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"So how long have you had that problem"


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Originally posted by themrs

I've had this problem with this one guy when I drop off my son at his daycare/preschool....

I tell him I'm married, HAPPILY, and not interested....he asks me to see my wedding ring. :rolleyes:

Says he's not jealous. That has to be the WORST line.

We've run into eachother like three times in the morning, when he's dropping off his kid. Always the same thing.

No respect, that's all it is.

I feel sick just reading that. Scumbags like that should be neutered.

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Originally posted by Kontrol

whys he a scumbag? hes an asshole but i dont think hes a scumbag for trying to pick up a girl, a brave one at that standing there in his gay uniform trying to pick up a supermodel looking chick.

I think he is scum because he keeps on doing it....and I've made it more than clear I'm not interested. For Pete's sake I'm there with my fucking kid! He's not necessarily an asshole, because maybe he's a nice guy. But he is scum.

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Originally posted by Kontrol

whys he a scumbag? hes an asshole but i dont think hes a scumbag for trying to pick up a girl, a brave one at that standing there in his gay uniform trying to pick up a supermodel looking chick.

Errr... read the post I quoted... I wasn't talking about the guy at McDonald's.

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

This is bullshit. What if it happened at burger king, rather than mcdonalds.

Would all of you still be haters?

Thats my free advice of the day!


But of course! Had it been Quiznos... now that would be a different story altogether. :cool:

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I must say...

he had some balls trying to talk to you with his mc'd's uniform...

you should've just flirted with him....you could have gotten free food:D

8am is too early...I'm still half asleep if I'm up at that time..

don't even think about trying to approach somebody at that time..

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I can't believe Positive K wasn't mentioned in this whole thread.

The dude hit on you with a line from a song from 1992!

Aiyyo sweetie, you're lookin kinda pretty

What's a girl like you, doin in this rough city

I'm just here, tryin to hold my own ground

Yeah, I think I like how that sound

What you say we gets to know each other better?

That sounds good but I don't think that I can let ya

I don't know, tell me is it so

Do you get a kick, out of tellin brothers no?

No it's not that see you don't understand

How should I put it, I got a man

What's your man got to do with me?

I told ya

I'm not tryin to hear that see

I'm not one of those girls that go rippin around

I'm not a dog baby, so don't play me like a clown

I'll admit, I like how you kick it

Now you're talkin baby, dats da ticket

Now don't get excited and chuck your own in

I already told ya, I got a man

What's your man got to do with me?

I got a man

I'm not tryin to hear that see

I got a man

What's your man got to do with me?

I got a man

I'm not tryin to hear that

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Originally posted by maximman

I can't believe Positive K wasn't mentioned in this whole thread.

The dude hit on you with a line from a song from 1992!

Aiyyo sweetie, you're lookin kinda pretty

What's a girl like you, doin in this rough city

I'm just here, tryin to hold my own ground

Yeah, I think I like how that sound

What you say we gets to know each other better?

That sounds good but I don't think that I can let ya

I don't know, tell me is it so

Do you get a kick, out of tellin brothers no?

No it's not that see you don't understand

How should I put it, I got a man

What's your man got to do with me?

I told ya

I'm not tryin to hear that see

I'm not one of those girls that go rippin around

I'm not a dog baby, so don't play me like a clown

I'll admit, I like how you kick it

Now you're talkin baby, dats da ticket

Now don't get excited and chuck your own in

I already told ya, I got a man

What's your man got to do with me?

I got a man

I'm not tryin to hear that see

I got a man

What's your man got to do with me?

I got a man

I'm not tryin to hear that

Yea my boyfriend says "I can't believe he quoted a positive k song to try to pick you up" when I told him


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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

So i'm coming home from the boyfriends house this morning and I stop into Mcdonalds (yea my fat ass) to get a Mcgriddle

Mind you...ITS 8AM!

So the fucking idiot cashier guy starts hitting on me asking me all this shit so he's like "how can I get to know you better" I'm like "I have a boyfriend" hes like "How long have you had that problem" I'm like "It 8am your my fucking problem" then he goes "yo ma cmon I jus wanna take you out" I go..."IN YOUR FUCKING MCDONALDS UNIFORM GIVE ME A BREAK ITS 8AM"

He gets my food all pissed off and that was the end of it

The fucking NERVE of some people at 8:00 in the morning, like jeasus christ I just woke up I jus want to my food and get on the train and not deal with horney little bastards that haven't gotten laid...

Boys word of advice.....never kick game before 10am

well he prob saw you on your website and thought you would be easy,

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...i think it sucks ass that men can be that crass...but i also think that for those that judge people on their position and not who they are...attaching a prejudice to someone's job, position, etc is just so unintelligible...mike said it - who the fuck are we to say anything on that - everyone's got their own story...shit - my mom and sister worked in burger king when times were rough - now one has their own business and the other one got her degree and is teaching...both things sadden me but because i know how men are, the second matter cuts me deep....:(

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in highschool one of my friends once threw one of those Rubber Chicken mcnuggests(sp?) into the vat, just so he could take it home because they were closing.. but someone came in and this other guy that worked their came in and gave the guy the chicken nuggets that he ordered

and low and behold he comes back with this rubber one and said.. what the hell is this

needless to say my friend was fired

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Originally posted by phatman

...i think it sucks ass that men can be that crass...but i also think that for those that judge people on their position and not who they are...attaching a prejudice to someone's job, position, etc is just so unintelligible...mike said it - who the fuck are we to say anything on that - everyone's got their own story...shit - my mom and sister worked in burger king when times were rough - now one has their own business and the other one got her degree and is teaching...both things sadden me but because i know how men are, the second matter cuts me deep....:(

I never said anything about him working at Mcdonalds...whatever he makes his money good for him, but I was just annoyed at the fact he kept hitting on me when I told him I had a boyfriend:)

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Originally posted by phatman

mike said it - who the fuck are we to say anything on that - everyone's got their own story...

You are both correct, sir... however, that doesn't mean you necessarily want to get invoved in that person's story... speaking as someone who's gotten herself entangled in way too many of other people's stories, it's generally something you want to avoid... :rolleyes:

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...i'm not saying to get involved - just to withhold judgment...i can tell you oodles of stories from when i waited on tables..."oooh a waiter with a vocabulary!" - i'll never forget that one...we're supposed to be a more diverse culture here...diversity should breed more acceptance and less judgment...i hate being reminded that it's all just a myth and america has miles and miles to go in terms of growth...blah...fuck it...i'm babbling...

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