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how will NV fare now?


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Guest brwneydtrouble

As a newcomer to the music scene, I really havne't been able to see a lot of what you are all talking about, from the SJ, Mix, Edge, GrooveJet days and so forth..... All I know is that in the year and a half that I have been immersed in this scene, I think I have gotten a pretty good grasp of what is going on. OGMiami is right, bringing in new talent is financial suicide most of the time, there just isn't a "massive crowd" anymore.....

The masses want Hip-Hop. Even the SPACE hip hop room is so packed that you can't even walk through. They even put it in the Terrace before Roly goes on......

Unless all the Trance Haters and House Basher can grow the fuck up, Dance music as a whole is going to be NOTHING. A thing of the past, that last disco bar in a shitty neighborhood. The new direction that EM has to go in, is to blend, mix and accept. What makes James Zabiela so fresh, he mixes House and Breaks. People were saying on CoolJunkie, we need more breaks! We need more Techno! Well, people, its right under your nose....we have Stryke, one of the best that Miami has to offer....and we have Wendel, awesome breaks and house thats been around for over ten years, Merlyn, Ash Rock, DBJ....and guess what, I hear them EVERY Friday.

Just because they aren't from Europe, South America, whatever and dont play at Space....you people look the other way.

I was ashamed at the lack of support that there was at Maze on Saturday for Stryke.....VERY few familiar faces out there. When the other parties were winding down, people started to get curious and wanted to see what was going on in the main room. And guess what, they were having a blast. Just like I was.

It seems to me that the ones that are bringing negativity to the scene are bitter DJ's with no gigs.

Another really good point is everyone wanting to get in everywhere for free......and wanting free or $2 drinks. How in the hell is a club supposed to make money? How do you think that they are paying that DJ you are listening to? Sure.....they can make money of the rest of the people that dont have connections, that dont know what they are listening to. But what about the little known, up and coming DJ's that all you guys want to hear? How many clueless people are gonna be drawn in, to pay for that free cover and free drink that you are having? So theoretically, for every comped person, there needs to be TWO un-comped people in the club....

You all are spoiled.......and I am to an extent. I happen to like my little parties that I frequent and rave about all the time. I may not be able to show my support financially but because I genuinely love where I go and who I spend my time with at these places, I tell anyone that will listen, and hope that they will come too.

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Originally posted by brwneydtrouble

As a newcomer to the music scene, I really havne't been able to see a lot of what you are all talking about, from the SJ, Mix, Edge, GrooveJet days and so forth..... All I know is that in the year and a half that I have been immersed in this scene, I think I have gotten a pretty good grasp of what is going on. OGMiami is right, bringing in new talent is financial suicide most of the time, there just isn't a "massive crowd" anymore.....

The masses want Hip-Hop. Even the SPACE hip hop room is so packed that you can't even walk through. They even put it in the Terrace before Roly goes on......

Unless all the Trance Haters and House Basher can grow the fuck up, Dance music as a whole is going to be NOTHING. A thing of the past, that last disco bar in a shitty neighborhood. The new direction that EM has to go in, is to blend, mix and accept. What makes James Zabiela so fresh, he mixes House and Breaks. People were saying on CoolJunkie, we need more breaks! We need more Techno! Well, people, its right under your nose....we have Stryke, one of the best that Miami has to offer....and we have Wendel, awesome breaks and house thats been around for over ten years, Merlyn, Ash Rock, DBJ....and guess what, I hear them EVERY Friday.

Just because they aren't from Europe, South America, whatever and dont play at Space....you people look the other way.

I was ashamed at the lack of support that there was at Maze on Saturday for Stryke.....VERY few familiar faces out there. When the other parties were winding down, people started to get curious and wanted to see what was going on in the main room. And guess what, they were having a blast. Just like I was.

It seems to me that the ones that are bringing negativity to the scene are bitter DJ's with no gigs.

Another really good point is everyone wanting to get in everywhere for free......and wanting free or $2 drinks. How in the hell is a club supposed to make money? How do you think that they are paying that DJ you are listening to? Sure.....they can make money of the rest of the people that dont have connections, that dont know what they are listening to. But what about the little known, up and coming DJ's that all you guys want to hear? How many clueless people are gonna be drawn in, to pay for that free cover and free drink that you are having? So theoretically, for every comped person, there needs to be TWO un-comped people in the club....

You all are spoiled.......and I am to an extent. I happen to like my little parties that I frequent and rave about all the time. I may not be able to show my support financially but because I genuinely love where I go and who I spend my time with at these places, I tell anyone that will listen, and hope that they will come too.


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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by mrmatas2277

besides michael storms..who else?:confused:

There are also a lot of bedroom DJ's everywhere.....

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Originally posted by ogmiami

I believe that if a club says that they are "all about the music" that they should put their money where their mouth is.

Great point Dade. :)

Hope you can make it to Jazid one sunday and see what we are about. :)

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Originally posted by pod

Well, if she were to mention names, it'd turn into a shit-storm real quick around here.

well POD thats not my intention...i want to know why she feels this way...especially about bedroom djs, that have no forum anyways...maybe its the bad demos being put out by these bedroom djs...:laugh:

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

well POD thats not my intention...i want to know why she feels this way...especially about bedroom djs, that have no forum anyways...maybe its the bad demos being put out by these bedroom djs...:laugh:


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Guest brwneydtrouble

POD is right, I'm not here to point fingers, thats just how I feel.

Oh and Luna IS the new place, so is Jazid although neither are new to the scene having been around for a little while.

There are very few places that a person can go to that they are made to feel as welcome as these guys make you feel....and bringing such great talent as they do.


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by mrmatas2277

LOL...but MAYBE i can get a clear answer from u...why do u feel the Jews killed Jesus, didnt the Romans nail him to the cross???;):tongue:

The jews paid Pontius Pilate off....

Those dirty dirty jews.................

it's really unclear

and i don't want to start a religious riot on here..

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Originally posted by saleen351

The jews paid Pontius Pilate off....

Those dirty dirty jews.................

it's really unclear

and i don't want to start a religious riot on here..

by the looks of it you start many riots on here. Whats one more to add to your 10,000 posts. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by saleen351

The jews paid Pontius Pilate off....

Those dirty dirty jews.................

it's really unclear

and i don't want to start a religious riot on here..

hey i take offense to that! not jewish... just dirty!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by djryano

hey i take offense to that! not jewish... just dirty!

just a joke there dj smoothie..........

you dirty fucking jew wannabe....

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Originally posted by ogmiami


It wasn't my intention to be curt or sarcastic in my replies to you. I understand your point and consider it a valid one. What I was trying to express is that it's a shame that it is financial suicide to try to give new artists exposure. I know because no one has lost more money than me breaking new artists or sounds.

As for your plan to have the emerging talent open for the superstar....well, it's been done. When I met Dave Ralph, he was on tour opening all over the US for Oakenfold. He was an amazing talent and still could not gat a solo gig in America even after touring with Paul for years. I made him an offer: Play Shadow the last Friday of every month. I'll only pay you $500 plus flight and you can stay in my guest room. But, we will give you a place for you to build an audience. The first show had about 600 people. The second had about 1000 and it grew from there. Now, because of that, Dave has a real solo career...lives in America and is well respected as he has been in England for over ten years. But some club owner (me) had to lose money and stick with it to make that happen.

Ariel Baund is a guy who has opened for me on shows with every big name you can think of. All the CP people write glowing reviews of his sets. yet, he still can't gather any sort of local following.

Again, I apologize if I sounded like I was being sarcastic to you. I have known you since the Shadow days as a real fan of the music and the scene and there is nothing I appreciate more than that. It just seems to me like you've given in to the idea that we should only do what we will cash in on. I believe that if a club says that they are "all about the music" that they should put their money where their mouth is.

No Worries ! :) I understand what your saying.. however I don’t think we should be tossing, in the towel on scene so quickly. hell if people want to pay the bucks, to hear "superstar dj’s " then do it. then take some of the profit from that and use it to bring in up and coming DJ’s. I'm just tossing ideas out there.. I’m as passionate about scene as you are.I sure as hell don’t like, to see promoters loose money. it kills the scene, and is very discouraging. I’m not sure what the answer is. I’m not ready to give up ,on the peeps in miami, and I hope your not.. that's all I was trying to say, but I think we went off point a bit.
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Originally posted by sobeton

No Worries ! :) I understand what your saying.. however I don’t think we should be tossing, in the towel on scene so quickly. hell if people want to pay the bucks, to hear "superstar dj’s " then do it. then take some of the profit from that and use it to bring in up and coming DJ’s. I'm just tossing ideas out there.. I’m as passionate about scene as you are.I sure as hell don’t like, to see promoters loose money. it kills the scene, and is very discouraging. I’m not sure what the answer is. I’m not ready to give up ,on the peeps in miami, and I hope your not.. that's all I was trying to say, but I think we went off point a bit.

It's all good, Tony. I just wish that people would have more open minds and open their ears to different stuff. It drives me crazy when Crobar brings in Sasha who plays an amazing set, and the next day I read on the boards that "Sasha sucks." (Sasha is probably the most talented DJ I have ever met. You may not love what he played but SASHA NEVER SUCKS.) And then it's "Crobar sucks now...they don't bring in talent."

There is so much good stuff out there. I respect the opinions of those who like the stuff I don't. Saleen is free to embrace the vocal Jersey house he loves. I'm just glad he loves some form of house. At least he actually goes out and gives other stuff a listen.

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hahahahahaha treat me like shit and u go down baby. hahahahahahahahahaha

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

see u @ nerve & luna baby. not to mention maze is a great club as well. i also hear that dj roland is playing @ life. space34 will be back soon. hopefully without the bull-shit politics and policies that it has now. see u @ nerve or luna. two little clubs with a lot of soul and an intimate vibe. clubs that are about the music just like the old space was.



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Old Space had very similar policies to Space 34. Dresscodes were similar, the same rule about not shooting without a permit was there, the whole bit...I doubt you'd be harassed nowadays about the sleeveless shirt...that was a one-time aberration...hell, Sobeton was wearing one this past weekend...

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