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In remembrance of 9/11


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Originally posted by eggmok

we'll never forget one of my favorite cp'ers, blueangel . . .

I know - its so sad and unbelievable what happened to her (I think she was supposed to go to Ibiza, but couldn't go because she had to start a new job - at the WTC).

She was one of the first CP NYC ppl I met online (the Twilo days) and instrumental in organizing meet-ups! I feel bad that I never actually met her in person.


Moment for all that were affected by this event.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

I know - its so sad and unbelievable what happened to her (I think she was supposed to go to Ibiza, but couldn't go because she had to start a new job - at the WTC).

She was one of the first CP NYC ppl I met online (the Twilo days) and instrumental in organizing meet-ups! I feel bad that I never actually met her in person.


Moment for all that were affected by this event.

she was actually the very first person i met from cp and it was at my first time at twilo. she was by far the nicest person on the nyc board.

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Guest jroo

i was in the car at lunch today, listening to the radio. i wasnt sure that i wanted to hear all the stuff about 9/11 and i thought about turning the station. but once i heard the songs again, with the remixes of the speeches and screams, and accounts of what happened i got goose bumps all over again. I'm glad that i heard it. i wanted to punk out and forget. but hearing it felt good for some reason. maybe it was because of the accounts of america growing stronger with unity and pride. I will always be proud to be an American. God bless the U.S.A.

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i will always remember what a beautiful day that was....i think that is what sticks out the most in my mind.

It was one of those days you wanna call in sick, play hooky, take your shoes off and go lie in the grass somewhere. The last two 9/11's have been just like that.

I hope everybody has a great time doing whatever they want to do tonight and enjoy this freedom we have.

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On 9-11, 2001, I was back living in Boston having lived in NYC for the last year. I went in to work early that day because I was planning on going for a run at lunch and because I had a meeting with Goldman Sachs. They were going to be calling in from their offices in the World Trade Center, offices I was visiting at least once a week. I got in around 8AM.

My call was at 9AM, if I recall correctly, and I remember calling Goldman and we all agreed to cancel the call. They didn't know what was going on and they weren't being told any information. Most of the major news organizations websites were crashing, so it was my job to start calling my contacts at these companies to try to help them.

At around 9:30AM we found out that the founder of my company, and a personal friend, was on the first plane that was being reported as to have hit one of the towers. His name was Danny Lewin.

I absolutely crumbled into a side hallway while some friends tried to console me. I called my father to tell him, since I always talked about Danny and considered him a mentor. I knew we were releasing a press release on it soon, and I didn't want him to see it on the news. At the very same time, I realized that two of my best friends were coming home from Israel and that we had no way to know if they were safe.

Right at that time, still completely uncomposed, one of the Vice Presidents of my company came to get me. The founder of Yahoo! was on the phone and needed some help. He asked me if I could compose myself and help him.

From that point on I really don't recall what I did. I was in a daze and don't remember any conversations or other details about the day. I remember working with CNN, MSNBC, CBS, Yahoo!, Amtrak, and the FBI, helping them get their websites back up and delivering content. The goal was to get as much information out as possible, since so many people were at work and their only access to media was the internet.

I worked until about 8pm, and left completely exhausted both physically and mentally, having just lost my friend and mentor.

This day to me is a day to remember the life of a friend, and how difficult that day was for everyone. I get upset when people say they want to forget about it, or get past it, or whatever terms they use. I certainly see where that feeling comes from, but every year at this time I want to feel like I did that day -- for at least a minute -- so I never forget what so many people went threw and to remember what we're fighting against, and also what we're fighting for.

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I was actually getting ready for school (how young i am) and my mom was in hysterics yelling "they're attacking us! they're attacking us!!" she was crying - which i've never seen her done before, and she actually told me she loved me like she meant it. When I turned on the tv, i really didn't believe it - i thought some idiot flying a 4 seater had mistakenly flown into the WTC, but as we both watched the second plane hit the second tower, I knew we were in trouble. My mom fell on my bed and just sat there motionless. I felt extremely bad for her b/c she had just made plans to fly to FL the next week to see her dad in his last month & 1/2 of life. Having to postpone this trip for her... might have meant missing his last full day of life. When I finally got to school, I had been teary-eyed and all the old ladies in the front office asked what was wrong. No one at school had any idea of what was going on. I don't know if I was the initial 1st person to break the news... but when I did, they asked me to just go to class. First 2 hrs were study hall - and that bitch of a teacher wouldn't even let us turn on the TV to see what was giong on. It was only after the first tower fell that I was in a class room with CNN on.

A while after I got home from school, my youngest sister, 9 at the time, just came out of left field and told me that we couldn't drive anywhere because the roads were closed, and the roads were closed because all of the abulances had to be on the road because of the hurt people. Then she asked if we were going to be hit next since we live in North East, Maryland (they had just said something about the "NorthEastern" region of the nation on CNN being under alert). It's pretty sad having to explain stuff like this to someone so young who is totally oblivious to everything bad happening in this world.

I got a little teary-eyed looking at the news pictures of the memorial service at groung zero today.

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