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drinks of the night


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Got this idea from another thread going around. Thought I create a new thread and get some peeps' insights on this.

So what are your drink combinations of choice? I'm not talking single, mixed drinks or shots. I mean what chain of drinks do you down through out the night? Some like to start light, finish strong. Others like to start strong, and finish stronger. Some like to start with a fruity drink like fuzzy navel, wrap up with a gin and tonic. So whats your drink line up like? Share with us your beverage consumption wisdome:cool:

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I'll mix drinks, but rarely differnet alcohol. Depending on how I feel I'll start with vodka red bulls and move to vodka tonics with komakazi shots thrown in. If coming from somewhere swanky I'll start with lemon drops the move to the vodka red bull vodka tonic combo.

Always vodka... Unless I want to get trashed, then it's long islands.

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Here's my usual which I gotta stop doing..

At home.. preparty... at least 1 bottle of wine or lately only 3 glasses white or red it doesn't matter ;)

Then at the club.. usually 1 corona or 1 heine or 1 red bull vodka...

Then I have long island ice tea or zombie and I can have about 3 of those until i feel tired and then need a red bull vodka again..

Then I get dehydrated and need about 3 bottles of water.. so that means i spend about

70 - 80 blah... i need a suga daddy! any volunteers!??

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Originally posted by bluecenterstar

Here's my usual which I gotta stop doing..

70 - 80 blah... i need a suga daddy! any volunteers!??

Was at a party last night -- everything at the bar was $1 all night long. What an economic paradise for one night lol :)


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Originally posted by bluecenterstar

Here's my usual which I gotta stop doing..

At home.. preparty... at least 1 bottle of wine or lately only 3 glasses white or red it doesn't matter ;)

Then at the club.. usually 1 corona or 1 heine or 1 red bull vodka...

Then I have long island ice tea or zombie and I can have about 3 of those until i feel tired and then need a red bull vodka again..

Then I get dehydrated and need about 3 bottles of water.. so that means i spend about

70 - 80 blah... i need a suga daddy! any volunteers!??

LOL...thought I was the only one to engage in prepartying. Sometimes I'm the chaufer and can't drink before hand, I would bring 2 cans of brewskies and down it walking from the parking lot.

But damn girl - the way you soak up alchy, you'll need Donald freakin Trump to support your habits:eek:

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alright - I suppose since I started this thing I should put in my $0.02

how the night starts really depends. Usually with beer, or wine if engaged in fine dinning. Then maybe a rum & coke before heading out the door. If the night's still young and I'm expecting a pumping night - redbull vodka it is. If the night is foggy like the bays of Frisco - meaning I've no clue what will happen: Jack coke it is. If I see lotsa fine females, and I need to bring my A game (or whatever game I have): I seek the wisdom of the 3 wisemen:D

By the end of the night I'll either come off as a really entertaining guy, or I'll be so smashed I won't remember what an ass I was :laugh:

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i don't drink, so this doesn't really apply to me, but there's so much to respond to in this thread :laugh: !!!

Originally posted by tequiza

LOL...thought I was the only one to engage in prepartying...

o, no. my friends do. in today's economy, ya gotta :idea: !!!
Originally posted by bluecenterstar

Here's my usual which I gotta stop doing..

At home.. preparty... at least 1 bottle of wine or lately only 3 glasses white or red it doesn't matter ;)

Then at the club.. usually 1 corona or 1 heine or 1 red bull vodka...

Then I have long island ice tea or zombie and I can have about 3 of those until i feel tired and then need a red bull vodka again..

Then I get dehydrated and need about 3 bottles of water.. so that means i spend about

70 - 80 blah... i need a suga daddy! any volunteers!??

sheesh, blue :eek: !!! i thought that mixing was a sure route to getting sick :confused: (beer then liquor, never sicker. liquor then beer, never fear). and for those of you that don't know, blue's what some might call "petite" :D . i can't imagine you drinking all that without yakking all over the place!

as for what i drink through the course of the night, generally i buy a bottle of water, then refill it in the bathroom for the rest of the night. seriously, folks, call me cheap if you want, but my broke and thirsty ass is not gonna spend $4 on every teeny little bottle of water. filling up in the bathroom is a common and widely-accepted practice in ny, where i'm from, and i do note that the distinction is that new york tap water is good, but i can deal with l.a. tap water for a night :rolleyes: .

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Hehe.. I know I'm a lush for a 5'1" kind of gal :) hehehe..

Oh well.. I got a bottle of white wine for tonight :)

Hey lostin... where's the application.. but I don't have any pictures.. I could send you one of my grandma if you would like??? Do you prefer black or red lace?/ She has both :P

The only time that I yacked was when I had a baja fresh burrito.. and then drank a lot.. but I was in the bathroom for most of the night and it sucked :(

but filling up bottles of water in the bathroom used to be my usual until I came out here and some chick gave me a dirty look so I ran out of the bathroom... but I will do it occasionally... I used to do it at Crobar in Chicago but you have to make sure the attendant isn't watching!

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Originally posted by bluecenterstar

Here's my usual which I gotta stop doing..

At home.. preparty... at least 1 bottle of wine or lately only 3 glasses white or red it doesn't matter ;)

Then at the club.. usually 1 corona or 1 heine or 1 red bull vodka...

Then I have long island ice tea or zombie and I can have about 3 of those until i feel tired and then need a red bull vodka again..

Then I get dehydrated and need about 3 bottles of water.. so that means i spend about

70 - 80 blah... i need a suga daddy! any volunteers!??

Always preparty with some drinks. If I'm gonna shake my ass, it won't be beer. 7 and 7, saphire tonic, or redbull vodkas. Can't only drink the redbull vodkas all night though otherwise I won't sleep for 2 days....:eek: If the drinks are really expensive and small, then the old long island or tokyo tea is a good bang for the buck!!

For that end of the night water, ask the bartender for water out of the gun (the wonderbar). If you have been buying from him and tipping previously, this is usually good for a freebee, which i down right there and then have him refill it!!! works almost everytime, except for the clubs that are only allowed to sell bottled water.:(

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Originally posted by bluecenterstar

...but filling up bottles of water in the bathroom used to be my usual until I came out here and some chick gave me a dirty look so I ran out of the bathroom... but I will do it occasionally... I used to do it at Crobar in Chicago but you have to make sure the attendant isn't watching!

attendants who won't let you do that are just assholes, plain and simple. come on, that's just a lack of decency.

there was a club in new york that will remain nameless that everyone and his/her mother was gaga over but i thought pretty much sucked, except that it had a water fountain. it was hard to get to, but it was there, and i thought that was in the right spirit of things. i mean, really, the club is making plenty of money on other drinks disappointed.gif .

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