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What if 9/11 never happened?


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Saw this on another messageboard, and thought it was an interesting question. What do you think would have happened? Would the US have invaded Afghanistan and Iraq? Would Al Queda have grown stronger, and attacked the US at a later date on a much larger scale (I'm talking WMD)? Was 9/11 a necessary evil?

Personally, I think, as horrible as it was, it was still a necessary evil. Without this "wake-up call" I doubt the government would have gone after them as ruthlessly as they are now. And it would have resulted in a much larger attack at a later date.

However, I believe Afghanistan and Iraq might have still happened, as I believe it was always in the administration's mind to take out these two leaderships. However, their challenge would have been to convince the American public.

As a side note: I know everyone blames Clinton for letting Al Queda grow stronger, but one has to realize that the previous attacks (Cole, etc) were on a much smaller scale. If we turned the tables and Bush was in power during that era, do you think he would have done what he's doing now? Or if Clinton was in power right now, what would he have done?(not defending Clinton - just throwing out points).

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Originally posted by raver_mania

As a side note: I know everyone blames Clinton for letting Al Queda grow stronger, but one has to realize that the previous attacks (Cole, etc) were on a much smaller scale. If we turned the tables and Bush was in power during that era, do you think he would have done what he's doing now? Or if Clinton was in power right now, what would he have done?(not defending Clinton - just throwing out points).

u make a good point with this....i dont think we would have pursued him like we are now...we would done something, but not to this scale...but how about his for u....if they would have captured Bin Laden (like they did during Clinton) do u think Bush would have turned him away?:idea:

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

u make a good point with this....i dont think we would have pursued him like we are now...we would done something, but not to this scale...but how about his for u....if they would have captured Bin Laden (like they did during Clinton) do u think Bush would have turned him away?:idea:

Good point - but what was the reasoning behind letting him live ( I don't think they ever caught him - just had him in their sights)?

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Good point - but what was the reasoning behind letting him live ( I don't think they ever caught him - just had him in their sights)?

Clinton's reasoning behind letting Bin Laden live was simple:

-- He (Clinton) wanted to keep his great Foreign Policy going (appeasing those countries that cause harm)

-- He (Clinton) didnt think that Bin Laden would eventually turn into what he is today

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If 9/11 never happened, it would've happened on another date in another place.

terrorist organizations don't decide to hold off vendettas or let things go. That's why they're terrorist organizations.

if 9/11 never happened, we'd be standing here still thinking everything was peachy keen while someone plotted something just as bad.

People in afghanistan would still be under the rule of the taliban.

Saddam would still be flipping the bird to the international community.

North Korea would've probably tried shit by now.

it's tough to say "what if", but hey things happen for a reason IMO.

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im not so sure how saddam was flipping the bird to the international community...he was actually flipping the bird to the US..and rightfully so...holding a sovereign nation hostage with threats of violence if it doesnt comply to bullshit standards is wrong any way u flip it...

the korea shit is overhyped...Bush Jr. needed a new enemy after Iraq...luckily he found Syria to pick on..everyone knows theyre weaker than Korea...

since when do u (yes eric, u ) care about people living under the Taliban rule? ur the one who said the slaugter of japanese civilians in hiroshima and nagasaki was necessary...so since when do u care for some muslims living in the mountains of Asia Minor?? typical bullshit US cop out reasoning

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

im not so sure how saddam was flipping the bird to the international community...he was actually flipping the bird to the US..and rightfully so...holding a sovereign nation hostage with threats of violence if it doesnt comply to bullshit standards is wrong any way u flip it...

the korea shit is overhyped...Bush Jr. needed a new enemy after Iraq...luckily he found Syria to pick on..everyone knows theyre weaker than Korea...

since when do u (yes eric, u ) care about people living under the Taliban rule? ur the one who said the slaugter of japanese civilians in hiroshima and nagasaki was necessary...so since when do u care for some muslims living in the mountains of Asia Minor?? typical bullshit US cop out reasoning

Saddam brought everything that happened to him on himself by invading Kuwait in 90 so dont make it like the US randomly chose him. Those bullshit standards were their for a reason whether or not he still had the WMD is unknown but regardless dont make it like the US brought on that situation, Saddam is to blame.

Korea is far from overhyped you have a paranoid lunatic Kim Jong Il, a relic of the Stalinistic ideology who tests bombs over Japan and is developing ICBM's for the sole purpose of threatening US cities.

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

Saddam brought everything that happened to him on himself by invading Kuwait in 90 so dont make it like the US randomly chose him. Those bullshit standards were their for a reason whether or not he still had the WMD is unknown but regardless dont make it like the US brought on that situation, Saddam is to blame.

Korea is far from overhyped you have a paranoid lunatic Kim Jong Il, a relic of the Stalinistic ideology who tests bombs over Japan and is developing ICBM's for the sole purpose of threatening US cities.

ofcourse the US didnt randomly choose to attack saddam...Kuwait had oil..dont make it look like the US did the righteous thing and defended the poor Bentley driving self indulging Kuwaitis...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

im not so sure how saddam was flipping the bird to the international community...he was actually flipping the bird to the US..and rightfully so...holding a sovereign nation hostage with threats of violence if it doesnt comply to bullshit standards is wrong any way u flip it...

the korea shit is overhyped...Bush Jr. needed a new enemy after Iraq...luckily he found Syria to pick on..everyone knows theyre weaker than Korea...

since when do u (yes eric, u ) care about people living under the Taliban rule? ur the one who said the slaugter of japanese civilians in hiroshima and nagasaki was necessary...so since when do u care for some muslims living in the mountains of Asia Minor?? typical bullshit US cop out reasoning

aight serg, here comes my rant. [been a long stressful day].

**Edit** Actually you know what, forget it. Its not worth my time.

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