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i hate.....

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I hate when you and your boyfriend break up and you find out 8 mths later he's dating a person who was supposed to be your friend.... and was behind the whole breakup in the first place... although he was a POS... so.... a Mama's boy from SI, who's a pathetic loser that thinks Money is the most important thing in the world..... UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i could scream right now. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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i hate people who drive slowwwwww assss sshhiiittttt

i hate people who lie just to make themselves look better, even though theyre one of ur really close friends whom ud love regardless of all stupid shit he/she lies about :mad:

i hate when i wanna go out with my best friend alone and her bf always tags along "unexpectedly" :blank:

i hate coming into class after a long weekend of not paying attn to school thinking that i had nothing due that day.. only to hear the teacher say "please pass up ur hw" ... :mad: :mad: :mad:

i hate having to explain myself to people who just dont deserve my explanations

i hate feeling tired all the time

i hate having my period.

i hate getting called into work when im already out... and having no choice but to go in cuz i work with my family and i cant say no lol

i hate threads like this that make me dwell on all things that i hate when i was in a pretty decent mood before! :tongue:

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I hate girls that don't swallow!

I also hate girls that won't take it in the ass!

I despise girls that won't have threesomes with myself and another hot girl!

I hate some girls who get too emotionally attached too quick and then when I am actually decent enough to be honest with them and tell them that I'm not looking for something serious...they flip out!

I hate strippers who pretend to like you to try and get all of your money (relax...you don't have to lie, were gonna give you the money anyway...just ride my cock)!


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Originally posted by nomembername

I hate girls that don't swallow!

I also hate girls that won't take it in the ass!

I despise girls that won't have threesomes with myself and another hot girl!

I hate some girls who get too emotionally attached too quick and then when I am actually decent enough to be honest with them and tell them that I'm not looking for something serious...they flip out!

I hate strippers who pretend to like you to try and get all of your money (relax...you don't have to lie, were gonna give you the money anyway...just ride my cock)!


The last one is fucken funny as hell!!! ride my cock!!! hahah:laugh:

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Originally posted by jennEfer

hate is such a strong word

most ppl who hate someone usually loved/liked them at first... or have an inferiority complex... but im not reffering to ish like "i hate ppl who fart," or " i hate ppl who chew with their mouth open" im reffering to when i guy or girl say oh i hate him hes such an asshole, or i hate (fill in adjective) about (fill in race) its typically because of those reasons... (not saying all instances but most)

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