionally recognized. While our system does a have a great system of checks and balances, you must agree that very few positions in the world, if any, rival the power and authority that our President possesses and as we move more and more into a global economy that trend will probably not reverse itself.

Good convo, its important to discuss this shit no matter how fruitless it may seem.


First off - Our President has a degree from Harvard and Yale (too long to list all his credentials) Must be real dumb.

second - I dont argue with people who would rather ally themselves with the likes of the French and others then stand up and fight for our way of life. But I must say a few things..

We fight for alot of things - is oil one of them ? Yes of course it is. The United states uses up 25% of the worlds Natural resources. I bet you like Vegas huh? where do you think we get the money and power to do things like that. Terrorism exists - Bill Clinton did nothing about it and now we are paying for it. And yes if you are anti Military you are unpatriotic and unamerican - I dont know how you can see it any other way. They are here (if nothing else) as a deterent to keep your ignorant ass safe so you can live as you please.

I get too aggrevated and I dont want to annoy people with rambling - PM me if you really want to get into it

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Originally posted by roddigga

jennifer lopez.....................i'd love to smack the shit outta her and have her call me dirty spanish names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:drunk: ohhh how hot would it be if she called you Rodrigo and rolled those rrrrrrrrr's for your sexy ass!!!!!! :eek: :eek:

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Originally posted by nootsy

BERLIN — American actor Johnny Depp (search) likened his native country to a "dumb puppy that has big teeth" in an interview published Wednesday, ridiculing Washington's confrontation with France, where he lives, over the war in Iraq.

The "Edward Scissorhands" and "Sleepy Hollow" star, who spends much of his time in the south of France with his companion, Vanessa Paradis (search), and their two small children, told the German magazine he couldn't see himself paying more than short visits to his Los Angeles residence in the present political climate.

"America is dumb, is something like a dumb puppy that has big teeth — that can bite and hurt you, aggressive," Depp was quoted as saying.

Depp recalled that French fries were renamed "Freedom" fries (search) in the House cafeteria on Capitol Hill at the height of U.S. anger over France's refusal to back the administration of President George W. Bush over the war in Iraq.

"Nothing made me happier than when I read that — grown men and grown women in positions of power in the United States government," Depp said. "I was ecstatic because they revealed themselves as idiots."

Depp said he wanted his two children, ages 1 and 4, to experience the United States "like it's a kind a toy — a broken toy maybe. Investigate a little bit, check it out, get this feeling and then get out."

yeah he is a dick

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its 3:19am...... i'm tweeked...stoned.... shroomed...and geeked in general. and leavin for italy on friday..... all i can say about johnny depp is he was good in donnie brasco and blow....

I'd like to slap penelope cruz.....while we're on the subject... she's annoying... her neck is longer than her torso

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Originally posted by Mystify22

:drunk: ohhh how hot would it be if she called you Rodrigo and rolled those rrrrrrrrr's for your sexy ass!!!!!! :eek: :eek:

LOL............pretty funny my little enchilada, BUT i thaught we went over this!!!!!!!!!..............that was your job!!!!!!!!

practice "rollin" them "R's" mysty and ill bring the PINOT!!!!!

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