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"So how long have you had that problem"


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So i'm coming home from the boyfriends house this morning and I stop into Mcdonalds (yea my fat ass) to get a Mcgriddle

Mind you...ITS 8AM!

So the fucking idiot cashier guy starts hitting on me asking me all this shit so he's like "how can I get to know you better" I'm like "I have a boyfriend" hes like "How long have you had that problem" I'm like "It 8am your my fucking problem" then he goes "yo ma cmon I jus wanna take you out" I go..."IN YOUR FUCKING MCDONALDS UNIFORM GIVE ME A BREAK ITS 8AM"

He gets my food all pissed off and that was the end of it

The fucking NERVE of some people at 8:00 in the morning, like jeasus christ I just woke up I jus want to my food and get on the train and not deal with horney little bastards that haven't gotten laid...

Boys word of advice.....never kick game before 10am

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

So i'm coming home from the boyfriends house this morning and I stop into Mcdonalds (yea my fat ass) to get a Mcgriddle

Mind you...ITS 8AM!

So the fucking idiot cashier guy starts hitting on me asking me all this shit so he's like "how can I get to know you better" I'm like "I have a boyfriend" hes like "How long have you had that problem" I'm like "It 8am your my fucking problem" then he goes "yo ma cmon I jus wanna take you out" I go..."IN YOUR FUCKING MCDONALDS UNIFORM GIVE ME A BREAK ITS 8AM"

He gets my food all pissed off and that was the end of it

The fucking NERVE of some people at 8:00 in the morning, like jeasus christ I just woke up I jus want to my food and get on the train and not deal with horney little bastards that haven't gotten laid...

Boys word of advice.....never kick game before 10am

:werd:the funny part is that they have the nerve to get mad, i get this every morning when im coming out of the gym :blown:
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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

So i'm coming home from the boyfriends house this morning and I stop into Mcdonalds (yea my fat ass) to get a Mcgriddle

Mind you...ITS 8AM!

So the fucking idiot cashier guy starts hitting on me asking me all this shit so he's like "how can I get to know you better" I'm like "I have a boyfriend" hes like "How long have you had that problem" I'm like "It 8am your my fucking problem" then he goes "yo ma cmon I jus wanna take you out" I go..."IN YOUR FUCKING MCDONALDS UNIFORM GIVE ME A BREAK ITS 8AM"

He gets my food all pissed off and that was the end of it

The fucking NERVE of some people at 8:00 in the morning, like jeasus christ I just woke up I jus want to my food and get on the train and not deal with horney little bastards that haven't gotten laid...

Boys word of advice.....never kick game before 10am

so ma.. you hitting up forrest hills so i can take you out and smell your feet?

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Originally posted by trueqwest

not to defend him but you can't expect much better than that from some lowlife minimum wage piece of crap who has aspirations of one day managing a shift at McDonald's...

...Who said he had aspirations for that in the long run? Who the fuck are you to say what his fucking story is?...

..Anyways, thats immaterial...The guy should have knocked it off after she stated she was involved.....but then again, from what I've read on this board as well as my direct observations of things in this world...eventually, you'll find one that will take the offer, so keeping in the male spirit of things: Why not try?...yano?..

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I've had this problem with this one guy when I drop off my son at his daycare/preschool....

I tell him I'm married, HAPPILY, and not interested....he asks me to see my wedding ring. :rolleyes:

Says he's not jealous. That has to be the WORST line.

We've run into eachother like three times in the morning, when he's dropping off his kid. Always the same thing.

No respect, that's all it is.

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

...You're using logic again, knock it off!...;)..How you been?...

Heyyyyyyyyyyy, I've been good..a lil sick, but good...How've you been?? Haven't seen you out in a while ( I guess that's because I don't really go out anymore) hehe ..haven't really seen you post in a while either!!

How's everything?

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Originally posted by sexxyme

Heyyyyyyyyyyy, I've been good..a lil sick, but good...How've you been?? Haven't seen you out in a while ( I guess that's because I don't really go out anymore) hehe ..haven't really seen you post in a while either!!

How's everything?

..Ehh, good good I guess...I still only go out to Howells pretty much because of bills and other nasty life shit like that...You should come out at the end of this month, should be a great party...Bring Arthur and Eugene too!...:)...

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

..Ehh, good good I guess...I still only go out to Howells pretty much because of bills and other nasty life shit like that...You should come out at the end of this month, should be a great party...Bring Arthur and Eugene too!...:)...

Yea, I only decided to go out for Mauro..haven't heard Howells in a long while..maybe I'll drag their butts over to Arc one more time to hear him..like the good ol times..:D

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Originally posted by themrs

I've had this problem with this one guy when I drop off my son at his daycare/preschool....

I tell him I'm married, HAPPILY, and not interested....he asks me to see my wedding ring. :rolleyes:

Says he's not jealous. That has to be the WORST line.

We've run into eachother like three times in the morning, when he's dropping off his kid. Always the same thing.

No respect, that's all it is.

You should have showed him the ring........................

after you put a dent in his forehead with it.

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Girls, you cant blame a guy for trying. Remember, we are taught to be persistent. Just because a girl is married or has a sign. other does not mean you cant bang her.

HOWEVER, i will agree with you that if a girl makes it completely obvious that she wants nothing to do with you, guys should learn to take a clue.

Most men are clueless. Case in point, whenever i watch blind date, they'll ask the men & woman how the date went. the guys always think the girl was way into them , yet when they ask the girl, they're like "WHATEVER"

moral of the story is.... You can fuck some of the people some of the time but not all the time...


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Uggh- I got hit on by a Mc Donald's manager once... I had just finished school, was still looking for a job, and was taking the LIRR and stopping in the McD at Penn most days... The dude is chatting away, I'm responding just enough not to be totally rude, I just wanted my fucking food... he asks me out one day... the guy was in his late 20's, maybe his 30's, and he's a manager at McD??? No matter how much I love me some Big Mac... umm, no...

I was super pissed because then I had to find another place to eat before going back home!!!

How desperate and/or egocentric do you have to be to hit on someone who's not even showing the faintest interest in you??? Is your own interest supposed to be enough for the two of you or something? I'll never get it... Some people need to get a fucking clue. :blank:

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