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Question about Steriods?


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1) post your diet Morning: Egg whites and toast or oatmeal and a glass of milk

Noon/Lunch Time- Power bar and egg white/grilled chicken wrap

Dinner- 2 scoops of Protein 2-3 tablespoons of peanut butter and milk in a blender and also a meal usually either steak,chicken,turkey, and now even salmon I started eating

2) post your training routine - track and weights

I had a really bad summer as far as running I transfered schools because of coaching(me and the coach didnt see eye to eye even though I was the best middle dist runner) motivation was shot...currently im on the soccer team so I have the reason to run but I started running 30 mins on the beach on days I have no games or practice as far as weights here goesmy routine:

Day 1- Chest and Tris

4 sets of Flat bench

4 sets of Incline

4 sets of decline

4 sets of either incline, decline or flat dumbells

4 sets of flys w/ machine a drop set with this machine as well


4 sets of skull

4 sets of overhead diamonds

4 sets of overhead rope

4 sets of dips using a machine

4 sets of another tri machine with a drop set

Day 2: Bis and Abs

4 sets of Preacher

4 sets of Cable (drop set)

4 sets of Hammer barbell

4 sets of Concentration

4 sets of knee curls


4 sets of leg lifts on a bench

4 sets of weight crunches

4 sets of either holding a 45 in my hand going side to side or using the machine in which you bend at the waist

2 sets of going 15 reps straight 15 reps to both my left and right knee holding a weight

to end abs hold my legs about 6 inches off the ground for as long as possible

Day 3 Shoulders and Legs

4 sets of neck press

4 sets of behind shrugs

4 sets of military press

4 sets of hammer style shoulder curls

4 sets of bringing the dumbells up and then out

4 sets of chest machine(reverse) drop set


4 sets of Squats

4 set of seated calf raises

4 sets of Hamstring curls

4 sets of Leg press

4 sets of Standing Calfs

drop set with leg curls

Day 4 Back and Abs

4 sets of t bone machine

4 sets of lat pull down to chest

4 sets of reverse barbell (back bended)

4 sets of a machine called Iso Pull Down

4 sets of dumbell rows or rowing machine(drop set)

Abs (same as the bis and abs day)

Day 5 off 30 mins of cardio on the beach

Day 6 Ab exercises and cardio

Day 7- off relax play basketball, maybe a 10-15 run

3) post your stats and experience with juice, if any.


4) Post your weaknesses - is it acceleration out of the blocks or is it final velocity.

stay with the pack but its my final kick from 250-300m that gets me the win

5) Give me your 40 yrd time, 50 meters, 100 m, 400 m, and 800 m, stationary verticle and horizontal jumps, as well as power clean and squat maxes. That will help me understand more abuot your current status.

40 yrd n/a 50 n/a 100m n/a 400m 54 800m 200 stationary verticle n/a horizontal jjumps??? power clean and squat maxes I will be trying this week so i will post them

Also, what is your experience with plyometrics??? tried many diff. techniques jumping on diff boxes of all sizes, doing hurdle tech., fast knee raises then sprint, also one workout not so much plyos but its called 55m mile 55m sprint 55m float for a mile

there you go try to establish with what I provided and yes I do track my weights with a book but not my running in a long time thanks again Elite and one more thing my desire for the sport is high I just need some assistance thanks again

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Let me look this over and I will post a routine. It may take me a couple of days.

Your weight routine is more for bodybuilding than for running - so that will be completely changed.

Diet - you are not getting enough calories. You will need to add extra meals - but they will be worked around your training shedule.


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Originally posted by daillestmattyg

I am in my senior year of high school and I currently work out 5-6days each week. I run track and I in my track season I am in a plateau with times each week being fast but not increasing. My running workouts are crazy which I put forth full effort. In taking steriods I know I will get bigger but will it make me faster??

thanks matt

I'm sorry to say this but you're not the only stupid teen out there with a similar outlook regarding steroids. How do you expect to put on muscle while being involved with track? Running DOES NOT help you put on muscle!!!!! If you want to put on some quality mass then quit your sport, buy a 50lb bag of potatoes, 40lbs of steak, and workout 5X a week. Have a good day. Don't do anything stupid, kid...

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Originally posted by sex0nthebeach

I'm sorry to say this but you're not the only stupid teen out there with a similar outlook regarding steroids. How do you expect to put on muscle while being involved with track? Running DOES NOT help you put on muscle!!!!! If you want to put on some quality mass then quit your sport, buy a 50lb bag of potatoes, 40lbs of steak, and workout 5X a week. Have a good day. Don't do anything stupid, kid...

Have you taken a look at Olympic runners lately. How about Ben Johnson. It is very possible. Granted that the longer the distance the less the muscle. Being a 400 m and 800 m defienately puts him on the longer side but with proper training and some gains can be made.

The thing he will have to keep in mind is that looks are second to his running goals.


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Originally posted by sex0nthebeach

I'm sorry to say this but you're not the only stupid teen out there with a similar outlook regarding steroids. How do you expect to put on muscle while being involved with track? Running DOES NOT help you put on muscle!!!!! If you want to put on some quality mass then quit your sport, buy a 50lb bag of potatoes, 40lbs of steak, and workout 5X a week. Have a good day. Don't do anything stupid, kid...

Not true...there are a few 100 meter runners that can keep their speed and carry that weight.

Henry Neal ran in the low 10's and he's was built like a truck!!

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Originally posted by elitesnautica

Have you taken a look at Olympic runners lately. How about Ben Johnson. It is very possible. Granted that the longer the distance the less the muscle. Being a 400 m and 800 m defienately puts him on the longer side but with proper training and some gains can be made.

The thing he will have to keep in mind is that looks are second to his running goals.


Yeah, but juicing at 18 isn't the right way to go, especially since it's clearly visible that he doesn't have any idea regarding steroids or maybe the entire principle of bodybuilding in general. Being a runner is a disadvantage but with a proper diet I'm sure that he can achieve his goals, but the gains will come slower. The point that I'm trying to make is that these days, everybody is trying to find the easy way out by juicing. Shit, I was able to put on 60lbs in one year naturally and people kept on asking me if I was on the SHIT. People think that a cycle of test will automatically turn the into Jay, Ronnie, or Gunter. That's what kids see today. They see some experienced bodybuilder at the mall and then what's the first cycle they do? You guessed it...dbol. Everybody wants to jump into shit that they don't know anything about, but nobody has the fucking time to sit down and read some articles and LEARN.

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Originally posted by spragga25

Not true...there are a few 100 meter runners that can keep their speed and carry that weight.

Henry Neal ran in the low 10's and he's was built like a truck!!

Yeah......well there's a difference between sprinters and long distance runners. Sprinters don't give a fuck about endurance and don't burn as many calories as a distance runner. I didn't read the entire thread to find out whether the kid is a sprinter or a long-distance runner so I can't comment on that. In my post, I was refering to long-distance runners, not sprinters.

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I never said I was going to juice I just said I was willing. I posted because I know Elite, tommy, spragga,etc could all guide me in the right direction. Yes, I'm young and juicing may not be the best thing but it's not like im clueless. I know the principle behind bodybuilding but i want to incorporate that with my training to help me get stronger in every aspect. Elite almost ready with my diet,training etc.? Thanks


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Originally posted by daillestmattyg

I never said I was going to juice I just said I was willing. I posted because I know Elite, tommy, spragga,etc could all guide me in the right direction. Yes, I'm young and juicing may not be the best thing but it's not like im clueless. I know the principle behind bodybuilding but i want to incorporate that with my training to help me get stronger in every aspect. Elite almost ready with my diet,training etc.? Thanks


yeah, you're so familiar with bodybuilding that you must ask others to write everything out for you. Go to www.bodybuilding.com and read some excellent articles regarding diet, training,supplements, etc. They even articles designed especially for runners. Don't just expect everything to be handed to you on a silver plate. When you get a hang of it, then ask questions to put the icing on the cake.

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Originally posted by sex0nthebeach

Yeah......well there's a difference between sprinters and long distance runners. Sprinters don't give a fuck about endurance and don't burn as many calories as a distance runner. I didn't read the entire thread to find out whether the kid is a sprinter or a long-distance runner so I can't comment on that. In my post, I was refering to long-distance runners, not sprinters.

I hear ya...this guy is a mid-distance runner. He can't too big if he's looking to specialize in the 800.

In college, I had to run anything from the 100-800, so I had to take on a pretty crazy training regimen to be on the top of my game.

It's gonna take a lot of training, focus and determination on his par to take it to the next level. You can give someone all the workouts and programs, but he's the only that can put it all together.

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Originally posted by spragga25

I hear ya...this guy is a mid-distance runner. He can't too big if he's looking to specialize in the 800.

In college, I had to run anything from the 100-800, so I had to take on a pretty crazy training regimen to be on the top of my game.

It's gonna take a lot of training, focus and determination on his par to take it to the next level. You can give someone all the workouts and programs, but he's the only that can put it all together.

You hit it right on the money.

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Here is a training routine - it is in excell - You can print each day out and keep track of your progress.

Keep in mind this routine is meant to help you increase your speed. It is not a conditioning routine for a distance runner. 400m and 800m are just on the verge of being considered a middle distance but as you get into college it is basically a sprint. I would recommend you work on your speed first and then work in your conditioning.

Your diet will be extremely important. The most important meals will be breakfast and post workout.

Once you get your routine lined out and your diet - if you want to talk about anabolics i will - but I would prefer for you to try this routine and see how it goes.

As far as the MWF, if it needs to be TTS, that is fine too - just try to spread out your routine.

If you are not experience with the wieght routines get with the football coach - he should be have some experience. Start off slow and work your way up - these routines can be dangerous if not done properly, but are the basics of every speed training routine.

If you have any questions let me know.


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