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Your move Dem children, and infant Dean


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September 8, 2003 -- That big whoosh you heard last night was the momentum shifting in American politics.

President Bush's subdued, powerful and totally straightforward 19-minute address from the White House was a clear message to his critics: Play time is over.

Bush's opponents had their free month to challenge his stewardship of Iraq and the War on Terror - the freedom to descend into a profoundly immoral chasm by claiming that the attacks on our soldiers, the United Nations and Shi'ite clerics were actually America's fault because we'd turned Iraq into an unsafe place.

With the help of bombers in Iraq, they drove his poll numbers down. Americans began talking idly about how we should be pulling troops out.

It was a delightful display of foolish, idle mischief - mischief purveyed by Democratic candidates and others. They approached the deadly serious issues of foreign policy and American security with the sneering attitude of an adolescent saying "What-ever" to an adult who has the temerity to suggest that driving 95 m.p.h. down a curvy and dangerous country road with an open beer can in your hand isn't really the wisest or safest course.

Well, now it's September. Vacation's done. Dad is back at the office.

It's time, in other words, to get serious again - to talk soberly, honestly and in the most adult manner about the most pressing responsibilities facing this nation.

This week marks the second anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center. Over the past month, we have seen the most sustained outbreak of terrorist activities since then - in large-scale bombings at the U.N. compound in Baghdad and on a mosque in Najaf. These were stark reminders of what terrorists are, what they intend and what means they will adopt to achieve their aims.

And the hit-and-run assaults that have killed 68 American soldiers since May 1 show much the same barbaric ruthlessness.

But this is not ruthlessness without purpose, as the president said: "There is more at work in these attacks than blind rage. The terrorists have a strategic goal. They want us to leave Iraq before our work is done."

This is, quite literally, an inarguable point. Even those who opposed the war in Iraq can surely see that the harm done both to that country and to the United States by cutting and running - or failing to secure the peace - would be incalculable.

The cost of securing the peace is great. The president flatly told the American people that the extra cost this year of military activities in Iraq and Afghanistan would be $66 billion. Another $21 billion would be needed to help rebuild the ruined or non-existent infrastructures of those nations.

"Now and in the future," he said, "we will support our troops and keep our word to the more than 50 million people in Afghanistan and Iraq."

Is this expensive? Yes. Is it necessary? He says it is, and the question is, how can a serious person disagree with him?

Did the administration suggest before the war that the cost would be much lower? Yes. Did the administration figure on five months of guerrilla attacks after the liberation of Iraq? No.

Is the president showing himself capable of learning on the job? Yes, very much so.

"Two years ago, I told the Congress and the country that the War on Terror would be a lengthy war, a different kind of war, fought on many fronts in many places," the president said. "Iraq is now the central front. Enemies of freedom are making a desperate stand there - and there they must be defeated."

The president has once again, as he did last year when he first began the runup to the war on Iraq, thrown down the gauntlet to his adversaries both here and abroad: The way to peace in Iraq is the American way; there is no other.

And our failure means the restoration of tyranny and the emboldening of terrorists.

In short: You are either with us, or with the terrorists.

Your move, Gov. Dean.

You're not playing Candyland any longer against Dennis Kucinich and the other Democratic dwarves. This is a serious game of chess. And Dubya is pretty damn good at it.

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Today, once again Dean is crying about the cost of war (obvioulsy he has learned zero in two years)......

To put things in perspective, the amount spent in billions for the restructuring of Japan and Germany, which took years...would be three times higher than the $87 billion Bush asked for yesterday when adjusted to reflect current economic elements....

Dean is a clown

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This was actually a really good article. Shows dems learned nothing in three years. Say what you want about Dubya, the guy knows politics..gave these 9 guys the whole summer and they beat on him every single day...and yet the best they can do in the polls is pull within 5 to 10 points. Bad news for them, now he's back and ready to play ball. Dean and company will never have a three month period to themselves like they just did.

Fyi - in 1984 - Mondale was ahead of Reagan before the election...1996 - Dole was ahead of Clinton the year before. Both won pretty big. Comparatively speaking, Bush is in real good shape.

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Originally posted by igloo

Today, once again Dean is crying about the cost of war (obvioulsy he has learned zero in two years)......

To put things in perspective, the amount spent in billions for the restructuring of Japan and Germany, which took years...would be three times higher than the $87 billion Bush asked for yesterday when adjusted to reflect current economic elements....

Dean is a clown

How you could even compare Iraq to world war 2 is amazing.

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

How you could even compare Iraq to world war 2 is amazing.

I am comparing the cost of rebuilding retard, as I clearly stated...putting the dollar amount in perspective...what the U.S. spent on rebuilding those countries vs the cost of rebuilding Iraq....nothing more, nothing less

Do yourself a favor, reduce your posting....the evidence that you are a complete moron is becoming overwhelming

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