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GRAND OPENING of Mix Fridays @ Avalon, Fri Sep 26

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18 + partys are not good and the reason why is when its 18+ you get alot of 16 and 17yr olds...When the police ar by the club and see a 16 yr old rolling @ 4:00am this is what brings on the heat...besides there are plenty of 18+ partys this city has to offer you got roxy, arc, sf, etc ....this city desperatly needs a 21+ party

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HAHAH 4 some reason i dont think 16+ year olds would try and get in. And second you 21+ people want a 21+ club to go to, go to gay ass crobar, and u can hit on the guy next to you. Avalon will bring down its age after it realizes that the parties suck. Its happened to all the other clubs recently.

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im sure ill get yelled at for saying this, but, with an 18+ crowd brings the younger, less educated (musically) crowd. im not saying that every person under 21 is less educated about music than myself or someone over 21, but you look at the majority of people in a club, and most of the under 21 group are doing something they shouldnt be. im not condemning this, bc id be a hypocrite, but all im saying is the younger crowd brings unwanted attention to the club by the 5-0. and with this new club opening up, and the investment avalon, crobar, spirit, and deep have put into everything, they most certainly arent gonna let one person rain on their parade. with 21 and over you can control the people to an extent, where as the under 21 you cant as much.

i know where all you "kiddies," are coming from...all of us were in your shoes once b4. but "when you grow up," i think youll begin to understand where im coming from.


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ya true but if this place really wants to be successful, theyre gonna hire people that arent gonna put up with bullshit id's...im sure they are gonna start it off being 21+ so that it gets a reputation of being a mature spot, then once they have ran the party for a few months they will make one of the nights 18+, this way the 16 year olds wont try and get in.

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I know every club is gonna go from people who consistantly pay money at the bar to the romper room 18+ Crowd sorry kid ain't happening... Unless the party is complete dick which we may or may not happen, time will tell.


2 Words if you under 21 girls wanna get in

The First Word


The Second Word


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Don't worry if you are under 21 YOU ARE NOT MISSING ANYTHING AT AVALON. I went to the grand opening last week. It was a preppy fest. They hacked the club down to half the original size. The main dance floor is rediculously smaller. And half the club is hip hop which blows ass. Cuz it was that gay Z100 Hip hop. Everyone at the club was either 40 to 45 years old or a preppy black shirt & kackie wearing loser. I go to the club to party & dance, I didn't dance for a minute. The drinks were like $13 and all u got was like half a shot that toally ripped you off with that. The music was horrible til 3am cuz I left because it was the worse club night ever in my life. & I've been to clubs all over the country. The people that work there are very rude. I tried to complain about the weak drink but they weren't having it. I didn't have $100 to catch a buzz so I was beat. This is def def def not a true clubbers club. I would have rather gone to Arc or SF. I highly recommend everyone staying away from Avalon unless you are rich, 45, preppy & like awful music. This is just straight up honesty.

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its not the club, i'm 99% sure one of the stipulations in the operating permits for the club indicate that all club nites there must be 21+

so its not that they dont want the 18+ crowd, frankly i'm sure they'd love all the extra people, but its that they legally cant throw an 18+ party in that space

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Originally posted by berniec

its not the club, i'm 99% sure one of the stipulations in the operating permits for the club indicate that all club nites there must be 21+

so its not that they dont want the 18+ crowd, frankly i'm sure they'd love all the extra people, but its that they legally cant throw an 18+ party in that space

not a chance... what club would rather deal w/ 18+ parties with half the crowd not drinking? not to mention the increase it leads to in older crowd dissapation...

they ALL would rather do only 21+ nites, but they subject themselves to 18+ nites when they start failing to draw a large enough crowd...

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Originally posted by beatsfreak

im sure ill get yelled at for saying this, but, with an 18+ crowd brings the younger, less educated (musically) crowd. im not saying that every person under 21 is less educated about music than myself or someone over 21, but you look at the majority of people in a club, and most of the under 21 group are doing something they shouldnt be. im not condemning this, bc id be a hypocrite, but all im saying is the younger crowd brings unwanted attention to the club by the 5-0. and with this new club opening up, and the investment avalon, crobar, spirit, and deep have put into everything, they most certainly arent gonna let one person rain on their parade. with 21 and over you can control the people to an extent, where as the under 21 you cant as much.

i know where all you "kiddies," are coming from...all of us were in your shoes once b4. but "when you grow up," i think youll begin to understand where im coming from.


Well put. :aright::D

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