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I am still trying to recover from this weekend. But what I way to end the summer. Def one of the best parties that Ive been to this year.

Tweak thank you sooo much for putting this together, the vibe there was unreal and that place is soo nice and I really enjoyed myself along with everyone else that was there. I really enjoyed all the djs that were outside, nothing better then sitting in the sun getting wasted and listening to some good music.

All the djs that were there did such an amazing job and I got to see alot of djs that Ive never seen before. Its great to see everyone come together for this event. So many djs to see I was running all over the place to try and catch bits and pieces of everyones set. Finally I got to see Groovefire and get my spankings And finally got to hear New Era but wasnt sure if I got my beat down, Ede I knew that you were to scared

Like always Naples is the devil even at 4:30 in the afternoon. Rick awesome set I was def impressed. P-Diddy absoluty destroyed that place. OMG he had everyone in there moving, I was blown away by your set. Chaser I believed was before Naples, never heard him before but was def feelin his set. Willy T - RIS 4-EVA, I think that was the first time that Ive heard Willy too but you did a great job and loved when you dropped IBIL Now on to Brett and Mike Whalen, you two complimented each other very well, loved how Brett threw the one finger in the air - hahaha. Then of course Big Daddy Manolo, comes on to close the place out, WOW he gave us all a beaten, I think everyone was in the room for his set, the place was going NUTS My legs are still sore from all the dancing that I did.

All and all it was def one of the best events that Ive been to all year. It was soo nice meeting all new people and hanging with everyone that was there. I cant even begin to list everyone that was there, I could be here forever. And we all even got to be part of a wedding

Tweak and everyone else that was involved in putting this together and all the djs that were involved I just want to thank you all for putting such a great event like this together and cant wait for another event like this.

Oh yeah and the boat ride home at 1:30am was such an interesting one. Becca and Ras running around the boat trying to wake up people and catch people puking. Surfer Kevin and Rachel - hahaha. And of course "that Kid" hahhahahahahha and Becca I guess I am now "that girl" hahha

Cant wait to see the pics from this event and I will post more as it slowly comes back to me.

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Awesome, awesome time. What a blast. Really couldn’t have asked for more, lots of fun, crazy people, and no problems at all. All the DJs killed. The weather and the surf were insanely awesome. Chicks showing their tits (no, not Ras :rolleyes: ). This party had it all.

Yesterday, on the other hand, was painful.

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thanks todd. as if i dont have a bad enough rep on this messageboard already! come on, nadia and i were for sure the least trashy girls up there in our white tank tops and jeans....

(cept for jules and a couple of the other girls who were cool too!)

anyways, the event was A+ .... i am so glad we made it down there after missing like two ferries.... it was great to chill out all afternoon on the beach watching the 12 foot waves take down the bar in the sand. there were some good tunes outside and some GREAT french fries!

when it got dark (and cold) we mostly moved it inside and the place was just nuts from about 6pm-1am. NONSTOP. everyone who played was great but i have to commend deisel, paul dailey, brett, and of course manolo. will, i was GOING to put you on that list, in fact i think you were going to be FIRST though at the MOMENT you are pissin me off.... just kidding. you ripped it. IBIL rocks.

i had the best time running around with mizL, boobies, jules, irish, heath, and nadia. and karla came out to play for a little while too! (i think she got involved in the photo shoot!)

i will get into the thank yous a little more on the other boards since jim and ede dont chill on CP a whole lot.

but just wanted all of you to know how much fun you missed.

btw todd... what was with the text messages at 5am??? lol.

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Originally posted by ras67

btw todd... what was with the text messages at 5am??? lol.

Karla and I were WIDE awake, and wanted to go to Jim’s hotel but were stranded at our hotel. Taxi company wouldn’t answer. :mad: So we just started calling/text messaging everyone to see if we could find a way over. No luck. :( Finally we gave up, went out front, met a lovely gay couple and drank a 12 pack with them on the street.

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Originally posted by groovefire

Karla and I were WIDE awake, and wanted to go to Jim’s hotel but were stranded at our hotel. Taxi company wouldn’t answer. :mad: So we just started calling/text messaging everyone to see if we could find a way over. No luck. :( Finally we gave up, went out front, met a lovely gay couple, who gave me some super fabulous anal then drank a 12 pack with them on the street.

Wow too much info

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what an awsome time, too bad i got there and it was half way over, but i still got a good 5 hours of good music, people and boose in, hehehehehehe :D

it was so nice to have all my friends in one place for one whole night of fun!!!! ;)

the ferry rides were interesting both ways, i think i am still rocking from that shit, i could not make it stop last night, no matter what i tried :laugh:

i would go on and on and on about how wonderful the night was, but then you would all get so damn jealous, but just make sure the next time there is something like this going on, you all attend, it was funny how none of you punks made it, except the cool ones i guess :tongue::rolleyes::tongue:

but yes all the djs were great, and the crowd was so much fun, i don't think one person left unsatisfied :cool:

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Fester, your dad RULES!

I talked to him early in the day when the sun was shining, then saw him still drinking beer around 10pm or so, I was like, "You're still going! Sweet!"

He said, "Oh yeah! This ones going to be an all nighter!" and toasted me with his beer.


I had SO much fun at this event, there was absolutely nothing wrong at any time (cept that Becca didn't get there till later).

Even missing the 1pm ferry by 20 seconds didn't phase me in the slightest. Jules, Jenny, Rick Naples and Profenna and I had a great time drinking beers at the Oceanview Inn (was that it's name) waiting for the next one.

Then Ras and Nadia showed up, followed by Chaser, my man Will, and the rest of the crazies.. we def turned it into a booze cruise, hope we didn't scare too many families, we tried to warn them to come to Block Island NEXT weekend instead. :D

The music was great, the people were great, the staff was great, the weather was great.. nice job in the hot body contest Rach. You and Nadia almost won that sheit in jeans and tank tops, but the horny drunken boys seemed to think that the one that showed her ta ta's (and stretchmarks) deserved it. :rolleyes: WhatEVER!

Thanks to the Groovefire sticker someone stuck on my ass I know have handprints all over my right cheek. Does it stay "SMACK HERE" somewhere on the sticker and I missed it? :confused:

Too bad you couldn't make it to the hotel party, Todd, we had a great time running drunk around the patio and moonlighting in different rooms.

Bartender Mike, from Zion, was a few rooms down and he was passing out the red headed sluts for a few hours, they were niiiice.

Gansett definitely sucked me in, got off the ferry Sunday and somehow didn't get home till this morning! :eek:


Talking to Phil for awhile, he decides he needs a drink, we wander to the bar, he orders his, asks me what I want, cool, I order a beer.

Opens his wallet and says, "Oh no, I spent all my money."

lol, niiiiice one. "Cancel the beer, please," I called to the bartender.

He needs to brush up on those skillz. ;)

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Originally posted by mizlissa


Talking to Phil for awhile, he decides he needs a drink, we wander to the bar, he orders his, asks me what I want, cool, I order a beer.

Opens his wallet and says, "Oh no, I spent all my money."

lol, niiiiice one. "Cancel the beer, please," I called to the bartender.

He needs to brush up on those skillz. ;)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Especially when they're as dreeeeeeamy as phil :love2:

Well I wouldn't discrimate against that, but no - would have nothing to do with my beer-buying decision. However - that scam would only work on me once - Dreamy or not dreamy. I'd laugh at the second attempt and you'd all go thirsty.

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Originally posted by mizlissa

He DID have enough for HIS drink.

So he didn't go without.

G where were you?

I had a golf tournament in the am and everyone was whining about the drive down. I should have just said screw it because sounds like everyone had a great time. Exactly what I expected.

Well with the exception of todd hooking up with a gay couple - that was a little unexpected ;)

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Originally posted by mizlissa

He DID have enough for HIS drink.

So he didn't go without.

G where were you?

Wow, so he offered you a drink, only had enough cash for one, bought one for himself and left you empty-handed? :laugh:

I don't know about you guys, but to me that sounds like the pimp-move of the year! A real pimp would never buy a drink for a ho. He'd make her go out and earn that drink :afro:

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